The Floating Offshore Wind (FOW) Environmental Interactions Workshop.


Invited contributor.

The FOW Centre of Excellence (CoE) is currently undertaking a review and redraft of its FOW Environmental Interactions Roadmap in order to ensure its continued relevancy. The FOW CoE and Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub are therefore coordinating a workshop that facilitates the engagement of subject matter experts from across the academic and regulatory communities and ensure that their input is reflected in the updated Roadmap report.

The principal aims of the proposed workshop are to:
• Convene relevant subject matter experts from academia, industry and the public sector;
• Identify and discuss current research activities pertaining to the environmental interactions of FOW technology;
• Review the current research priorities and recommendations outlined in the FOW Environmental Interactions Roadmap, and identify areas where these could be updated;
• Develop recommendations for further research addressing and mitigating FOW environmental interactions.
20 Sept 2024 → …

The Floating Offshore Wind (FOW) Environmental Interactions Workshop.

Duration24 Sept 2024 → …
Degree of recognitionNational event

Event: Workshop

Event (Workshop)

TitleThe Floating Offshore Wind (FOW) Environmental Interactions Workshop.
Date24/09/24 → …
Degree of recognitionNational event