Mr Alex Ioannou

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My doctoral research aims to shine a light on the dominant narratives which frame landscape in the Welsh collective subjectivity, to articulate them and then to challenge them. Focusing on case study areas located within the boundaries of the historic Penrhyn estate the project will attempt to answer two questions:

  1. Could, by placing current discussions about landscape change within their historical context and by providing a survey of alternative frames, cultivate new relationships with landscape?
  2. Is there capacity for a more democratic approach to landscape decision-making which, will help develop a better land use change decision-making framework to support place-based delivery in Wales?

From the outset the project was developed as a cross-disciplinary exploration and therefore is supported by the Institute for the Study of Welsh Estates and The Sir William Roberts Centre for Sustainable Land Use. This allows for the use of methodologies to data collection which bridge the School of Natural Sciences and the School of History, Law and Social Sciences. The project also aspires to process and represent work in ways that lie beyond the discrete boundaries of the Schools by engaging with approaches such as collage, poetic transcription and zines.

Teaching and Supervision

My project is supervised and supported by Bangor University's:

  • Institute for the Study of Welsh Estates
  • The Sir William Roberts Centre for Sustainable Land Use

Research Group/s

Research areas and keywords


  • D204 Modern History - Landscape Change, Agriculture, Penrhyn Estate

Education / academic qualifications

  • 2016 - MA , Landscape Architecture
  • 2014 - BA , Landscape Architecture

Research outputs (3)

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Prof. activities and awards (1)

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