Dr Ama Eyo-Otung

Senior Lecturer in Public Procurement Law / Dean of Education and Student Experience, CELT Learning & Teaching Development

Contact info

Email: a.eyo@bangor.ac.uk

Phone: +44(0) 1248 383073

Location: Room 406 Top Floor, New Arts Building, College Road, Bangor University LL57 2DG

Contact Info

Email: a.eyo@bangor.ac.uk

Phone: +44(0) 1248 383073

Location: Room 406 Top Floor, New Arts Building, College Road, Bangor University LL57 2DG


Dr. Eyo-Otung is the Dean of Education and Student Experience in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

At the undergraduate level, she teaches Tort Law and Company Law, while her postgraduate responsibilities include modules on Business and Human Rights and research supervision of PhD students in Public Procurement Law & Sustainable Development. Her exceptional teaching skills earned her a nomination and shortlisting as one of six finalists for the Oxford University Press Law Teacher of the Year Award in 2015. Additionally, she teaches modules for the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) course at Bangor University's Management Centre.

As a specialist in public sector procurement, she has extensive experience leading sustainable and strategic procurement transformation programs, capacity-building initiatives, and achieving efficiency savings through public procurement, both within and outside the United Kingdom. Before relocating to the UK, she practiced as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, focusing on regulatory and commercial law.

Dr. Eyo-Otung holds a degree from the University of Lagos, Nigeria, and the Nigerian Law School, Abuja. She also earned an LLM in International Commercial Law and a PhD in Public Procurement Law from the University of Nottingham. Her doctoral research, funded by the same institution, explored the European legal framework on electronic auctions in regulated procurement. She regularly writes and speaks on the use of electronic technologies in procurement and their implications for practice.

Teaching and Supervision



  • Tort Law;
  • Partnerships and Company Law;
  • Introduction to Public Procurement Law; and
  • Introduction to International Procurement Law.



  • Businesses and Human Rights;
  • Public Procurement Law & Sustainablebe Development;
  • National and EU Public Procurement Law;
  • Contract Design and Management;
  • International Procurement Regimes; and
  • Risk Management in Public Procurement.

PhD Supervision

  • Dr Miriam Mbah, Addressing Human Trafficking through Public Procurement: An Examination of US and Australian Federal Procurement Frameworks, Graduated July 2020 (first supervisor). 
  • Dr Wenyi Lian, The definition of ‘government entity’ in the GPA/WTO: a comparison between the WTO and the EU, Graduated December 2019 (first supervisor).
  • Dr Monalisa Odibo, Access to justice through court-annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution programmes: a critical assessment of the Multi-Door Courthouse System in Nigeria, Graduated July 2017, (Second supervisor),
  • Dr Tianyi Jiang, Developing a transfer of rights regime in Chinese Maritime Law – a recognition of the Anglo-American approaches, Graduated December 2017 (Second supervisor).
  • Femi Osunsade, "Empowering Women and Women Owned Small and Medium Scaled Enterprises through Public Procurement: An Examination of Nigeria’s Public Procurement Framework" (First Supervisor).
  • Oluwatimilehin Bada, "Sustainable Public Pocurement in NIgeria - a critique on mechansims for enforcing the rights of Persons with Disabilities in Nigeria" (First supervisor).
  • Stephen Clear, “To what extent is judicial review an effective and appropriate mechanism for the resolution of public procurement disputes?” (First supervisor).
  • Chufan Yang, “Transparency and Disclosure in public-private partnerships: a cross-jurisdictional investigation” (Graduated 2023).
  • Abdulkareem Mohammed Ikbal, “Insurance of nuclear installations: towards a legal framework” (Second supervisor).

Grant Awards and Projects


  • College of Arts, Humanities and Business, Bangor University: Seed Fund award, "Emergency Procurement, Public Contracts and Sustainability for Welsh Businesses!” - £494.95 (April 2021).
  • ESRC Impact Acceleration – Procurement Modernisation Accelerator – Project value & Duration; £25,000, June - December 2018, (Co-investigator).
  • ESRC Impact Acceleration – Brexit – Rewriting the Procurement Playbook) Project value & Duration: £10,450.00, 1-31 March 2017 (Co-Investigator).
  • The Public Procurement and Cross-Border Tendering (PPACT Project) with partners from United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal for the European Union COSME programme (Project value & Duration: €325,000; 2015 - 2018), (Secured as part of ICPS team, Bangor Law School).
  • Three Counties Public Procurement Reformation project (Project value & Duration: £45,000; 2015- 2016), (Secured as part of ICPS team, Bangor Law School).
  • Three Counties Procurement Service Full Business Case Study - £31,000 (January – May 2014, part of ICPS team);
  • Procurement Summer School, Welsh Government - £4,000, (July/August 2014, part of ICPS Team);
  • The Transnational Ecosystem Laboratory and Actions (TESLA project), with partners from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Netherlands, France, Germany and Belgium. (Project value & Duration: value - Euro €3.7m, funded by the European Union under the North West Europe INTERREG funded project; 2013-2016) (Secured as part of ICPS team, Bangor Law School);
  • EU/INTERREG Ireland-Wales “Winning in Tendering” project - €3.2M (2011- 2013, part of WIT team);
  • University of Nottingham, International Office, PhD Tuition Scholarship (2005 – 2008, £29,250);
  • PPRG, University of Nottingham, PhD Maintenance Scholarship, - (2005/2008 -£21,600);
  • University of Nottingham, LLM Travel Scholarship – August 2004, £600.


External Collaboration

  • External PhD Supervisor, Universitity of South Wales;
  • Researcher, UK-China Centre for Public Procurement Law Research Centre;
  • Associate Researcher, the African Public Procurement Regulation Unit, Stellenbosch University, South Africa;
  • International Advisory Board member: World Bank/National Univeristies Commission (NUC) Sustainable Procurement, Environmental and Social Standards Enhancement (SPESSE) Project;
  • Researcher, Centre for Public Procurement and Public-Private Partnership, Lodz University, Poland;
  • Facilitator, European eProcurement Forum, Czech Republic
  • Trainer, Public Procurement Research Centre, Bureau of Public Procurement, Abuja, Nigeria.


Publications and Conference presentations

  • Public Procurement Law & Practice (Sweet & Maxwell, 2021) (with S. Clear (https://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/Product/Local-Government/PublicProcurement-Law-and-Practice/Looseleaf/30793800).
  • “Unpacking failure in unsuccessful SME public sector tender submissions: reasons, perspectives and implications” (accepted by Public Contracts Law Journal, accepted 2021), (with C. Evans and D. Cahill).
  • Legal education across Wales in a pandemic: mapping our shared experiences, presented at the Society of Legal Scholars Conference, Durham University, 31 August 2021.
  • UK Green Paper on Transforming Public Procurement: Reflections on the Enforcement Provisions, presented at Public Law Project Conference, 5 May 2021.
  • Understanding the Experiences of Legal Education Facilitators and Law Students in Wales during the Cobid-19 Pandemic, presented at the Association of Law Teachers Conference, Aston University, 16 March 2021.
  • The Digitilisation of Public Procurement: Forward Steps and Challenges, presented at the University of Nottingham Public Procurement Research Conference, 20 October 2020. 
  • Delivering Sustainability through Community Benefits in Welsh Public Contracts, presented at (In)Corporate Sustainability Conference, Pompeu Fabra University, Spain, 16 September 2020.
  • “Public Procurement & Sustainable Development: a conversation about our future”, presented at European Horizons Society, Bangor University, 22 November 2019;
  • "Public Procurement for Sustainable Development”, presented at Nile University, Nigeria, 8 April 2019;
  • "Framework Agreements in Public Procurement in Africa: Progress & Limitations, presented at the 3rd International Conference on Public Procurement Law in Africa, Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 2 November 2018;
  • “Public Procurement & wider government policies – a brief perspective”, presented at Public Sector Summit, 5 December 2017;
  • “Possible Impact of Brexit on Public Procurement”, presented at Public Affairs Ireland Conference, Dublin, 24 November 2017;
  • “Enabling transformative change through procurement - evidence from the use of the Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS) in the United Kingdom”, presented at Public Procurement: Global Revolution VII, University of Nottingham, 12 June 2017;
  • “Brexit and the requirements of small businesses across the UK - Some Practical Legal Problems for UK Importers and Exporters”, presented at Gwynedd Business Week, 25 May 2017. 
  • “Corruption and the challenge to Sustainable Public Procurement: a Perspective on Africa” presented at Procurement beyond price: Sustainability and CSR in public purchasing, Copenhagen University, 5 May 2017;
  • “Socio-Economic Impact of Public Procurement Reforms", presented at Bangor University's Procurement Week, 23 March 2017.
  • “Implementation of e-Procurement in Nigeria – Opportunities and Challenges an”, presented at the Bureau of Public Procurement Conference, Nigeria, 28 August 2016. (Invited speaker);
  • “e-Procurement in Regulated Procurement: comparative experiences from selected African Countries”, Lagos State Public Procurement Journal, July 2016;
  • “e-Procurement and e-Auctions in the UK”, presented at the European eProcurement Conference in Ostrava, The Czech Republic, 5th November 2015;
  • “Mandatory e-Procurement in The United Kingdom: Governance Issues and Related Challenges”, Paper presented at the Reform of the Public Procurement Law, Public Utilities Sector and PPP, Lodz University Poland, 9th October 2015;
  • “e-Procurement in Supplier Selection: Reflections on the “SQuID” experience in Wales, Public Procurement Law Review, presented at Global Revolution Conference, University of Nottingham, June 2015;
  • “Interaction between International Norms and Domestic Regulation: a case study of the Nigerian Public Procurement Act 2007 in the light of the 2011 UNCITRAL Model Law on Public Procurement”, presented at the Public Public Research Group Seminar Series, University of Nottingham, 24 November 2014;
  • “e-Procurement and e-Auctions in the UK”, Conference presentation, eBF Conference, Czech Republic 6th October 2014;
  • “China’s Accession to the WTO/GPA: The e-Procurement Issues”, Conference presentation, Global Government Procurement Conference, Dongbei University of Finance & Economics, Dalian China, 22nd August 2014;
  • “Procurement Design and Management for efficient outputs”, Presentation at Business Law Academy Workshop on Public Procurement in Nigeria, 6th- 8th September 2013, Lagos State, Nigeria;
  •  “E-auctions in Regulated Procurement – Operations and Outcomes”, Paper presented at the Public Procurement Research Group Seminar Series, University of Nottingham, 22nd November 2012;
  • “Regulation of E-Auctions in the US Federal Procurement System: Lessons from the E-Auction Rules in the United Kingdom”, Paper presented at the 5th IPPC Conference, Seattle, Washington, 19 August 2012, available at http://www.ippa.org/IPPC5/Proceedings/Part11/PAPER11-2.pdf;
  • “Public Procurement Law in Ghana and Nigeria – comparative assessment of the Public Procurement Acts for future reform”, Paper presented at the Public Procurement Regulation in Africa Conference, 25th October 2011;
  • “Intellectual Property Ownership in Sponsored Government Research Contracts”, Paper presented at the Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Conference, 23rd October 2009.         

Research areas and keywords


  • K Law (General) - Public Procurement, Tort Law, Company Law

Education / academic qualifications

  • 2009 - PhD , Electronic Reverse Auctions under the European Community (now European Union) procurement rules: Perspectives on the rules and practice from the United Kingdom (2006 - 2008)

Research outputs (17)

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Prof. activities and awards (2)

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