Professor Andy Smith

Professor of Forest Ecology

Contact info

Location: Room 205, Environment Centre Wales, School of Environmental & Natural Sciences, Bangor University


Phone:+44 (0)1248 382297

Web: LinkedIn, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar, ResearcherID, PlumX

I research and teach forest ecology, biogeochemistry and plant-soil interactions with emphasis on species diversity and ecosystem function in undisturbed and managed ecosystems. I'm particlarly interested in belowground processes and the study of root biology, mycorrhizal symbiosis, and biogeochemical cycling; subjects that I have researched in a variety of climate change manipulation experiments that include elevated CO2 and climatic extremes (via altered precipitation and temperature regimes) in forest and upland ecosystems. I previously held the positions of Climate Change Impact Scientist at NERCs Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (2011-2013), and postdoctoral researcher at Bangor University (2010-2011). In my early career at the Medical Research Council, Cambridge and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge I focused on the development of novel molecular and bioinformatics techniques for the nematode (Caenorhabiditis elegans) and human genome sequencing projects.

I co-direct, with Prof Lui Shuguang, research activities at the Bangor University-Central South University of Forestry and Technology Joint Research Centre in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. I'm the PI of the forest diversity experiment (BangorDiverse) based at the Henfaes Research Centre, Abergwyngregyn that investigates the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function. BangorDiverse is part of the largest network (TreeDivNet) of biodviersity experiments worldwide, and was established in 2004 with 92 plots of alder (Alnus glutinosa L.), birch (Betula pendula Roth.), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.), and oak (Quercus robur L.) planted in monoculture, and two and three species mixtures using a fully replicated (n=4) design. I also manage and conducted research on silvopastoral agroforestry at the Henfaes Research Centre that focuses on the role agroforestry has in sustainably delivering food security whilst maintaining ecological complexity and the provision of ecosystem services (public goods).

I lead the nutrient manipulation work package of the large (£3.7M) NERC project (QUINTUS) an investigation of N & P stoichiometry in temperate forests exposed to ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 at the BIFoR FACE facility. I am a Co-I on the UKRI Treescapes project Understanding Memory of UK Treescapes for Better Resilience and Adaptation (MEMBRA) that is investigating abiotic and biotic stress induced epigenetic changes in trees and whether these changes are passed on to future generations. I am PI of the Tree Production Innovation Fund project Development of Regenerative Tree Nursery Practice (2023-2025) that is investigating the use of municipal green waste as sustainable source of organic matter for compost use in horticulture. I Co-PI of the BU-Impact and Innovation Award project WINDFIRM investigating the imnpact of tree nursery practice of root morphology. I was the PI of the Sêr Cymru NRN-LCEE research cluster Multi-Land that researched the evidence-base around Enhancement of Agricultural Productivity and Ecosystem Service Resilience in Multifunctional Landscapes and Co-I of the ASPEN: Autonomous Systems for Forest ProtEctioN project (2023-2024).

Research Areas:

Contact Info

Location: Room 205, Environment Centre Wales, School of Environmental & Natural Sciences, Bangor University


Phone:+44 (0)1248 382297

Web: LinkedIn, ResearchGate, GoogleScholar, ResearcherID, PlumX

I research and teach forest ecology, biogeochemistry and plant-soil interactions with emphasis on species diversity and ecosystem function in undisturbed and managed ecosystems. I'm particlarly interested in belowground processes and the study of root biology, mycorrhizal symbiosis, and biogeochemical cycling; subjects that I have researched in a variety of climate change manipulation experiments that include elevated CO2 and climatic extremes (via altered precipitation and temperature regimes) in forest and upland ecosystems. I previously held the positions of Climate Change Impact Scientist at NERCs Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (2011-2013), and postdoctoral researcher at Bangor University (2010-2011). In my early career at the Medical Research Council, Cambridge and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge I focused on the development of novel molecular and bioinformatics techniques for the nematode (Caenorhabiditis elegans) and human genome sequencing projects.

I co-direct, with Prof Lui Shuguang, research activities at the Bangor University-Central South University of Forestry and Technology Joint Research Centre in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. I'm the PI of the forest diversity experiment (BangorDiverse) based at the Henfaes Research Centre, Abergwyngregyn that investigates the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem function. BangorDiverse is part of the largest network (TreeDivNet) of biodviersity experiments worldwide, and was established in 2004 with 92 plots of alder (Alnus glutinosa L.), birch (Betula pendula Roth.), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.), sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.), and oak (Quercus robur L.) planted in monoculture, and two and three species mixtures using a fully replicated (n=4) design. I also manage and conducted research on silvopastoral agroforestry at the Henfaes Research Centre that focuses on the role agroforestry has in sustainably delivering food security whilst maintaining ecological complexity and the provision of ecosystem services (public goods).

I lead the nutrient manipulation work package of the large (£3.7M) NERC project (QUINTUS) an investigation of N & P stoichiometry in temperate forests exposed to ambient and elevated atmospheric CO2 at the BIFoR FACE facility. I am a Co-I on the UKRI Treescapes project Understanding Memory of UK Treescapes for Better Resilience and Adaptation (MEMBRA) that is investigating abiotic and biotic stress induced epigenetic changes in trees and whether these changes are passed on to future generations. I am PI of the Tree Production Innovation Fund project Development of Regenerative Tree Nursery Practice (2023-2025) that is investigating the use of municipal green waste as sustainable source of organic matter for compost use in horticulture. I Co-PI of the BU-Impact and Innovation Award project WINDFIRM investigating the imnpact of tree nursery practice of root morphology. I was the PI of the Sêr Cymru NRN-LCEE research cluster Multi-Land that researched the evidence-base around Enhancement of Agricultural Productivity and Ecosystem Service Resilience in Multifunctional Landscapes and Co-I of the ASPEN: Autonomous Systems for Forest ProtEctioN project (2023-2024).

Research Areas:

Teaching and Supervision


Module organiser

  • DXX-3212 (Level 6) Forest Ecosystems
  • DXX-3016 (Level 6) Forest Ecosystems & Services
  • DDL-4204 (Level 7) Forest Ecosystems

Module contributor

  • DXX-1000 (Level 4) Academic Tutorials & Key Skills
  • DXX-1001 (Level 4) Ecosystem Functon & Services
  • DXX-1003 (Level 4) Forests in the 21st Century
  • DXX-1006 (Level 4) Making Snowdonia
  • DXX-3701 (Level 6) Honours Project
  • DXX-4999 (Level 7) MSc Dissertation
  • DDL-4999 (Level 7) Distance Learning Disseration

PhD Student Supervision

Katrin Schmidt "The effectiveness of biosensors in the detection of woody plant pests and diseases", NERC-PhD, 2024-2028.

Daniel Iddon "Woodland Soil - Fungal dominance in early stage woodland development", Self-funded PhD, 2024-2028.

Matilda Edwards "Establishing the relative importance of a rainforest microcosm in oil palm plantations", NERC-PhD, 2023-2027.

Jack Atkin-Willoughby "Restoring for a resilient future: Woodland community assembly trajectories in the face of multiple stressors", NERC-PhD, 2022-2026.

Matt Cooper "Investigating the potential of forested lands for natural flood management in Wales", KESS-PhD, 2020-2024.

Daniel Fishburn "Breaking down the effect of UV light on litter decomposition: a study of carbon cycling along a tropical forest humidity gradient", NERC-PhD, 2019-2024. [completed]

Sam Hollick “Optimising landscape shelterbelts to sustainably increase farm livestock productivity and build resilience to extreme events”, KESS-PhD, 2019-2024.

Anastasia Atucha “Identifying genetic markers for frost resistance in Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis)”, KESS-PhD, 2017-2021 [completed].

Bid Webb “Investigating the impact of shelterbelts and livestock behaviour on landscape hydrology and biogeochemistry”, NRN-PhD, 2016-2021. [completed]

Charlotte Pritchard "Improving the efficiency of sheep production through environmental management”, KESS-MRes, 2018-2020. [completed]

Tim Peters “Investigating the role of soil microbes and rhizodeposition in C cycling and long-term C sequestration of forest ecosystems”, NERC-PhD, 2015-2020. [completed]

Anna Gunina “Understanding the role of rhizosphere hotspots and their ecological relevance for processes in forest soils.” FONASO-PhD, 2014-2017.[completed]

Steven Conway "Characterisation of small upland catchments and their impact on flood flows" KESS-MRes, 2014-2015. [completed]

Relena Ribbons “Forests & Soils: Interactions between trees species and nutrient cycling in pure and mixed species stands”, FONASO-PhD, 2013-2016. [completed]

Emma Brown “Evaluating fine-scale, spatial and temporal controls on fluxes of greenhouse gases from natural and managed peatlands”, NERC-PhD, 2013-2016. [completed]



  • Member NERC Peer Review College
  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AdvanceHE) (2022)

Current Administrative Roles

  • Henfaes (Field Research Centre) Committee Member (2013-current)
  • Dean of Global Engagement, College of Science and Engineering (2024-current)
  • College Executive Committee Member (2024-current)
  • University Global Engagement Committee Member (2024-current)
  • University Senior Leadership Group Member (2024-current)

Former Administrative Roles

  • School Director of Research (2014-2021)
  • School Executive Committee Member (2014-2021)


Research areas and keywords


  • SD Forestry - Biogeochemical cycling, Ecology
  • QP Physiology
  • QK Botany
  • QH301 Biology
  • S Agriculture (General)
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