Miss Anna Wood
Research Project Support Officer in Molecular Ecology

- https://twitter.com/anna_r_wood
Contact info
3rd Floor Environment Centre Wales, Bangor University
Contact Info
3rd Floor Environment Centre Wales, Bangor University
Research Group/s
Member of Molecular Ecology and Evolution group at Bangor (MEEB)
I am a Research Project Support Officer and PhD student working on the Horizon 2020 EU Green Deal “SUPERB upscaling forest restoration” project. The largest transnational forest restoration initiative ever launched in Europe. I am based in the Molecular Ecology and Evolution group at Bangor (MEEB) and supervised at Bangor University by Professor Si Creer and Dr Amy Ellison.
I am interested molecular ecology and how we can DNA techniques to study important ecological questions. In my role as a RPSO for the SUPERB project I will be using metabarcoding of soil and bulk aerial arthropod samples to investigate the effect of forest restoration projects on biodiversity and forests communities.
Research areas and keywords
- QH301 Biology - Biodiversity, Molecular Ecology
Education / academic qualifications
- 2021 - MSc , Biology