Dr Anne Krayer

Research Fellow

Contact info

Email: a.krayer@bangor.ac.uk

Telephone: 01248-388775

Fron Heulog, Friddoedd Road, Bangor

Teaching and Supervision

HEA Associate Fellow

I teach an introduction to NVivo, a number of sessions on methods and developing proposals at postgraduate level and a Public Health Nutrition Module NHS-422.

I supervise Masters and PhD students. Examples include:

  • In Wales, are contemporary models of front-line social care for people with recurrent mental ill health fit for purpose?: a mixed methods study. (Health and Care Research Wales Social Care PhD Studentship Award; Lead: P Huxley)

  • Service user and caregiver involvement in Low and Middle-Income countries: A scoping review.

  • Optimising the effectiveness of Education about Psychosis in improving understanding and reducing stigmatising attitudes (ESRC DTP PhD Studentship)

  • What interventions are available for homeless people who have experienced childhood trauma? A systematic review.
  • The challenges of evaluating co-production projects (KESS project)




  • Deputy School Postgraduate Research Director
  • Research Fellow, Centre for Mental Health and Society
  • Member of the Healthcare and Medical Sciences Academic Ethics Committee
  • Member of the Scientific Organising Committee of the Qualitative Research on Mental Health (QRMH) conference - an international transdisciplinary forum for dedicated qualitative research on a range of topics in the field of mental health.
  • Reviewer for the Health and Care Research Project Grants - Integrated Funding Scheme Panel
  • Advisory Group Member - Mental Health and Social Care Incubator (NIHR funded)

MSc Public Health and Health Promotion
PhD Body Image in Adolescence
University of Wales, Bangor

I am interested in the broad areas of health service provision for people with mental health illness  and working with narrative approaches. 

  • Development of a self-harm registry for North Wales. E Bebbington, A Krayer, N Hartfiel, R Tudor Edwards, R Poole (Bangor University), C Robinson (Manchester University) , Bangor University Innovation and Impact Awards (£34,694) 2024-25
  • South Asia Self-Harm Initiative (SASHI) CA Robinson, P Huxley, A Krayer, M Krishna, K Nikopoulos & R Poole; Bangor University, UK. GV Krishnaveni & K Kumaran; CSI Holdsworth, Memorial Hospital, Mysore, India. R Rajendra; Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysore, India. I Chaudhry; Pakistan Institute of Learning and Living, Karachi, Pakistan. N Chaudhry, N Husain, I Leroi & P Taylor; University of Manchester, UK. K Hawton; University of Oxford, UK. Funded by RCUK, Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) (£4,284,400). 2017-21 (extended to 24. Qualitative workstream lead

  • Early review of the Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat, Wales. (Krayer, A. & Robinson & C.) Funded by the Welsh Government, Offender Health Policy (£10,000), 2016/17

  • Social network analysis for modelling integrated social care services for older people with complex needs: a feasibility study. (Orrell, A, Huxley, P & Krayer, A) Funded by Health and Care Research Wales (£215,852.00), 2016-18.
  • Improving assessment and treatment of mental disorder after Deliberate Self Harm in South India (Poole, R, Danivas, V, Krishna, M, Robinson, C., Sharma, V. & Majige, S). Funded by the Tropical Health Education Trust, DFID/Bangor University, £65,000, 2015-17
  • Self-harm: what are the research priorities and the service needs? (Anne Krayer, Bangor University & Sarah Kelly, National Association for People Abused in Childhood, NAPAC. Funded by the Strategic Insight Programme, Classic SIP, visiting grant (£2,500), 2015.
  • Vulnerable adults and anti-social behaviour: an exploration of current practice. (Krayer, A., Robinson, C.A., Poole, R., Jones, B., Isaac, M., Foulkes, T. & Lacy, F.). Funded by NISCHR (£169,495), 2013-2015.
  • Anti-Social Behaviour Incidence System: Narrative Research (Krayer, A. & Jones, B.). Funded by the Strategic Insight Programme, Classic SIP (£2,500) & Reverse SIP ((£2,000), 2012. See the case study for more details: http://www.siprogramme.org.uk/en/casestudieslv1/categories/health-wellbeing/item/379-bangor-university-dyfed-powys-police.
  • Service provision for people with mental health and substance misuse problems - the relationship between stigma and social exclusion (Robinson, CA, Krayer, A, Poole, R, Wolfendale, C). Funded by NISCHR (£109,863), 2011/2012.
  • Adult survivors and their families. Current needs and service responses (Seddon, D, Robinson, CA, Gwilym, H, McKeown, G). Funded by WORD (£123,391), 2010/2011.
  • Carers for people with mental health problems: needs assessment to service provision (Robinson, C A, Seddon, D and Bowen, S). Funded by the Big Lottery health and social care research fund, (£297,000), 2005-2010.
  • Unified Assessment in Wales: older people with complex needs and their families. (Seddon, D, Robinson, C A, Tommis, Y and Woods, B). Funded by WORD (£168,178), 2008/2010.
  • Enhancing Research Review Skills in Research Governance (Iphofen, R. and Robinson, C A). Funded by Consortia of Local Authorities in Midland and South and South East England, (£34,326), 2008/09.
  • Food and Fitness Grant scheme evaluation (Paisley, C, Robinson, C A and Krayer, A) Funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, Health Promotion Division, (£38,200), 2004-2007.
  • School meals project: Pupils’ food choices and factors influencing choice in primary and secondary schools in Wales (Paisley, C, Robinson, C A and Davies, D). Funded by Welsh Assembly Government, Health Promotion Division, (£56,000), 2005/06.
  • Needs assessment nutrition skills and knowledge primary care staff (Paisley, C, Lloyd, S and Barasi, M). Funded by Welsh Assembly Government and the Food Standards Agency Wales, (£2,352), 2005.

Contact Info

Email: a.krayer@bangor.ac.uk

Telephone: 01248-388775

Fron Heulog, Friddoedd Road, Bangor

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