Mr Antonio Gandini

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Master by Research (MScRes) student in Biological Sciences at Bangor University, currently investigating the evolution of spitting cobras (genus Naja) through phylogenomics under the supervision of Dr Wolfgang Wüster and Dr Axel Barlow.

Graduated in Zoology with Herpetology (BSc) at Bangor University with a dissertation on the predation rates on Endangered populations of the meadow viper (Vipera ursinii) species complex under the supervision of Dr Wolfgang Wüster.


Currently investigating the evolutionary history of Cobras (genus Naja) through phylogenomics, with a focus on the evolution of Asian spitting cobras.

BSc thesis on using plasticine models to estimate the predation rates of multiple populations of the Endangered Meadow viper species complex (Vipera ursinii/Vipera graeca).

Research Group/s

Volunteered for the duration of my undergraduate for the Aesculapian snakes project, radio-tracking adults of the established population of Aesculapian snakes (Zamenis longissimus) in Colwyn Bay (North Wales), and applying capture-mark-recapture techniques on individuals from all age categories to map the population size.

Research areas and keywords


  • QL Zoology - Herpetology, Molecular Ecology, Genomics, systematics, Evolution, Evolutionary biology, Ecology
  • QH301 Biology - Molecular Ecology and Evolution
  • QH426 Genetics - Phylogenomics

Education / academic qualifications

  • 2023 - BSc , BSC - Zoology with Herpetology (2020 - 2023)

Research outputs (4)

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Prof. activities and awards (1)

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