
Social aspects of agroforestry has been my main working outline since 2010, implementing agriculture and forestry-based market systems, livelihood diversification, and rural studies in general. Based in Indonesia, I have experience in south and southeast Asia, and a proven ability to coordinate globally with diverse partners. Expanding interest and experience include social-ecological systems, change management in rural settings, and realist approaches for evaluation.

Research project
My PhD research is on agricultural change management, which specifically examines processes and path trajectories farmer producers in environmentally-challenged areas go through in managing agricultural changes. The research setting is in Indonesia, particularly targeting agroforestry landscapes in the tropical drylands of west Timor. My research is funded by the CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) and the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) Indonesia Country Programme.


  • Agriculture and forestry-based market systems
  • Gender in value chains
  • Livelihood diversification
  • Rural studies
  • Change management


My default publishing name is Aulia Perdana and here are a few of my publications.

Sudomo A, Nandini R, Hidayatullah M, Maharani D, Susila IWD and Perdana A 2024, Chapter 10 Improving community-forest productivity in the arid regions of Nusa Tenggara Islands and central Java, Indonesia in Digby Race and Gib Wettenhall (Eds) 2024, Raising trees and livelihoods: Experiences of integrating trees into smallholder farming systems, ACIAR Monograph No. 221, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra. Raising trees and livelihoods | ACIAR

Roshetko JM, Sabastian GE, Perdana A, Martini E, Ekawati D, Fauzi MA. 2023. Smallholder Teak Systems: Indigenous innovations to improve fallow management. CABI. https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/full/10.1079/9781800620117.0029

Agustarini R, Heryati Y, Adalina Y, Adinugroho WC, Yuniati D, Fambayun RA, Sabastian GE, Hidayat A, Tata HL, Ingram W, and Perdana A. The Development of Indigofera spp. as a Source of Natural Dyes to Increase Community Incomes on Timor Island, Indonesia. Economies. 2022; 10(2):49. https://doi.org/10.3390/economies10020049

Utomo, M., Sudomo, A., Pieter, L. A. G., Maharani, D., Swestiani, D., Siagian, C. M., Fambayun, R. A., Perdana, A., & Roshetko, J. M. (2022). COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts, Craftsmen’s Living Strategies, and Economic Recovery of Bamboo Handicraft Enterprise in Gunungkidul, Indonesia. Forest and Society, 6(2), 620-638. https://doi.org/10.24259/fs.v6i2.20599

Sudomo A, Maharani D, Swestiani D, Sabastian GE, Roshetko JM, Perdana A, Prameswari D, Fambayun RA. Intercropping Short Rotation Timber Species with Teak: Enabling Smallholder Silviculture Practices. Forests. 2021; 12(12):1761. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12121761

Sabastian GE, Yumn A, Roshetko JM, Manalu P, Martini E, and Perdana A. 2019. Adoption of silvicultural practices for smallholder timber and NTFPs production systems in Indonesia. Agroforestry Systems 93 (2): 607-620 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-017-0155-9

S.M. Amatya, I. Nuberg, E. Cedamon, K.K. Shrestha, B.H. Pandit, A. Perdana, M. Joshi, and B. Dhakal. 2018. Participatory market chain appraisal for the full range of agroforestry products including market trends and growing markets. Banko Janakari Nepal, Vol. 27 (2), p1-18. https://www.nepjol.info/index.php/BANKO/article/view/21221 

Roshetko JM and Perdana A. 2017. The Significance of Planted Teak for Smallholder Farmers, in Kolert, W and Kleine, M. (eds). The Global Teak Study. Analysis, Evaluation and Future Potential of Teak Resources. IUFRO World Series Volume 36. Vienna. 108 p. http://www.iufro.org/publications/series/world-series/article/2017/06/21/world-series-vol-36-the-global-teak-study-analysis-evaluation-and-future-potential-of-teak-reso/

Perdana, A. Roshetko, JM. 2015. Survival strategy: traders of smallholder teak in Indonesia, International Forestry Review, 17(4), 461-468.  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1505/146554815817476477

Roshetko JM, Rohadi D, Perdana A, Sabastian G, Nuryartono N, Pramono AA, Widyani N, Manalu P, Fauzi MA, Sumardamto P and Kusumowardhani N. 2013. Teak agroforestry systems for livelihood enhancement, industrial timber production, and environmental rehabilitation. Forests, Trees and Livelihood, 22 (4): 1-16.

Perdana A., Roshetko, J.M., Kurniawan, I. 2012. Forces of competition: smallholding teak producers in Indonesia. International Forestry Review 14 (2), 238-248. https://doi.org/10.1505/146554812800923417

Education / academic qualifications

  • MSc , Strategic Management (2006 - 2009)
  • BSc , Management (1993 - 2000)
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