Dr Ben Lincoln

Research Fellow

Contact info

Room: 207 Craig Mair

Phone: 01248 382274

Email: ben.lincoln@bangor.ac.uk

ResearchGate Profile

Contact Info

Room: 207 Craig Mair

Phone: 01248 382274

Email: ben.lincoln@bangor.ac.uk

ResearchGate Profile


I am a physical oceanographer with interest in turbulence and ocean mixing.

As an observational oceanographer, I make measurements of ocean currents to understand what drives turbulence and mixing in the ocean, including physical processes, such as waves, tides, inertial oscillations, internal waves. 

My research seeks to answer diverse questions such as:

  • How will the vertical mixing and heat fluxes in the Arctic Ocean change?
  • What drives the nutrient fluxes which determine primary production?
  • How does ocean mixing affect CO2 absorption from the atmosphere?
  • What are the forces on tidal turbines due to marine turbulence?

Education / academic qualifications

Research outputs (13)

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