Dr Beth Edwards

Enterprise Education Development Co-ordinato

Contact info

Email: b.a.edwards@bangor.ac.uk

Phone: 01248 383131

Twitter: @BethAnneBangor

LinkedIn: Profile here

Office: Room 403, 2nd Floor Neuadd Rathbone, College Road


  1. Letter › Research › Not peer-reviewed
  2. Published

    Anti-ableist language is fully compatible with high-quality autism research: Response to Singer et al. (2023)

    Edwards, B. A., Natri, H., Abubakare, O., Asasumasu, K., Basargekar, A., Beaud, F., Botha, M., Bottema-Beutel, K., Rosa Brea, M., Brown, L., Burr, D., Cobbaert, L., Dabbs, C., Denome, D., Des Roches Rosa, S., Doherty, M., Edwards, C., Ekaterin Liszk, S., Elise, F., Fletcher-Watson, S., Flower, R., Fuller, S., Gassner, D., Giwa Onaiwu, M., Good, J., Grant, A., Haddix, V. L., Heraty, S., Hundt, A., Kapp, S., Keates, N., Kulshan, T., Lampi, A., Latimer, O., Leadbitter, K., Tidd, J. L., Manalili, M., Martin, M., Millichamp, A., Morton, H., Nair, V., Pavlopoulou, G., Pearson, A., Pellicano, L., Porter, H., Poulsen, R., Robertson, Z. S., Rodriguez, K., Roux, A., Russell, M., Ryan, J., Sasson, N., Grier, H. S., Somerville, M., Sorensen, C., Stockwell, K. M., Szymanski, T., Thompson-Hodgetts, S., van Driel, M., VanUitert, V., Waldock, K., Walker, N., Watts, C., Williams, Z., Woods, R., Yu, B., Zadow, M., Zimmerman, J. & Hillary Zisk, A., 22 Apr 2023, In: Autism Research. 16, 4, p. 673-676

    Research output: Contribution to journalLetter

  3. Poster › Research › Not peer-reviewed
  4. Published
  5. Published

    Poster presentation - PhD study

    Edwards, B. A., Feb 2020.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

  6. Other contribution › Research › Not peer-reviewed
  7. Published

    The Golden Circle of Enterprise Education: The What, How & Why

    Edwards, B. A. & Jordan, K., 1 Oct 2024, Bangor University.

    Research output: Other contribution