Dr Beth Edwards

Enterprise Education Development Co-ordinato

Contact info

Email: b.a.edwards@bangor.ac.uk

Phone: 01248 383131

Twitter: @BethAnneBangor

LinkedIn: Profile here

Office: Room 403, 2nd Floor Neuadd Rathbone, College Road


  1. 2022
  2. Surfacing the Perspective of Autistic Girls Aged Between Thirteen and Eighteen Within a Complex Social Discourse on Autism: A Qualitative Inquiry

    Edwards, B. A. (Author), Huws, J. (Supervisor), Williams, S. (Supervisor) & Smith, A.-M. (Supervisor), 29 Jul 2022

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  3. 2018
  4. Gender Differences and ASD: Exploring Professionals’ Perspectives

    Edwards, B. A. (Author), Kyffin, F. (Supervisor), 2018

    Student thesis: Masters by Research