Miss Bethan Collins

- https://walesdtp.ac.uk/profile/collins-bethan/
ESRC Wales DTP Profile
ORCID: 0000-0001-8834-7049
- 2024
Exploring bilingual advantages in executive functioning: insights from Greek-English and Welsh-English bilingual children in the UK
Collins, B. (Speaker), Papastergiou, A. (Speaker) & Sanoudaki, E. (Speaker)
13 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Language and the Arts: Exploring creative techniques to aid with learning a new language
Collins, B. (Speaker), Huws, M. (Speaker) & Sanoudaki, E. (Speaker)
Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
- 2023
Cognitive and Language Skills in Emergent Bilingual Primary School Children in Wales
Collins, B. (Speaker)
26 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
- 2022
Child Bilingualism: What do we know? How do we find out?
Sanoudaki, E. (Speaker), Papastergiou, A. (Speaker), Ward, B. (Speaker), Day, R. (Speaker), Collins, B. (Speaker) & Parry, F. (Speaker)
26 Oct 2022 → 3 Nov 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Cyflwyniad Eisteddfod Labordy Dwyieithog Plant/Child Bilingualism Lab Eisteddfod Presentation
Collins, B. (Speaker), Day, R. (Speaker), Ward, B. (Speaker) & Sanoudaki, E. (Speaker)
2 Aug 2022Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
- 2019
What impact does early second language exposure have on Executive Functions? Evidence from Welsh-English children
Collins, B. (Speaker)
26 Sept 2019 → 28 Sept 2019Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation