Mrs Chikondi Chigamba

Contact info


Chikondi Chigamba is a second year PhD student in Economics and Finance at Bangor Business School.

Research interests include bank regulation, bank risk and financial technology.

Spervisors: Dr Duc Do, Dr Laurence Jones and Prof. Owain ap Gwilym.

In Malawi, Chikondi works with the Reserve Bank of Malawi as Fiscal Manager and her PhD studies are fully sponsored by the Reserve Bank of Malawi


Married to a Pastor with five kids


 Bank regulation, bank risk, financial technology and financial inclusion

Contact Info

Education / academic qualifications

  • 2016 - Professional , ACCA
  • 2012 - MSc , Banking and Finance with Distinction , Bangor University
  • 2002 - BSc , Economics
  • 1999 - Professional , Diploma in Accounting
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