Dr Daisuke Goto

Research Fellow


My principal scientific interests and experiences focus on understanding fisheries sustainability in an ecosystem context as part of renewable natural resource conservation and management programs. I have been involved in a variety of interdisciplinary projects that aim to quantitatively assess how natural and human-induced stressors may interactively modulate harvested fish and shellfish population dynamics and influence policy decision-making. Examples include interactive effects of species invasion & eutrophication, chemical pollution & hydrological alteration, and climate variability & harvesting on the sustainability of pelagic and demersal species exploited by commercial, recreational, and subsistence fisheries in marine and freshwater systems in North America (New England/Mid-Atlantic, the Laurentian Great Lakes, Flemish Cap, etc) and Europe (Barents Sea, North Sea, etc.).

My recent work entails quantitative method (statistical and mathematical model) development and application to assess exploited living marine resource status, forecast sustainable yields, and evaluate management strategies by integrating large-scale survey and fishery catch sampling data at population, community (incl. food web), and ecosystem levels in the context of ecosystem-based management. Here are some examples:

For more on my research: Google Scholar or ResearchGate.



Ecologists find strong evidence of fishing down the food web in freshwater lake

Researchers document walleye decline in Wisconsin waters

Study Confirms Walleye Populations Are In Decline

Ambitious new pollution targets needed to protect Lake Erie from massive 'dead zone'

Heavy Metal in the Food Chain

Research areas and keywords


  • SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling - Fish Population Ecology, Fisheries Management, Ecosystem-based management

Education / academic qualifications

  • PhD , Biological Oceanography
  • MPhil , Biological Oceanography
  • BSc , Biological Sciences

Prof. activities and awards (7)

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Accolades (3)

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