Dr David Miranda-Barreiro

Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Stud

Contact info

Name: Dr David Miranda-Barreiro

Position: Undergraduate Course Director for Hispanic Studies, Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies

Email: d.m.barreiro@bangor.ac.uk

Phone: (0044)01248388577 (8577 internal)

Location: Room 445, New Arts Building


I am a Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies.  My main research focuses on literary and filmic accounts of Spanish and Galician travel, migration and exile in the US (especially in New York City). I am also working on graphic biographies of Galician intellectuals. In 2014, I published the monograph Spanish New York Narratives 1898–1936: Modernisation, Otherness and Nation with Legenda. I also co-translated an anthology by Welsh poet Ifor ap Glyn into Galician, published in the Galician poetry magazine Dorna (2014). I am co-editor of Galicia 21: Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies.

I graduated with a BA in Filología Hispánica (Hispanic Studies) from the University of A Coruña and arrived in Bangor in 2005, where I completed a MA in European Studies and a PhD in Hispanic Studies.  My PhD thesis, which analysed the presence of New York in early twentieth-century Spanish narrative, was awarded the first Publication Prize for the most distinguished thesis in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies given by the AHGBI (Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland) in 2012.

Teaching and Supervision

I teach on a wide range of modules on Hispanic Culture (both literature and cinema) and Spanish Language:


  • LZS-1001 Advanced Spanish 1
  • LZS-1002 Advanced Spanish 2
  • LZS-1003 Spanish for Beginners/Intermediate 1
  • LZS-1004 Spanish for Beginners/Intermediate 2
  • LXS-2033 Contemporary Spanish Cinema (Year 2)
  • LXE-2025 Reading Fantastic Literatures (Latin American literature block)
  • LZS-2032 3 Language Project
  • LXS-3034 Spain through its Writers (Year 4)
  • Spanish Single Hons Dissertation
  • Spanish Joint Hons Dissertation


I have taught on the MA in European Languages and Cultures and the MA in Translation Studies.

I will be interested in supervising doctoral students working on Spanish and Galician Studies, especially on topics such as: national/transnational identities, travel writing and narratives of mobility, popular culture and comic books.

I am supervisor for the following PhD thesis:

First supervisor:

  •  Sara Borda-Green: Representations of Patagonia in Welsh Culture      
  • Ameer Budairi: migrant literature by Iraqi-American authors

Second supervisor

  • Lorena López: Galician Women-Authored Narrative and the Canon (completed)
  • Belén Iglesias-Arbor: Translating the Spanish Bestseller
  • Gareth White: Italian Migrants in Wales
  • Elena Castillo-Ramírez: Feminism in Spanish TV Series

Administrative Responsibilities

  • Head of Hispanic Studies

Teaching Qualifications

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2016
  • Qualified Teacher Status, General Council of Wales, 2010
  • Curso de Aptitud Pedagógica (Spanish PGCE-equivalent), University of A Coruña (Spain), 2003


My main research interests revolve around issues of mobility (travel writing, migration, exile) and how they are represented in both literature and cinema. I have worked mostly on the relations between Spain and the US (with a specific focus on New York City). After publishing a monograph on literary representations of New York in early twentieth century Spanish narrative, my current research project focuses on the connections between Galicia and New York

I am also studying comic books and graphic novels, especially graphic biographies of Galician intellectuals (Alfonso Daniel Rodríguez Castelao, Alexandre Bóveda, Vicente Risco, Uxío Novoneyra and Lois Pereiro amongst others).

I also write about my research on Twitter (@DavidMirandeiro) and on my research blog: https://davidmirandabarreiro.wordpress.com/

Awards and Grants

  • AHGBI-Spanish Embassy Postgraduate Prize Publication prize to the most distinguished doctoral thesis in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Studies (2012).
  • Santander Mobility Grant (2009-2010).

Conference Organisation

  • IDENTITIES ON THE MOVE: Exile, Migration, Diaspora and Representation (UCLan Research Centre for Migration, Diaspora and Exile) (Co-organiser) (2021).
  • Comics and Nation (Co-organiser with Dr Armelle Blin-Rolland and Dr Guillem Colom-Montero), Bangor University (2017).
  • Travel Writing and Narratives of Mobility in Contemporary Iberian Literature (Co-organiser with Dr Martín Veiga and Dr Sergi Mainer), University College Cork (2013).
  • X Congreso Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos (Member of the Organising Committee), Cardiff University (2012).

Academic Affiliations

  • Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland.
  • Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos.
  • Asociación de Estudios sobre Discurso y Sociedad, EDiSo.
  • Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de la Literatura Hispánica (2010-2011).
  • Guest member at the Pan-European Seminars ‘Urbes Europeae’ organized by Christian-Albrechts University (Kiel) in 2007, and Université de Paris 8 in 2008.

Research Networks Membership

  • Research Centre for Migration, Diaspora and Exile (University of Central Lancashire).
  • Narratives of the New Diasporas (University of Vigo).
  • Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels from the Iberian Cultural Area (European Cooperation in Science and Technology, Clermont Auvergne University).



Public Engagement and Outreach

Invited Talks

Contact Info

Name: Dr David Miranda-Barreiro

Position: Undergraduate Course Director for Hispanic Studies, Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies

Email: d.m.barreiro@bangor.ac.uk

Phone: (0044)01248388577 (8577 internal)

Location: Room 445, New Arts Building

Postgraduate Project Opportunities

I welcome applications for Postgraduate Study related to cultural aspects of the Hispanic World, especially (but not restricted to) Spain and Galicia. I am particularly interested in literature, cinema and comic books but open to supervise research projects on other types of textual and visual representation. My specialism revolves around issues of mobility (travel writing, migration, exile), national/translational identities and cultures, biography and historical memory.

Research outputs (42)

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Prof. activities and awards (18)

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Accolades (1)

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