Professor Deri Tomos
Emeritus Professor

Contact info
Sychnant, Llanllechid, Bethesda, Gwynedd. LL57 3YF
Brought up in Cardiff, educated Bryntaf Welsh School, Cardiff High School for Boys and King’s College Cambridge. Lived in Gwynedd for most of my adult life. Interests range from choral singing to beekeeping. An active member of community in Dyffryn Ogwen (eg. Llanllechid community councillor 2003-8). Bonrn in 1952, married with one grown-up son. Working Languages: Welsh, English, German.
Academic History: BA (Cantab) Nat Sci (Biochem) 1973; (MA.1976); PhD (Cantab) Plant Biochem. 1977 (Sup: D.H. Northcote FRS. Biochemistry, Cambridge). PDRA: Bangor University 1976–79; 1980-85; KFA Jülich GmbH, Germany 1979 – 80. Lecturer and Senior Lecturer: Bangor University 1985–96; Personal Chair 1996; Established (William Charles Evans) Chair in Physiol Biochem since 2002. Various visiting fellowships – most recently (2008) at the Waite Institute, Adelaide. (Other long stays include USDA Sugarbeet Lab, Logan Utah; Darmstadt (Chemistry) and Heidelberg (Botany) Universities.) Lifetime grant capture £4.2 million (£2.2 million BBSRC & NERC (6) since 2000 – including Industrial LINK). Approx. 120 papers and chapters (h-index 37). 21 completed PhD studentships. (Most recent linked to Industry; CASE, KESS.)
Teaching: A career-long, full teaching load at all levels. Initially employed to teach plant biochemistry and physiology. This evolved to covering most of the biochemistry and cell physiology of SBS. Established (with A.H Shirsat) very successful BSc BioMedical Sciences Programme (2003) to strengthen these elements within SBS (Bangor, School of Biological Sciences). Awarded University Teaching Fellowship in 2000. Biology BSc coordinator 2012-15 (during which time Bangor Biology NSS score reached highest in Wales). Recent emphasis in my personal teaching on numeracy and chemical and physical foundations of biology. From first appointment, I carried the majority of SBS Welsh Medium teaching.
University Service (examples): Senate 1993-2015 (inc. appeals and unfair practice committees). Research Committee 2001-04. Welsh Medium Task Group (TASIG) 2004-present. Extra-mural Department Committee 1988-96. North Wales Health Trust Link Group 2000-dissolution. University of Wales Videoconferencing committee 1990-98. SBS Exec 2002-14. SBS Research Comm 1991-2009.
Other Service: BBSRC Plants & Microbial Sciences Committee – and subsidiary committees (1999-2002). Board of Governors BBSRC IGER (2004 - 2008). Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol: Academic Board (directly appointed) and chair of Natural Sciences Panel (includes Chemistry) 2011-present. Chair of Sci & Tech Committee of National Eisteddfod 2012-present (and member of Urdd equivalent). I have adjudicated in a number of national science competitions.
Public Understanding of Science (>40 years of broadcasting, lecturing and writing). 20-30 radio broadcasts per year, including occasional complete series.(I remain particularly proud of Gwyddonwyr wrth ei gwaith (1981) that is still occasionally replayed.) In 2016 I co-presented a Radio Cymru science series (Labordy Deri a Bryn) broadcast over the winter months. Occasional (2-3 per year) TV (eg, Darwin, y Cymro a’r Cynllwyn for Telescop S4C (2014), which was nominated for a BAFTA Wales award, and Welsh voiceover for “How the Universe Works” (Discovery Science Channel, S4C, (2015)). Regular (3-6 per year) lecturing to local and national groups (including a number of society annual lectures and Café Scientifique in Aberystwyth and Bangor). Some 40 short articles (including Y Faner and Y Gwyddonydd). In addition, since 2007, I write the science column for the monthly magazine Barn (Opinion). The 100th appeared in November 2016 (these can be seen at htpps:// I contribute to Wicipedia (and interact with Wiki Commons staff in Wales). Elected member (derwydd) of the Orsedd for popularisation of science (1994). National Eisteddfor Medal for Science and Technology (2017). Elected fellow of the Learned Society of Wales (2018)
Academic Outreach: (Lifelong) visits to and from schools (high and junior). For example in 2015-16: five school presentations to Welsh Baccalauriate students (World Citizenship Challenge: Gene therapy) Engineering Education Wales Scheme Project (Ysgol David Hughes) (consultancy and laboratory workshop). President of Association of Science Education (ASE Cymru) 2004-5.
After a Rank Prize Fund Fellowship on seed germination in Bangor, in 1979, Royal Society and DFG fellowships allowed me to spend 12 months in the Membrane Research Group of the Nuclear Research Centre Jülich, (West) Germany. This seminal experience laid the foundation of a lifelong international career (in Bangor) linking biochemistry and biophysics at the level of the individual cell in situ in a unique way. By the use of quantitative tissue mapping using microcapillaries (Ann. Rev. Plant Biol. 50:447, 1999), the Bangor SiCSA Lab has played a global role in understanding the fundamental mechanical, water and solute relations at individual cell resolution within plant tissues. Initially a description of previously unknown basic water relations parameters, this progressed via the mechanics of leaf and root growth (New Phytol 112:1, 1989; Plant Physiol 93:222, 1990) and movement (Bot. Acta 110:118, 1997) to the interplay of individual cell’s osmotic adjustment (Planta 196:40, 1995) and metabolism (New Phytol. 136:97, 1997; Plant Physiol. 124:599, 2000). The lab was one of the first to quantify gene expression in individual cells in situ (Plant Physiology 130:1335, 2002) and one of a very small number to relate metabolism to gene expression. A key discovery has been the key role played by, and the heterogeneity of, the extracellular matrix (apoplast) (J Exp Bot 52:623, 2001; Planta 215: 210, 2002). Despite a reduced output in recent years (I was not included in the latest REF – but had contributed two world class researchers to each of the previous two research exercises) I recently contributed (as the only plant scientist) to two international conferences in the “new” area of Single Cell Analysis (London 2012, Boston, 2014). Equipment designed and built in Bangor has been sold around the world (including to Reken) and researchers from all over the world have come for training to Bangor. This basic science has been applied to a wide range of applications. Much of which has been in the applied context of stress tolerance (from low temperature to anti-tank shell (DU) fragments). A battery of techniques continues to be developed to analyse picolitre samples from cells in situ. The latest include CZE and MALDI-TOF-MS. Previous approaches have included MRI (Cell & Mol. Biol of Wood Formation. Eds Savidge et al; Bios. 101, 2000) and con-focal microscopy (PNAS 97: 1932, 2000. The techniques are also now being applied to the rhizosphere (Plant & Soil 368:471, 2013). In a different context, the lab was seminal in the major current Bangor rice breeding programme (Theor Appl Genet 95:143, 1997). Since 2009, I have been involved in a series of explicitly commercial-linked programmes (BBSRC-Link and KESS) involving valuable products of plants. The largest involved galanthamine (an anti-Alzheimer drug) synthesis in daffodils. These brought me even closer to individuals within the Bangor School of Chemistry. In 2018 I was working with Prof Bela Paizs adapting the single cell CZE output for Mass Spectroscopy.
Research Publications
A. Research papers and reviews
(Reviews: **, general; *, of own work)
1. A.D. Tomos & D.H. Northcote. (1978). A protein - glycan intermediate during paramylon synthesis. Biochem. J. 174, 283 - 290.
2**. A.D. Tomos & D.L. Laidman (1979). The control of mobilization and metabolism in the aleurone tissue during germination. In Recent Advances in the Biochemistry of Cereals. D.L. Laidman & R.R. Wyn Jones (eds) Academic Press, London. pp. 119 - 146.
3**. DL Laidman & A.D. Tomos (1979). The control of some aspects of cereal aleurone activity during germination. News bulletin British Plant Growth Regulator Group 3, 1 - 4
4. DL Laidman, EM McDonnell, R.B. Mirbahar, N.O. Mukhtar, F.G. Pulford, A.D. Tomos (1979) in Mineral nutrition of plants. K. Kudrev, Iv. Stoyanov & V. Georgieva (eds) Cen. Coop. Union, Sofia 1, 227 - 240.
5. A.D. Tomos, E. Steudle, U. Zimmermann & E.D. Schulze (1981). Water relations of leaf epidermal cells of Tradescantia virginiana. Plant Physiol. 68, 1135 - 1143.
6. E.M. McDonnell, F.G. Pulford, R.B. Mirbahar, A.D. Tomos & D.L. Laidman (1982) Membrane lipid levels and phosphatidyl choline turnover in embryos from germinating high and low vigour wheat. (Triticum aestivum) J. Exp. Bot. 33, 631 - 642.
7. A.D. Tomos & U. Zimmermann (1982). Determination of water relation parameters of individual higher plant cells. In Biophysics of Water. F. Franks & S. Mathias ( eds) Wiley, Chichester pp. 256 - 261.
8. A.D. Tomos & R.G. Wyn Jones (1982). Water relations in the epidermal cells of the halophyte Suaeda maritima in Biophysics of water . F. Franks & S. Mathias ( eds) Wiley, Chichester pp 327 - 331.
9. D. Eamus & A.D. Tomos (1993). The influence of abscisic acid on the water relations of leaf epidermal cells of Rhoeo discolor. Plant Sci. Letts. 31, 253 - 259.
10. H. Jones, A.D. Tomos, R.A. Leigh & R.G. Wyn Jones (1983). Water relations parameters of epidermal and cortical cells in the primary root of Triticum aestivum L. Planta 158, 230 - 236.
11. R.A. Leigh & A.D. Tomos (1983). An attempt to use isolated vacuoles to determine the distribution of sodium and potassium in cells of storage roots of red beet. (Beta vulgaris L). Planta 159, 469 - 475.
12. A.D. Tomos, R.A. Leigh, C.A. Shaw & R.G. Wyn Jones (1984). A comparison of methods for measuring turgor pressures and osmotic pressures of cells of red beet storage tissues. J. Exp. Bot. 35, 1675 - 1683.
13**. A.D. Tomos (1985). Physical limitations to leaf cell expansion. SEB Symposium Vol. 27, N.R. Baker, W.D. Davies & C. Ong (eds) Cambridge U.P. pp 1 - 33.
14. N. Clipson, A.D. Tomos, T. Flowers & R.G. Wyn Jones (1985) Salt tolerance in the halophyte Suaeda maritime L. Dum. The maintenance of turgor pressure and water potential gradients in plants growing at different salinities. Planta 165, 392 - 396.
15. R.E. Wyse, E. Zamski & A.D. Tomos (1985) Turgor regulation of sucrose transport in sugar beet taproot tissues. Plant Physiol. 81, 478 - 481.
16. H. Jones, R.A. Leigh, A.D. Tomos & R.B. Wyn Jones (1987) The effect of abscisic acid on cell turgor pressures, solute content and growth of wheat roots. Planta 170, 257 - 262.
17. CA Perry, R.A. Leigh, A.D. Tomos, R.E. Wyse & J.L. Hall (1987) The regulation of turgor pressure during sucrose mobilisation and salt accumulation by excised storage-root tissue of red beet. Planta 170, 353-61
18. J. Pritchard, A.D. Tomos & R.C. Wyn Jones (1987) Control of wheat root elongation growth. I. Effects of ions on growth rate, wall rheology and cell water relations. J. Exp. Bot. 38, 948 - 959.
19. J.A. Palta, R.G. Wyn Jones & A.D. Tomos (1987) Leaf diffusive conductivities and tap root cell turgor pressure of sugarbeet. Plant Cell & Environ. 10, 737 - 740.
20. C.A. Perry, R.A. Leigh, A.D. Tomos & J.L. Hall (1987) Osmotic factors affecting the mobilisation of sucrose from vacuoles of red beet storage root tissue. in Plant Vacuoles ‑ Their importance in compartmentation and in plant biotechnology. B. Martin (ed). Plenum Press, New York, pp89 - 94.
21 H. Jones, R.A. Leigh, R.G. Wyn Jones & A.D. Tomos (1988) The integration of whole‑root and cellular hydraulic conductivities in cereal roots. Planta 174, 1 - 7.
22. T.G.C. Rich & A.D. Tomos (1988) Turgor pressure and phototropism in Sinapis alba L. seedlings. J. Exp. Bot. 39, 291 - 299.
23**. A.D. Tomos & R.G. Wyn Jones (1988) Some transport properties of cells within tissues. in Solute Transport in Plant Cells and Tissues. D.A. Baker & J.L. Hall (eds), Longman pp 220 - 250.
24**. A.D. Tomos (1988) Cellular water relations of plants. Water Science Reviews 3, F. Franks (ed) Cambridge U.P. pp 186 - 277.
25. M. Malone, A.D. Tomos & R.A. Leigh (1988) Osmolarity and salt composition in single cells. (published poster) J. Food Sci. Agric 46, 25 - 27.
26. J. Pritchard, R.G. Wyn Jones & A.D. Tomos (1988) Control of wheat root growth. The effects of excision on growth, wall rheology and root anatomy. Planta 176, 399 - 405.
27*. AD Tomos, M Malone & J Pritchard (1989) The biophysics of differential growth. Env Exp Bot. 29, 7-23.
28. A. Thomas, A.D. Tomos, J.L. Stoddart, H. Thomas & C.J. Pollock (1989) Cell expansion rate, temperature and turgor pressure in growing Lolium temulentum leaves. New Phytol 112, 1 - 5.
29. J. Pritchard, G. Williams, R.G. Wyn Jones & A.D. Tomos (1989) Radial turgor pressure profiles in growing and mature zones of wheat roots ‑ A modification of the pressure probe. J. Exp. Bot. 40, 567-71.
30. M Malone, R.A Leigh & A.D Tomos (1989) Extraction and analysis of sap from individual wheat leaf cells: the effect of sampling speed on the osmotic pressure of extracted sap. Plant Cell & Env 12, 919-26.
31**. A.D. Tomos, J. Pritchard, A. Thomas & H. Arif (1989) Using the pressure probe to study salt, water and cold stress in Plant water relations and growth under stress. M. Tazawa, M. Katsumi, Y. Masuda & H. Okamoto (eds). MYU K.K. Tokyo. pp 245 - 252.
32. A.D. Tomos (1989) Turgor pressure and membrane transport. in Plant membrane transport: The Current position. J Dainty, MI. de Michelis, E Marrè & F Rasi‑Caldogno (eds) Elsevier, Amsterdam pp 559-562.
33. J. Pritchard, G. Adam, P.W. Barlow & A.D. Tomos (1990) Biophysics of the inhibition of the growth of maize roots by lowered temperature. Plant Physiol. 93 222 - 230.
34. J. Pritchard, R.G.Wyn Jones & A.D. Tomos (1990) Measurement of yield threshold and cell wall extensibility of intact wheat roots under different ionic, osmotic and temperature treatments. J. Exp. Bot. 41 669 - 675.
35. M. Malone, R.A. Leigh & A.D. Tomos (1990) A simple pressure-probe method for the determination of volume in higher plant cells. Planta 182, 199 - 203.
36**. A.D. Tomos (1990) Growth ‑ A role for plant growth regulators ? in British Plant Growth Regulator Group Monograph 21, pp 53 - 69.
37. C.J. Pollock, A.D. Tomos, A. Thomas , C.J. Smith, E.J. LLoyd & J.L. Stoddart (1990) Exterior growth in a barley mutant with reduced sensitivity to low temperature. New. Phytol 115 617 - 623.
38. Malone, M., Leigh, R.A. & Tomos, A.D. (1991) Concentrations of vacuolar inorganic ions in individual cells of intact wheat leaf epidermis. J. Exp. Bot., 42, 305 - 309
39. Pritchard, J., Wyn Jones, R.G. & Tomos A.D. (1991) Turgor, growth and rheological gradients of wheat roots following osmotic stress. J. Exp. Bot. 42 1043 - 1049
40. Zhen, R-G, Koyro, H.-W., Leigh, R.A., Tomos, A.D and Miller, A.J. (1991) Compartmental nitrate concentrations in barley root cells measured with nitrate-selective microelectrodes and by single-cell sap sampling. Planta 185, 356 - 361
41*. Tomos, A.D., Leigh, R.A., Palta, J. and Williams, J.H.H. (1992) Sucrose and cell water relations. In: Carbon Partitioning (eds. C.J. Pollock, J.F. Farrar and A.J. Gordon). Bios Publishing, Oxford. pp. 71-89
42. Wiencke, C., Gorham, J., Tomos, A.D & Davenport, J. (1992) Incomplete turgor adjustment in Cladophora rupestris under fluctuating salinity regimes. Esturine, Coastal & Shelf Sci. 34, 413 - 427
43. Malone, M and Tomos, A.D (1992) Measurement of gradients of water potential in elongating pea stem by pressure probe and picoliter osmometry. J. Exp. Bot. 43, 1325 - 1331
44*. Tomos, A.D., Leigh, R.A., Hinde, P., Richardson, P. and Williams, J.H.H. (1992) Measuring water and solute relations in single cells in situ. in Current Topics in Plant Biochemistry and Physiology, Vol 11. Interdiscip. Plant Biochem. and Physiol. Program, U. of Missouri, Columbia. pp 168 - 177
45**. Tomos A.D. (1992) Resurrection Plants.. Life without water. Current Biol. 2, 594 - 6
46. Pritchard, J., Hetherington, R., Fry. S. and Tomos, A.D. (1993) Changes in cell-wall properties along the growth profile of roots. The action of some enzymes of the wall. in Current Topics in Plant Biochem and Physiol, Vol 11. Interdisciplinary Plant Biochem. and Physiol. Program, U. Missouri, Columbia. p 300
47. Thorpe M.R., Minchin, P.E.H., Williams, J.H.H., Farrar, J.F. and Tomos A.D (1993) Carbon import into developing ovules of Pisum sativum. The role of water relations of the seed coat. J. Exp. Bot. 44, 937-45
48*. Pritchard, J. & Tomos A.D. (1993) Correlating biophysical and biochemical control of root cell expansion. In: Water Deficits (eds Smith, JAC. & Griffiths, H.) Bios Publishing, Oxford, pp. 53 - 72)
49. Pritchard, J., Hetherington, P.R., Fry, S.C. & Tomos A.D. (1993) Xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase activity, microfibril orientation and the profiles of cell wall properties along growing regions of maize roots. J. Exp. Bot. 44, 1281 - 1289
50**. Leigh R.A. & Tomos A.D. (1993) Ion distributions in cereal leaves: Pathways and mechanisms. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 341, 75 - 86
51. Rygol, J., Pritchard, J., Zhu, J.J., Tomos A.D., & Zimmermann, U. (1993) Transpiration induces radial turgor pressure gradients in wheat and maize roots. Plant Physiol. 103 493 – 500
51b. Arif H & Tomos AD (1993) Control of wheat leaf growth under saline conditions. in Towards the rational use of high salinity tolerant plants. Vol 2. eds H. Lieth & A. Al Masoom . Kluwer Academic Pub. 45-52
52. Tomos A.D, Hinde, P., Richardson, P., Pritchard, J. & Fricke W. (1994) Microsampling and measurements of solutes in single cells. in Plant Cell Biology - A Practical Approach. eds. N. Harris & K. Oparka. IRL Press, Oxford. pp. 297 - 314.
53. Pardossi, A., Pritchard, J & Tomos A.D. (1994) comparison of pressure probe and pressure chamber technique to study the effect of leaf illumination and root cooling on the water relations of expanding primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. J. Exp. Bot. 45, 415 - 422
54. Fricke, W., Leigh, R.A., Tomos, A.D. (1994) Concentrations of inorganic and organic solutes in extracts from individual epidermal, mesophyll and bundle-sheath cells of barley leaves. Planta 192, 310 - 316
55. Fricke, W., Leigh, R.A., Tomos, A.D. (1994) Epidermal solute concentrations and osmolality in barley leaves studied at the single-cell level. Changes along the leaf blade, during leaf ageing and NaCl stress. Planta 192, 317 - 323
56. Fricke, W., Pritchard, J., Leigh, R.A., Tomos, A.D (1994) Cells of the upper and lower epidermis of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves exhibit distinct patterns of vacuolar solutes. Plant Physiol. 104,1201-8
57. Fricke,W., Leigh, R.A. & Tomos, A.D. (1994) Intercellular solute compartmentation in barley leaves. in "Sodium in Agriculture", eds. Phillips C.J.C. and Chiy, P.C. Chalcombe Publications. pp 33 - 42
58*. Pritchard J & Tomos A.D (1994) Cell wall properties and microfibril orientation along the growing zone of maize roots following osmotic adjustment. in Biochem. mechanisms involved in plant growth regn. eds. Smith C.J., Gallan, J., Chiatante D, & Zocchi G. Oxford Sci. Publications. pp. 201 - 216.
59*. Tomos A.D. & Pritchard J (1994) Biophysical and biochemical control of cell expansion in roots and leaves. J. Exp. Bot. 45, 1721 - 1731
60. Bell, C., Fordham, M., Richardson, P., Cram, J. and Tomos A.D. (1995) Cellular and subcellular compartmentation of sulphate in leaves in relation to low sulphur mobility. Z. Pflanzenenehrung und Bodenkund. 158, 63 - 65
61. Fricke, W., Hinde, P.S., Leigh, R.A., Tomos, A.D. (1995) Vacuolar solutes in the upper epidermis of barley leaves. Intercellular differences follow patterns. Planta 196, 40 - 49
62. Triboulot, M-B., Pritchard, J. & Tomos A.D. (1995) Stimulation and inhibition of pine root growth by osmotic stress. New Phytologist. 130, 169 - 175
- 63. Webster, J., Davey, R.A., Smirnoff, N., Fricke, W., Hinde, P., Tomos A.D. & Turner J.C.R. (1995) Mannitol and hexoses are components of Buller's Drop. Mycological Research. 99, 833 - 838
64. Fricke, W., Leigh, R.A. & Tomos, A.D. (1996) The intercelular distribution of vacuolar solutes in the epidermis and mesophyll of barley leaves changes in response to NaCl. J. Exp. Bot 47, 1413 - 1426
- 65. Price, A.H., Knight M., Knight, H., Cuin, T., Tomos, A.D. & Ashenden, T. (1996) Cytosolic calcium and oxidative plant stress. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 24, 479 - 483
66. Griffiths A, Parry A.D., Jones, H.G. & Tomos A.D (1996) Abscisic acid and turgor pressure regulation in tomato roots. J. Plant Physiol. 149, 372 - 376
67. Peters, W. & Tomos A.D. (1996) The History of Tissue Tension. Annals of Botany 77, 657 - 665
68. Johnson, J.M., Pritchard, J., Gorham, J. & Tomos A.D. (1996) Growth, water relations and solute accumulation in osmotically-stressed seedlings of the tropical tree Colophospermum mopane. Tree Physiology 16, 713 - 718
69. Peters, W & Tomos, A.D. (1996) The epidermis still in control ? Botanica Acta 109, 264 – 267
70. Irving, M.S., Ritter S., Tomos, A.D., & Koller, D. (1996) Phototropic response of the bean pulvinus: Movement of water and ions. Botanica Acta 110, 118-126
71. Pritchard, J., Fricke, W. & Tomos A.D. (1996) Turgor-regulation during extension growth and osmotic stress of maize roots. An example of single - cell mapping. Plant & Soil. 187, 11 - 21
72. Price A & Tomos A.D (1996) Molecular genetics of drought resistance in rice. Plant Sciences Research Programme Conference on Semi-Arid Systems (ed E.M. Young) ODA. 22-23
73. Price., A.H, Virk, D.S. & Tomos A.D (1997) Genetic dissection of root growth in rice (Oryza sativa L.) I. A hydroponic screen. Theor Appl Genet 95, 132-142
74. Price, A.H. & Tomos A.D. (1997) Genetic dissection of root growth in rice (Oryza sativa L.) II. Mapping quantitative trait loci using molecular markers. Theor Appl Genet 95, 143-152
75. Koroleva OA, Farrar JF, Tomos, AD ,Pollock, CJ. (1997) Solute patterns in individual mesophyll, bundle sheath and epidermal cells of barley leaves induced to accumulate carbohydrate. New Phytol. 136 97-104
76. Griffiths A, Jones HG, TomosAD (1997)Applied abscisic acid, root growth and turgor pressure responses of roots of wild-type and the ABA-deficient mutant, Notabilis, of tomato. J Plant Physiol 151 60-62
77. Price A.H., Young E.M. & Tomos A.D. (1997) Quantitative trait loci for stomatal conductance, leaf rolling and heading date mapped in upland rice (Oryza sativa L). New Phytologist 137, 83-91
- Tomos, D. (1997) Cell turgor pressure in tissues. Plant Biomechanics 1997. eds G. Jeronimidis & JFV Vincent. Biomimetrics, Reading Uni. pp 81-87
79. Bates NJ, Cram WJ & Tomos AD (1997) Sulphate concentrations in wheat epidermis measured at single cell resolution - influence of N and S supply. in Sulphur metabolism in higher plants. eds Cram WJ., de Kok L.J., Stulen I, Brunold C & Rennenberg H. Backhuys Publ. Leiden. pp 315-317
- Bazzanella A., Lochmann H., Tomos AD & Bächmann K (1998) Determination of inorganic cations and anions in single plant cells by capillary zone electrophoresis. J. Chromatography A. 809 231-239
81. Hinde P.S., Richardson, P., Koyro, H-W. & Tomos A.D. (1998) Quantitative solute analysis of individual plant cells: a comparison of two approaches to X-ray microanalysis. J. Microsp. 191 303-310
82. Koroleva, O.A., Farrar, J.F., Tomos, A.D. & Pollock, C.J. (1998) Carbohydrates in individual cells of epidermis, mesophyll and bundle sheath in barley leaves with changed export or photosynthetic rate. Plant Physiol. 118, 1525-1532
83.** Tomos, A.D. & Leigh R.A. (1999) The Pressure Probe: A versatile tool in Plant Cell Physiology. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 50, 447-472
84. Korolev AV, Tomos AD, Bowtell R, & Farrar J.F. (2000) Spatial and temporal distribution of solutes in the developing carrot taproot measured at single-cell resolution. J. Exp. Bot. 51, 567-577
85. Tomos AD, Korolev AV, Farrar JF, Nicolay K, Bowtell R & Koeckenberger W. (2000) Water and solute relations of the carrot cambium studied at single-cell resolution. In Cell & Mol. Biol of Wood Formation. Eds Savidge R, Barnett J & Napier R. Bios. 101-112
86. Goddard H, Manison NFH, Tomos D & Brownlee C (2000) Elemental propagation of calcium signals in response-specific patterns determined by environmental stimulus strength. PNAS 97, 1932-7
87.* Tomos D. (2000) The plant cell pressure probe. Biotechnol Letts. 22, 437-442
88. Peters WS, Hagemann W & Tomos AD. (2000) What makes a plant ? Principles of extracellular matrix function in "soft" plant tissues. Comparative, Biochemistry and Physiology A 125, 151-167
89. Peters WS & Tomos AD (2000). The mechanic state of "inner tissue" in the growing zone of sunflower hypocotyls and the regulation of its growth rate following excision. Plant Physiol. 123: (2) 605-612
90. Tomos, A.D. (2000) Placing a GM-Wales in a time-warp. Agenda (Journal of the Institute of Welsh Affairs). Summer 2000 35-7
91. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF, Roberts P, Pollock CJ. (2000) Tissue distribution of primary metabolism between epidermal, mesophyll and parenchymatous bundle sheath cells in barley leaves. Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 27, 747-755
92. Korolev AV, Tomos AD & Farrar AD. (2000). The trans-tissue pathway and chemical fate of 14C photoassimilate in carrot taproot. New Phytol. 147, 299-306
93. Koroleva O.A., Davies D.A., Deeken R., Thorpe M.R., Tomos A.D. & Hedrich R. (2000) Identification of a new glucosinolate-rich cell type in Arabidopsis flower stalk. Plant Physiol. 124, 599-608
94.* Leigh R.A, Walker D.J. Fricke, W., Tomos A.D., & Miller A.J. (1999) Patterns of potassium compart-mentation in plant cells as revealed by microelectrodes and microsampling. In: Frontiers in Potassium Nutrition: New perspectives on the effects of Potassium on the physiology of plants. (eds D.M. Oosterhuis & Berkowitz) The potash and phosphate institute and the Crop Sci Soc of America . pp 63-70
95.**Tomos AD, Leigh RA, Koroleva OA (2000) Spatial and temporal variation in vacuolar contents. Annual Plant Reviews Vol. 5, (Vacuolar Compartments). (eds DG Robinson and Rogers JC) Sheffield Academic Press. pp 174-198
96.* Pollock CJ., Farrar J.F., Koroleva O.A., Gallagher J.A. & Tomos A.D. (2000) Intracellular and intercellular compartmentation of carbohydrate metabolism in leaves of temperate gramineae. Revta brasil.Bot. (Brazilian Reviews of Botany). 23, 349-356
97. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF, Gallagher J & Pollock CJ (2001) Carbon allocation and sugar status in individual cells of barley leaves affects expression of sucrose-fructan 6-fructosyltransferase gene. Annals of Applied Biology. 138, 27-32
98. Tomos AD, Sharrock RA (2001) Cell sampling and analysis (SiCSA). Metabolites measured at single cell resolution. J. Exp. Bot. 52, 623-630
99 Gallagher J.A., Koroleva O.A., Tomos A.D., Farrar J.F. & Pollock C.J. (2001) Single Cell analysis technique for analysis of specific mRNA abundance in plant cells. J. Plant Phys. 158,1089-1092
100. Valérie Laval, Olga A. Koroleva, Elaine Murphy, Chungui Lu, Joel J. Milner, Mark A. Hooks, A. Deri Tomos. (2002) Distribution of actin gene isoforms in the Arabidopsis leaf measured in microsamples from intact individual cells. Planta 215, 287-292
101. Kenny, D.A., P.G. Humpherson, H.J. Leese, D.G. Morris, M.G. Diskin, A.D. Tomos and J.M. Sreenan (2002) The Effect of Elevated Systemic Concentrations of Ammonia and Urea on the Metabolite and Ionic Composition of Oviduct Fluid in Cattle. Biology of Reproduction 66, 1797-1804
102. Lu C., Koroleva, O.A., Farrar J.F., Gallagher J, Pollock C.J. & Tomos A.D (2002) Measuring light-dependent gene expression in individual barley leaf cells using single-cell reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (SC-RT-PCR). Plant Physiology 130, 1335-1348
103. Koroleva, O.A., Tomos A.D. Farrar, J.F., & Pollock, C.J. (2002) Water relations of individual cells of barley source leaves in planta. Planta 215, 210-219
- Darwent MJ, Paterson E, McDonald AJS and Tomos AD (2003) Sensor reporting of root exudation from Hordeum vulgare in relation to shoot nitrate concentration. J. Exp. Bot. 54, 325-334
105. Pollock C, Farrar J, Tomos D, Gallagher J, Lu C & Koroleva O (2003) Balancing supply and demand: the spatial regulation of carbon metabolism in grass and cereal leaves. J. Exp Bot. 54, 489-494
106. Pritchard J, Tomos AD, Farrar J F, Minchin PEH, Gould N, Paul MJ, MacRae EA, Ferrieri RA, Gray DW & Thorpe MR (2004) Turgor, solute import and growth in maize roots treated with galactose Functional Plant Biology, 31 (11) 1095-1103
107. Voitsekhovskaja OV, Koroleva OA, Batashev DR, Knop C, Tomos AD, Gamalei YV, Heldt HW & Lohaus G (2006) Phloem loading in two Scrophulariaceae species. What can drive symplastic flow via plasmo-desmata? Plant Physiology 140: 383-395
108. Farrell AD, Ougham HJ & Tomos AD (2006) The effect of gibberellic acid on the response of leaf extension to low temperature. Plant Cell & Environment 29: 1329-1337
109. Verscht J, Tomos D & Komor E (2006) Sugar concentrations along and across the Ricinus communis L. hypocotyls measured by single cell sampling analysis. Planta 224: 1303-1314
110. Roberts, Karen, Love, Andrew J., Laval, Valerie, Laird, Janet, Tomos, A. Deri, Hooks, Mark A., & Milner, Joel J. (2007) Long-distance movement of Cauliflower mosaic virus and host defence responses in Arabidopsis follow a predictable pattern that is determined by the leaf orthostichy. New Phytologist 175, 707-717
111. Love, Andrew J., Laval, Valerie, Geri, Chiara, Laird, Janet, Tomos, A. Deri, Hooks, Mark A., Milner, Joel J. (2007) Components of Arabidopsis defense- and ethylene-signaling pathways regulate susceptibility to Cauliflower mosaic virus by restricting long-distance movement Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 20, 659-670
112. Allen E, Hooks M, Moing A, Marcourt M, Tomos D, Rolin D, Ebbels T. (2007). Metabolite regulation of gene expression during the heterotrophic to autotrophic transition in developing seedling of Arabidopsis. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 146, DOI 10.1016/j.cbpa.2007.1001.1590|1028.
113. Hounsome N, Hounsome B, Tomos D, Edwards-Jones G. (2008). Plant metabolites and nutritional quality of vegetables. Journal of Food Science 73, R48-R65.
114. Edwards-Jones G, Canals LMI, Hounsome N, Truninger M, Koerber G, Hounsome B, Cross P, York EH, Hospido A, Plassmann K, Harris IM, Edwards RhT, Day GAS, Tomos AD, Cowell SJ, Jones DL. (2008). Testing the assertion that 'local food is best': the challenges of an evidence-based approach. Trends in Food Science & Technology 19, 265-274.
115. Hounsome N, Hounsome B, Tomos D, Edwards-Jones G. (2009). Changes in antioxidant compounds in white cabbage during winter storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology 52, 173-179.
116. Allen, E; Moing, A; Ebbels, TM, Maucourt, M., Tomos, A. D., Rolin, D. & Hooks, M. A. (2010) Correlation Network Analysis reveals a sequential reorganization of metabolic and transcriptional states during germination and gene-metabolite relationships in developing seedlings of Arabidopsis BMC Systems Biology Volume: 4 Article Number: 62
117. Garzon T, Gunse B, Moreno AR, Tomos AD, Barcelo J, Poschenrieder C. (2011). Aluminium-induced alteration of ion homeostasis in root tip vacuoles of two maize varieties differing in Al tolerance. Plant Science 180, 709-715.
118. Brittain SR, Cox AG, Tomos AD, Paterson Siripinyanond A, McLeod, CW. (2012) Chemical speciation studies on DU contaminated soils using flow field flow fractionation linked to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (FlFFF-ICP-MS). Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14, 782-790
119. Tandy S, Brittain SR, Grail, BM, Mcleod CW, Paterson E, Tomos, AD (2013) Fine scale measurement and mapping of uranium in soil solution in soil and plant-soil microcosms, with special reference to depleted uranium. Plant and Soil 368, 471-482
120. Al-Salih HS, Fathi RA, Godbold DL, Tomos AD (2014) Detection of Uranium contamination in Acacia cell sap by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (CZE) technique. Journal of Nat. Sciences Research 4, 40-48
121. Tomos A.D. (2015) Use of CE to analyse solutes in pico- and nano-litre samples from plant cells and rhizosphere. Capillary Electrophoresis. Methods and Protocols. 181-194 (2017) Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin (gol). Springer. (Part of book series Methods in Molecular Biology (MIMB, volume 1483)
122. Olga V. Voitsekhovskaja, Kirill N. Demchenko, Anna N. Melnikova, Alexandra N. Ivanova, Anastasiia I. Evkaikina, Gertrud Lohaus, Hans-Walter Held, A. Deri Tomos, Elena V. Tyutereva and Olga A. Koroleva (submitted to Ann Bot) Comparative study of plasmodesmata distribution in leaves of four species with contrasting phloem loading mode.
B. Invited or Offered Lectures.
i. Universities and Research Institutes.
1984: Edinburgh.
1985: Davis, Calif; U. Washington; Texas A & M; Pennsylvania State; Utah State; Aberystwyth; Leicester
1987: Lancaster; Liverpool.
1988: York.
1989: Würzburg; Bayreuth
1991: Long Ashton Research Station; Pisa
1992: NIAB/NIBGE, Faizalabad; Exeter
1993: Hannover; Zeneca (J.H); Tokyo (A&T); Yokohama
1994: Sussex; Bayreuth; Würzburg;
1995: Aberystwyth
1996: Newcastle, Jülich
1997: Giessen; Beyreuth; Nottingham (Sutton Bonnington)
1998: Aberdeen
1999: Oxford, HRI Wellesbourne;
2001: York, Glasgow
2002: Golm (Max Plank); Lancaster; Montpellier (INRA)
2004: Jülich; Halle
2006: Nottingham
2007: Nottingham
2008: Adelaide (Woolhouse Lecture)
2009: Cumbria (Steudle/Hartung retirement)
2010: Sheffield
ii. Conferences and Symposia
(presented by first named author)
1. A.D. Tomos & D.L. Laidman (1978) Recent Advances in Cereal Biochemistry (Bangor)
2. A.D. Tomos & R.G. Wyn Jones (1984) Plant Cell Water Relations. To "Biophysics in Wales", a conference held to celebrate the centenary of University College Cardiff
3. A.D. Tomos & R.G. Wyn Jones (1984) Plant Water Relations. Int. Symp. on Osmoregulation (Obermarchtal).
4. A.D. Tomos (1985) Phytochemical Society of Europe (Bangor)
5. A.D. Tomos, R.G. Wyn Jones & R.E. Wyse (1986) Turgor regulation of sucrose uptake in beet tap root. SEB (Southampton).
6. A.D. Tomos (1986) Water transport studies at single cell resolution. Plant Transport Group (York).
7. A.D. Tomos & R.E. Wyse (1986) Pressure‑regulated proton pump in beet storage cells. 5th FESPP meeting (Hamburg).
8. A.D. Tomos, J. Palta‑Paz & H. Arif. (1987). Pressure probe measurements on osmotically stressed plants. NATO workshop on environmental stress (Norwich).
9. A.D. Tomos & J. Pritchard (1989) Using the pressure probe to study root growth. III‑ Cycle Romande en Sciences Biologiques. Table‑Ronde. (Lausanne).
10. M.Malone, R.A. Leigh & A.D. Tomos (1988) Osmotic pressure in individual leaf cells: Effect of rate of sample extraction. SEB/PTG (Gregynog)
11. A.D. Tomos (1989) Growth- A role for plant growth regulators ? SEB/BSPGR (Lancaster)
12. A.D. Tomos (1989) Measuring plant water and solute relations at single-cell resolution. (1st Stapledon Memorial Seminar). (WPBS, Aberystwyth)
13. J.Pritchard & A.D. Tomos (1990) Turgor, osmotic and growth gradients along extending maize roots during and following osmotic adjustment. SEB/PTG (Edinburgh)
14. J.H.H. Williams, H.-W. Koyro, P.S. Hinde, P. Richardson, R.A. Leigh & A.D. Tomos (1990) Measuring single cell water and solute relations. 1. Measurement of osmotic pressure and solutes. ibid
15. H.W. Koyro, J.H.H. Williams, P. Richardson., P.S. Hinde., R.A. Leigh & A.D. Tomos (1990) Measuring single cell water and solute relations. ". Application to several questions of crop plant nutrition. ibid
16. A.D. Tomos (1989) Turgor pressure and membrane transport. 8th Int. Workshop on Plant Membrane Transport (Venice)
17. A.D. Tomos, J. Pritchard, A. Thomas & H. Arif (1989) Using the pressure probe to study salt, water and cold stress. XII Yamada Conference on Plant Water Relations and Growth under Stress (Osaka)
18. P.S. Hinde, R.A. Leigh & A.D. Tomos (1991) How is osmotic pressure maintained in a "potassium exporting" leaf ? SEB/PTG (Oaklands)
19. A.D. Tomos (1990) Water and solute relations at single cell resolution. Seminar on Environmental Physiology to the Plants & Environment Research Committee of AFRC. (Rothamsted).
20. A.D. Tomos (1991) Plant water and solute relations at single cell resolution. First Symposium of the SFB 251. "Okologie, Physiologie und Biochemie pflanzlicher Leistung unter Stress" (Retzbach).
21. A.D. Tomos, R.A. Leigh, J.H.H. Williams, H.-W. Koyro, J. Pritchard, P. Hinde & P. Richardson (1991) Vacuolar solutes. How much variation from cell to cell ? SEB (Birmingham). [Abs in J. Exp Bot 42, 25]
22. R.G.W. Jones, J. Pritchard, A.D. Tomos (1991) Modulation of cell elongation growth by environmental stress. Int. Symp. Biochemical mechanisms of growth regulation. (Milan)
23. Pritchard, J., & A.D. Tomos (1991) Cell wall properties and microfibril orientation along the growing zone of maize roots following osmotic adjustment. ibid
24. Tomos, A.D., Leigh, R.A., Hinde, P., Richardson, P. and Williams, J.H.H. (1992) Measuring water and solute relations in single cells in situ. Current Topics in Plant Biochemistry and Physiology, Missouri
25. Tomos, A.D., Hinde, P., Richardson, P., Koyro, H.-W., Williams, J.H.H., Pritchard, J. and Leigh, R.A. (1992) Cell-to-cell variation in vacuole solute content. SEB (Lancaster) [Abs: J. Exp. Bot. 43, suppl. p 26]
26. Tomos, A.D. (1992) Turgor regulation of sucrose synthesis. ibid [Abs: J. Exp. Bot. 43, suppl. p 11]
27. P. Richardson, R.A. Leigh & A.D. Tomos (1992) Osmotic regulation of wheat leaf epidermis under varying nitrate availability. SEB/PTG (Oxford)
28. A.D. Tomos (1992) Enabling methodologies: Single Cell Sampling. AFRC Plant Transport Coordn Meeting, (York).
29. A.D. Tomos & J. Pritchard (1993) The role of water in plant growth. COST 814 Meeting (Aberystwyth). [Abs: in Crop adaptation to cool, wet climates. eds Wilson D, Thomas H., Pithan, K. Commission of the European Communities, Brussels. p 225 (abstract)
30. A.D. Tomos (1993) Possible roles for cell-wall solutes in plant responses to salt and water stress. STRESSNET (AIR) Meeting (Manchester).
31. A.D. Tomos (1993) Single-cell sampling. Int. Conf. Sodium in Agricultural Production. (Bangor)
32. W. Fricke, R.A. Leigh & A.D. Tomos (1993) Compartmentation of inorganic and organic solutes between individual epidermal and mesophyll cells of barley leaves. ibid
33. W.Fricke & A.D. Tomos (1993) Nitrate concentrations of individual cells of cereal leaves. Effects of light and nutrient status. 4th AFRC Meeting on Plant & Soil Nitrogen Metabolism (Silsoe)
34. A.D. Tomos & J. Pritchard (1993) Water and solute relations of expanding cereal roots. XV Int. Bot. Congress (Yokohama)
35. Fricke, W., Leigh, R.A. & Tomos A.D. (1993) Solute compartmentation between mesophyll, bundle sheath and epidermal cells of barley leaves. ASPP (Am. Soc. Plant Physiol.) (Minneapolis) [Abs: Plant Physiol. 102, (suppl) p 33]
36. Fricke, W., Leigh, R.A. & Tomos A.D. (1993) Solute concentrations and osmotic pressure in single epidermal cells of barley: Changes along the leaf blade and during leaf ageing. ibid [Abs: Plant Physiol. 102, (suppl) p 35]
37. P.S. Hinde & A.D. Tomos (1994) Sampling and analysing solutes from intact plant cells. Biological X-ray microanalysis Spring Meeting. (Sheffield)
38. Peters, W, A.D. Tomos & H. Felle (1994) Warum die Epidermis das Wachstum nicht kontrolliert - Einige vergessene Fakten und Experimente. Satelliten-Symp. zur Botanikertagung (Bad Honnef)
39. Fricke, W, W. Peters, A.D. Tomos & H. Felle (1994) Zur Verbreitung, kinetik und Mechanismus spontaner Anderungen des apoplastischen pH in Coleoptilen veschiedener Gr@ser. ibid.
40. Triboulot, M-B., Pritchard, J. & A.D. Tomos (1994) Water relations of root growth of Pinus pinaster at single-cell level. CNRS. Biomecanique des vegetaux. (Montpellier)
41. Pritchard, J. & Tomos A.D. (1994) The biophysics of root growth. ibid
42. Irving, MS, Ritter, S, Koller, D & AD Tomos (1994) The mechanism of leaf movement in bean Phaseolus vulgaris. ibid
43. P. Richardson, J. Pritchard & A.D. Tomos (1994) EU Programme (Drought/high CO2) Meeting (Lisbon).
44. A.D. Tomos & J. Pritchard (1994) Biophysics and biochemistry of single-cell extension growth in roots and leaves. SEB (Swansea)
45. A.D. Tomos (1994) The growing cell wall. A mechanical and osmotic jacket. Gordon Conf. on Plant Salinity Tolerance. (Tilton, New Hamp.)
46. A.D. Tomos & J. Pritchard (1994) Water and solute relations of expanding maize roots. Deut. Bot. Ges. (Bayreuth).
47. P. Richardson, J. Pritchard & A.D. Tomos (1995) EU Programme (Drought/high CO2) Meeting (Freiburg).
48. P.S. Hinde, R.A. Leigh, & A.D. Tomos (1995) The epidermal-mesophyll interface in leaves. SEB (St. Andrews)
49. A.D. Tomos, P.Hinde, W. Fricke, M. Irving, J. Pritchard & P. Richardson & R.A. Leigh (1995) Cells within tissues. The interaction of solute and water relations in intact systems. ibid
50. M Irving, AD Tomos, S Ritter, D Koller (1995) The conversion of environmental signals into reversible movement. ibid
51. A.D. Tomos & W. Fricke (1995) Effects of salt stress on solute concentrations in epidermal and mesophyll cells of barley leaves. ibid
52. T. Cuin, T. Ashenden & A.D. Tomos (1995) Single-cell sampling of ozone-treated barley leaves. CAPER (Sheffield)
53. A.D. Tomos (1995) Cell biology and single cell techniqies in plant stress research. STRESSNET (AIR) Meeting Salsomaggiore (September).
54. Price, A.H. & Tomos A.D. (1995) Locating genes for drought resistance in upland rice. Plant Genome III
55. A.D. Tomos (1995) Biophysics of tree root growth. 14th Long Ashton Int. Symp. (September).
56. Cuin TA, Ashenden TW & Tomos AD (1996) Ozone alters the intercellular distribution of Ca2+ in cereal leaf epidermis. (CAPER, Aberystwyth. April)
57. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF & Pollock CJ (1996) Carbohydrate accumulation and compartmentation of solutes in barley leaves during the photoperiod. (Plant Sci. Wales, Aberystwyth. January)
58. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF & Pollock CJ (1996) The pathway of photoassymilate from the mesophyll to vein and the interaction of solute and water relations (SEB Lancaster. March) (abs in J. Exp. Bot. 47 supl. p 75)
59. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF & Pollock CJ (1996) Cellular compartmentation of primary carbohydrate metabolism in source leaves of temperate Graminae (BOMRIP, Manchester. June)
60. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF & Pollock CJ (1996) Solute patterns in individual mesophyll, bundle sheath and epidermal cells of barley leaves induced to accumulate carbohydrate (Third Int. Fructan Symp. Logan, Utah. July)(also submitted to New Phytol. )
61. Price, A.H., Knight M., Knight, H., Cuin, T., Tomos, A.D. & Ashenden, T. (1995) Cytosolic calcium and oxidative plant stress. Biochem. Soc., Symposium on Free Radical Processes in Plants (Aberdeen, December) (publ as Price et al, 1996)
62. Richardson P & Tomos AD (1996) Does epidermal heterogeneity affect the growth of a fungal parasite ? (SEB Lancaster. March) (abs in J. Exp. Bot. 47 supl, p37)
63. Tomos AD (1996) The Physics of Root Growth. (Zeneca Arc & Senans Plant Workshop, May)
64. Richardson P, Hinde P & Tomos AD (1996) Analysis of plant cell samples by EDX and fluorescence microanalysis. International Conference of Spectroscopy and Optical Techniques in Animal and Plant Biology (Münster, October)
65 Fricke W, Leigh & Tomos AD (1996) Plant Transport Group (Plymouth) (September)
66. Koroleva OA, Pollock CJ, Farrar JF & Tomos AD (1996) Plant Transport Group (Plymouth) (September)
67. Irving MS, Ritter S, Koller D. & Tomos A.D. (1995) The mechanism of leaf movement in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). (Biomechanics, Montpellier.)
68. Pritchard, J., Price A.H., & Tomos A.D. (1995) Control of root extension and its modification by drought stress. (Biomechanics, Montpellier)
69. Korolev A, Farrar J.F., Bowtell, R. (1996) MRI and SiCSA. Plant Science Wales (Bangor) (December)
70. Lawrence RA & Tomos AD (1996) Turgor dependent proton efflux in sugar beet and red beet. Plant Science Wales (Bangor) (December)
71. Bates NJ, Cram J, & Tomos, AD (1996) Distribution of S in wheat epidemis at single-cell resolution: influence of S-stress and cell type. Plant Science Wales (Bangor) (December)
72. Richardson P, Carver T & Tomos AD (1996) Effects of powdery mildew on barley leaf epidermal cells. Plant Science Wales (Bangor, December)
73. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF and Pollock CJ (1997) The pathway of photoassimilate from mesophyll to vein. The distribution of enzymes and solutes. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 48 supl p25)
74. Lawrence RA & Tomos AD (1997) Turgor regulation in higher plants: does the cell wall play a role ? (abs in J. Exp. Bot 48 supl p35)
75. Bates NJ, Tomos AD & Cram WJ (1997) Sulphur and nitrogen supply to wheat effect water and solute relations in the epidermis. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 48 supl p36)
76 Tomos AD (1997) Cell turgor presure in tissues. Plant Biomechanics 1997 (Reading, October)
77. Tomos AD (1997) Solute relations in single cells in situ. Second Int. SFB 199 Symposium. (Ebenburg, November) (publ in Proceedings)
78. Lawrence RA & Tomos AD (1997) Salt tolerance in Suaeda maritima. Plant Science Wales (Cardiff, December)
79. Köckenberger W, Hudson A, Bowtell R, Korolev A, Farrar JF & Tomos (1998) (abs in J. Exp. Bot 49 supl .4-5)
80. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD & Farrar JF (1998) Water relations of individual cells of barley source leaves. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 49 supl 6)
81. Lawrence RA & Tomos AD (1998) Whet is the role of the apoplast in the maintenance of cell turgor pressure in water stressed plants. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 49 supl 6)
82. Tomos AD. (1998) Genetically-modified crops. Techno 2000 (Portmeirion)
83. Tomos AD, Arif H, Palta J., Santa Cruz A, Lawrence R (1998) Plants as high pressure hydraulic machines. The role of the cell wall in determining cell turgor pressure. 1st Int. symp. on the mechanics of plants animals and their environments (U. California St. Barbara).
84. Korolev AV, Tomos AD & Farrar JF (1999) Transport, re-distribution and accumulation of assimilate in mature carrot taproot. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 50 suppl p56)
85. Tomos AD, Farrar JF, Korolev AV, Kockenberger W, Hudson A & Bowtell R. (1999) Xylem and Phloem in carrot taproot - linking solute and water flows. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 50 suppl p25)
86. Deri Tomos, Olga Koroleva & Joe Gallagher (1999) Two New Developments in Single Cell Analysis (SiCSA) (PTG, Southampton. Sept)
87. Lawrence-Sharrock R.A. & Tomos A.D. (2000) Single Cell Sampling and Analysis (SiCSA). Plant Physiology at Single Cell Resolution. (SEB, Exeter, March)
88. Tomos AD. (2000) Regulation of Water Transport in Plants. Rank Prize Fund Meeting on Water (Grasmere, March)
89. Chungui Lu, Olga Koroleva & Deri Tomos* (2000) Measuring gene expression at single cell resolution.
(PTG, Hatfield, Sept)
90. Sean Grundy, Doug Godbold, Deri Tomos (2000) Influence of aluminium on the solute content of wild savannah grass species (PTG, Hatfield, Sept)
91. Tomos AD (2000) Plant Hydraulics at the resolution of the single cell. 3rd Plant Biomechanics Conference (Freiburg) (abs in proceedings eds H.C. Spatz & T. Speck. Thieme. p 367)
92. Peters WS, Fricke W & Tomos AD (2000) The mechanic state of inner tissues in growing zones of higher plant stems. 3rd Plant Biomechanics Conference (Freiburg) (abs in Procs. eds H.C. Spatz & T. Speck. Thieme. p 217)
93. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF, Gallagher J, Pollock CJ (2001) Carbon allocation and sugar status in individual cells of barley leaves affects expression of sucrose-fructan 6-fructosyltransferase gene. (Assoc Appl Biologists, IGER Aberystwyth)
- Tomos AD (2001) Measuring metabolites, enzymes and gene expression in individual cells in planta. BBSRC-JIC Metabolomics Workshop. (Norwich, April)
- Tomos A.D., Koroleva O.A, Lu C., Laval V., Brandt S. (2002) Quantitative metabolite and mRNA profiling of individual plant cells in vivo. 24th Int. Symp on Chromatography. (Leipzig).
- Deri Tomos & Stephan Brandt (2002) Analysis of Biological and Environmental Microsamples. (SUREMA, Halle, Nov)
- Deri Tomos (2002) Using microcapillaries to analyse the physics, chemistry and molecular biology of plants one cell at a time. (Montpellier).
- Deri Tomos (2002) Single Cell Sampling and Analysis: Using microcapillaries to study the biophysics, biochemistry and molecular biology of individual cells in intact plants. (Max Planck, Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam)
99. Chungui Lu, Valerie Laval, Milner J, Koroleva O, Murphy E., Hooks MA, Pollock CJ, Gallagher J, Farrar JF & Tomos AD (2002) The quantification of gene expression in individual leaf cells of barley and Arabidopsis. (SEB, Swansea)
100. Brandt SP & Tomos AD (2002) Gene expression analysis in single cells. (Deutsche Bot Ges., Freiburg)
101. Tomos AD (2003) The ultimate living high pressure micro machine. Land/Oceans Interactions Meeting (Bangor, Jan)
102. Brandt SP, AD Tomos. (2003) Simultaneous measurement of both the RNA message and the gene product in individual Arabidopsis leaf cells. 7th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology (Barcelona)
103. Valérie Laval, Andrew J. Love, A. Deri Tomos, Mark A Hooks, Gary Loake, Joel J. Milner. (2003) Host defence signalling during compatible infection of Arabidopsis by CaMV: 7th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology (Barcelona)
104. Tomos AD (2003) The latest on single cell and other sample analysis from Bangor. Plant Science Wales (Cylch Gwydion) (Aberystwyth)
105. Tomos AD (2004) Plant “Omics” at single cell resolution. Prof G-J Krauss 60 Birthday Celebration Lecture. (Halle)
106. Deri Tomos (2004) Genomics, Proteomics and Metabolomics. The challenges of tissue heterogeneity at the cell level. Dynamics of Plants in a Changing Environment Meeting. (Forschungszentrum Jülich. May)
- 107. Tomos AD (2004) Demonstration for Prof Chris Pollock Faraday Discourse (Royal Institution, November)
108. (Various) (2004) Plant Science Wales / Cylch Gwydion (Swansea, December).
109. Tomos AD (2005) Society of Welsh Translators and Interpreters (Gregynog 2005)
- 110. Deri Tomos & Ruth Sharrock (2005) An Artificial Apolast. Turgor adjustment in sugarbeet and Suaeda by alterations in the apoplast water potential in vitro. (SEB Barcelona) (Chair Workshop on Single Cell Analysis).
111. A. Deri Tomos, Natalia Ivashikina, Naoki Moritsuka, Elizabeth J Allen,Susan R. Brittain, Nigel Dilkes, Barry Grail, David L. Jones, Mark A. Hooks, Michael Burrell, Cameron McLeod, Guy Kirk & Eric Paterson. (2006) Sampling cells and soils in picolitre volumes using glass micropipettes and their subsequent analysis. (SiCSA) (SEB, Canterbury)
112. Susan Brittain, Tomos AD, Cameron McLKeod, Eric Paterson (2006) An analysis of soil du behaviour at very fine spatial resolution. 3rd DU Conference. (Tidworth, March)
113. Susan Brittain, Tomos AD, Cameron McLKeod, Eric Paterson (2006) Analysing DU in the Living Rhizosphere. DU Forum. Nottingham
114. Natalya V. Ivashikina, Kemp H., Al-Zubaidi K., Burrell M., Clench M., Croft A.K., Grail B.M. & Tomos A.D. (2006) Use of an inorganic matrix MALDI-TOF for metabolite analysis .Plant Science Wales (Cylch Gwydion) (Bangor)
115. Tomos AD (2006) Turgor control by osmotic adjustment: Apoplast v Symplast. (SEB, Canterbury)
- 116. Natalia Ivashikina and Deri Tomos (2007)Analysis of plant metabolome using FT-ICR-MS Plant Science Wales (Cylch Gwydion) (Cardiff, January)
117. Deri Tomos (2007) Single Cell Sampling and Analysis (SiCSA) (Centre for Plant Integrated Biol., Nottingham, Sept)
118. Deri Tomos (2008) Tiny volumes and giant pressure. Studying plants one cell at a time. Inaugural Harold Woolhouse Lecture, School of Agri, Food & Wine. (Adelaide, November)
119. Susan Tandy, Susan Britain, Barry Grail, Cameron McLeod & Deri Tomos (2009) Root exudates solubilise shrapnel of Depleted uranium armour piercing shells. Plant Science Wales (Cylch Gwydion) (Cardiff, January)
120. Susan Tandy, Susan Britain, Barry Grail, Cameron McLeod, Eric Paterson & Deri Tomos (2009) An interaction between root acidic exudates and DU shrapnel in contaminated soil measured at mm resolution. (COGER, April)
121. Deri Tomos (2009) Water Relations of the Apoplast. (Why plants may not be like steam engines after all.) Hartung-Steudle Celebration Meeting (J. Exp Bot). (Cumbria, January)
122. Deri Tomos (2010) Quantitative chemical and physical analysis of intact plants and soil at sub-mm spatial resolution. (Sheffield University)
- 123. Rind Baloch SN & Tomos AD (2010) Salt Tolerance in Cotton. Plant Science Wales (Cylch Gwydion) (Bangor, Jan)
- 124. Naoki Moritsuka, A. Deri Tomos, Davey L. Jones and Guy Kirk (2010) Sensitive analysis of poly-carboxylic acids in soil solution by capillary electrophoresis after excimer-forming fluorescence derivatization. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil solutions for a changing world. (Brisbane, Sept 2010) pp183-186 [DVD and on-line]
125. Deri Tomos, Kai Cai, Karen Harper, Suffian Misran, Samia Samad, Mike Burell & Mike Hale (2011) Identifying plant polymers using MALDI-TOF-MS: a selection of recent projects in Bangor. Plant Science Wales (Cylch Gwydion)
126. Harper, K.E., Tomos, A.D., Hale, M.D.C., Braganca R & Jones, O.T. Controlling the Post-Harvest Environment of Oranges. International Congress Post Harvest Technology. Lleda, Spain. April 2011
127. Harper, K.E., Tomos, A.D., Hale, M.D.C., Braganca R & Jones, O.T. A facility to study the potency of post-harvest treatments of fruit and vegetables to reduce biotic and abiotic spoilage. Soc Exptl Biol. Glasgow July 2011 [also Plants-Microbes Wales. Bangor July 2011]
128. Eltayef, Khalifa.M.K.H, & Tomos, A.Deri Salt tolerance mechanisms at the level of the individual cell. A comparison of commercial Libyan wheats and of the halophyte Suaeda maritima. Soc Exptl Biol. Glasgow July 2011 [also Plants-Microbes Wales. Bangor July 2011]
129. Susan Tandy, Susan Britain, Barry Grail, Cameron McLeod, Eric Paterson & Deri Tomos (2012) How plant roots eat anti-tank shells. (Environmental Centre Wales Seminar, Bangor)
130. Tomos AD (2013) Sampling and multi-factor analysis of Single Plant Cells in situ. (SiCSA). Next Generation Sequencing & Single Cell Sampling Congress. (Oxford Global: London, November). Invited talk
131. Tomos AD (2014) High Pressures, Small Volumes. Using microcapillaries to sample and assay individual, functioning plant cells in situ. Drug Discovery Summit 2014 (Global Technology Community: Cambridge MA, May). Invited talk (Session chair)
132. Tomos AD (2014) Planhigion. Meicrobeiriannau Hydrolig Gemegol. Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, Science Conference, (Aberystwyth) (also Obituary for Dr Eilir Morgan)
133. Anisiobi AN & Tomos AD (2014) The mechanics, osmotics and metabolomics of stomata and their leaf cellular context. (SEB, Manchester).
C. Poster Publications
1. U. Zimmermann, E. Steudle, E‑D. Schulze & A.D. Tomos (1980). Direct turgor pressure measurements in leaves of Tradescantia virginiana. FESPP II (Santiago de C.)
2. K‑H Büchner, A.D. Tomos, E. Steudle & U. Zimmermann (1980) Water relations of higher plants. German Biophys. Soc. (Aachen) (abs Biophys. Struct. Mechanism 6 (suppl), 110).
3. A.D. Tomos & R.G. Wyn Jones (1982). Water relations in the epidermal cells of the halophyte Suaeda maritima. Int. Conf. on Biophysics of Water. (Cambridge)
4. H. Jones, A.D. Tomos, R.A. Leigh & R.G. Wyn Jones (1983) Water relation parameters of epidermal and cortical cells in the primary root of Triticum aestivum L. (Prague) (abs "Membrane Transport in Plants" eds W.J. Cram, K. Janacek, R. Rybova and K. Sigler. Academia (Praha) 1984).
5. A.D. Tomos & U. Zimmermann (1983) Water relations of the stomatal complex of Rhoeo discolor and Tradescantia virginiana measured with a micro pressure probe. Int. Symp Phytochem. Soc. Eur (Toulouse).
6. A.D. Tomos (1984) The pressure probe (with video demonstration). SEB (Cardiff).
7. A.D. Tomos, R.A. Leigh & R.G. Wyn Jones (1984) Water and solute relations of beet tap root cells. ibid.
8. N. Clipson, A.D. Tomos, T. Flowers and R.G. Wyn Jones (1984) Water relations of the halophyte Suaeda maritima. Int. Symp. Osmoregulation (Obermarchtal).
9. RA Leigh, C Shaw, AD Tomos, RG Wyn Jones & RE Wyse (1984) Turgor pressure modification in red beet cells. ibid.
10 H. Jones, R.A. Leigh, A.D. Tomos & R.G. Wyn Jones (1984). The influence of ABA on hydraulic conductivity, turgor and growth regulation in wheat apical cells. ibid.
11. J Pritchard, A.D. Tomos & R.G. Wyn Jones (1985) Some physical characteristics of wheat roots. SEB (Bangor).
12. J Pritchard, A.D Tomos, RG Wyn Jones (1985) The control of growth rate in wheat seedling roots. FESPPIV (Hamburg)
13. A. Thomas, A.D. Tomos, R.G. Wyn Jones, J.L. Stoddart, C.J. Pollock and H. Thomas (1986) Temperature effects on water relations and growth rate of Lolium temulentum. ibid
14. A. Thomas, A.D. Tomos, J.L. Stoddart, C.J. Pollock, H. Thomas, E.L. Lloyd and C.J. Smith (1987) Temperature effects on turgor pressure and cell expansion during growth of "slender" barley mutant. (Double poster). SEB (Colchester).
15. A.D. Tomos, R.A. Leigh, N.J. Clipson, J. Palta and H. Arif (1987) Some controlling roles of cell wall solutes in wheat, sugarbeet and Suaeda. Plant Transport Group (Oaklands/Rothamsted).
16. H. Arif and A.D. Tomos (1988) Leaf water relations of rapidly salt stressed wheat seedlings. SEB (Lancaster).
17. A. Griffiths, J Pritchard and AD Tomos (1988) Biophysical control of root elongation by Pb++, Cu++ and A1+++ ions. ibid
18. M. Malone, A.D. Tomos and R.A. Leigh (1988) Determination of osmotic pressure, turgor and elemental composition in individual leaf cells. ibid.
19. J. Pritchard, R.G. Wyn Jones and A.D. Tomos (1988) Measurement of wheat root yield threshold by short and long term osmotic stress. ibid.
20. A. Thomas, A.D. Tomos, J.L. Stoddart, C.J. Pollock, H. Thomas and H.E. LLoyd (1988) Temperature and water stress effects on turgor pressure and cell expansion in Lolium temulentum. ibid.
21. AD Tomos, E Owen (1989) Turgor pressure and membrane transport. Int. Wksp. Plant Memb. Transport VIII, (Venice)
22. J. Pritchard, A.D. Tomos and R.G. Wyn Jones (1989) The biophysics of root growth. I: Spatial changes in turgor, growth and rheological properties of maize roots. 5th Cell Wall Meeting (Edinburgh).
23. J. Pritchard, A.D. Tomos and R.G. Wyn Jones (1989) The biophysics of root growth II: Temporal changes in turgor, growth and rheological gradients of wheat roots following osmotic stress. ibid.
24. A. Thomas and A.D. Tomos (1989) Yield threshold of extending zones of wheat leaves. ibid.
25. A. Thomas, J. Pritchard and A.D. Tomos (1989) Root and leaf responses to osmotic stress. British Plant Growth Regulator Group (Lancaster).
26. Hinde, P., Leigh, R.A. & Tomos, A.D. (1990) Measuring single cell water and solute relations. 3. Potassium from barley grown at different K+ levels. SEB/PTG (Edinburgh).
27. Richardson, P., Williams, J.H.H., Koyro H.‑W., Leigh, R.A. & Tomos A.D (1990) Measuring single cell water and solute relations. 4. Nitrate from wheat grown at different N levels. ibid
28. Williams, J.H.H., Koyro, H.‑W., Leigh R.A., Farrar J.F. & Tomos A.D. (1990) Measuring single cell water and solute relations. 5. Organic solutes in wheat leaves. ibid
29. Koyro, H.‑W., Williams, J.H.H., Leigh., R.A. & Tomos, A.D. (1990) Measuring single cell water and solute relations. 6. Na and Cl in Sorghum grown at different levels of NaCl. ibid
30. Griffiths, A., Jones, H.G. & Tomos, A.D. (1990) Growth and water relations characteristics of root cells of Ailsa craig and the wilty mutant notabilis of tomato. ibid
31. Tomos, A.D. & Owen, E.D. (1990) Does turgor sensitive acid efflux from sugarbeet discs (H+/ATPase ?) respond to fusicoccin ? ibid
32. Koyro, H.‑W., Williams, J.H.H. Hinde, P., Wyn Jones, R.G. & Tomos, A.D. (1990) Salt stress and the concentrations of specific osmotica in individual vacuoles of Sorghum roots. Int. Conf. High Salinity‑Tolerance Plants in Arid Regions (Al Ain, U.A.E.).
33. Parry, A.D., Griffiths, A., Tomos, A.D., Jones, H.G. & Horgan R. (1991) Abscisic acid biosynthesis in roots. SEB (Birmingham).[Abs in J. Exp Bot 42, 14]
34. Richardson, P., Leigh, R.A. & Tomos, A.D. (1991) How is turgor pressure regulated in nitrate deficient wheat leaves ? Biochemical Society, Pre‑Doc. Meeting (Swansea).
35-37. Williams, J.H.H. et al. (1991). Three posters. 14th Int. Conf. on Plant Growth Substances. (Amsterdam)
38. Griffiths, A., Parry, AD, Tomos, AD, Jones HG. & Horgan R. (1991) ABA synthesis and turgor regulation in roots. ibid
39. Tomos, A.D., Leigh, R.A., Malone, M., Koyro H-W., Williams, J.H.H, Hinde, P.S., Richardson, P. and Pritchard, J. (1991) Water and solute relations of cells measured at single cell resolution. Biochemical Soc. Italy / Phytochem. Soc. Europe (Milan).
40. Pritchard J, Tomos AD. Growth, turgor pressure and vacuolar solutes in maize roots following osmotic adjustment. ibid
41. Richardson, P, Leigh R.A. and Tomos A.D. (1991) How is turgor pressure regulated in nitrate-deficient wheat leaves ? AFRC meeting on Nitrogen Metabolism (Aberystwyth).
42. Richardson, P., Leigh, R.A. and Tomos, A.D. (1991) Osmotic regulation and nitrate distribution in wheat leaves. Phytochem. Soc. Eur. (Oaklands).
43. Hansen, M. and Tomos, A.D. (1992) Water relations of epidermal cells in the mature zone of the first leaf of wheat. SEB (Lancaster) [Abs: J. Exp. Bot. 43, (suppl) p. 35]
44. Hinde, P., Tomos, A.D. and Leigh, R.A. (1992) Ion concentrations in individual epidermal cells of Hordeum vulgare. ibid [Abs: J. Exp. Bot. 43, (suppl) p. 27]
45. Price, A. & Tomos, A.D. (1992) Rice roots; drought resistance and RFLPs. ibid [Abs J Exp Bot. 43 (sup) p. 34]
46. Richardson, P., Tomos, A.D. and Leigh, R.A. (1992) Anion concentrations and osmotic pressure in wheat leaf epidermal cells. ibid [Abs: J. Exp. Bot. 43, (suppl) p. 28]
47. Pritchard, J., Hetherington, R., Fry. S. and Tomos, A.D. (1992) Changes in cell-wall properties along the growth profile of roots. Curr. Topics Plant Biochem. and Physiol. (Missouri).
48. Morgan, D.P a Tomos, A.D. (1992) Gwydion, Cyfathrebu Gwyddoniaeth a Technoleg yn y Gymraeg. EHE (Bangor)
49. Pritchard, J., Hetherington, R., Fry. S. and Tomos, A.D. (1992) Growth and cell wall properties along maize root seedlings before and after osmotic stress. 6th Cell Wall Meeting (Nijmegen).
50. Richardson P., Tomos A.D. & Leigh R.A. (1992) The effect of nitrate nutrition on the water relations of wheat leaf cells. FESPP VI (Antwerp) [Abs: Physiol Plant. 85, A77]
51. Brison D.R., Hewitson., Hinde, P.S., Tomos A.D. & Leese H.J. (1992) The microenvironment of the blastocoel cavity in mouse and rat. Soc. Study of Fertility (Glasgow). [Abs: J Reproduction and Fertility. Abs Ser.9. p 57]
52. Fricke W., Tomos A.D & Leigh R.A (1992) Solute concentrations in single mesophyll, bundle sheath and epidermal cells of barley leaves. SEB/PTG (Oxford).
53. Irving M, Tomos AD (1993) Single-cell sampling of the stomatal complex. SEB(Canterbury) Abs J. Exp Bot. 44, sup p4
54. Price A., Pritchard J. & Tomos A.D (1993). Excision-induced leaf rolling and bulliform turgor in rice. ibid [Abs: J. Exp Bot. 44, suppl. p 5]
55. Lock J., Price . & Tomos A.D (1993). Influence of calcium chelators on the viability of protoplasts exposed to oxidative stress. ibid [Abs: J. Exp Bot. 44, suppl. p 48]
56. Lützenkirchen G. & Tomos A.D (1993) Water relations of the intertidal alga Cladophora rupestris. ibid [Abs: J. Exp Bot. 44, suppl. p 48]
57. Fricke W., Leigh R.A. & Tomos A.D (1993) Single-cell sampling of epidermal, bundle sheath and mesophyll cells of barley leaves. ibid [Abs: J. Exp Bot. 44, suppl. p 49]
58. Fricke W., Leigh R.A. & Tomos A.D (1993) Single-cell solute concentrations in barley leaves as a function of cell position and age. ibid [Abs: J. Exp Bot. 44, suppl. p 49]
59. Croser, C., Pritchard, J., Tomos, A.D. & Bengough G. (1994) The response of expanding root cells to soil compaction: the biophysics of growth recovery in hydroponics. SEB(Swansea). [Abs J Exp Bot 45 (sup) p 40]
60. Fricke, W., P. Hinde, A. D. Tomos, and R. A. Leigh. (1994) Local Distribution of Vacuolar Solutes within the Upper Epidermis of Barley Leaves. First Surprise: Existence of Gradients. ibid [Abs J Exp Bot 45 (sup) p 53]
61. Fricke, W., A. D. Tomos, and R. A. Leigh. (1994) Local Distribution of Vacuolar Solutes within the Upper Epidermis of Barley Leaves. Second Surprise: Disappearance of Gradients during NaCl Stress. ibid [Abs J Exp. Bot 45, sup p 53-4]
62. Irving MS, Tomos AD, Ritter S, Koller D. (1994) The mechanism of leaf movement in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). ibid [Abs: J. Exp. Bot 45, (suppl) p 40]
63. T. Cuin, Ashenden, T. & Tomos, A.D. (1995) The influence of ozone on the distribution of solutes between individual cells of barley leaves. SEB (St. Andrews) [Abs: J. Exp. Bot 46, (suppl) p ]
64. A.H. Price and A.D. Tomos (1995) The use of RFLP analysis in the promotion of drought tolerance in upland rice. ibid [Abs: J. Exp. Bot 46, (suppl) p ]
- 65. P. Richardson, J. Pritchard & A.D. Tomos (1995) The influence of elevated CO2 on the growth of the individual roots of Pinus pinaster. ibid [Abs: J. Exp. Bot 46, (suppl) p ]
- 66. Price, A.H., Knight M., Knight, H., Cuin, T., Tomos, A.D. & Ashenden, T. (1995) Cytosolic calcium and oxidative plant stress. Biochem. Soc. (Aberdeen) [Publ in Biochem. Soc. Trans, 24, pp479-483]
- 67. Price, A.H. & Tomos A.D. (1995) Locating gener for drought resistance in upland rice. Plant Genome III
68. Bates N, Tomos AD & Cram J (1996) Sulphate concentrations in wheat epidermis measured at single-cell resolution. -Influence of N and S supply.
i. (SEB Lancaster. March) (Abs in J. Exp. Bot. 47 supl. p 45)
ii. (3rd Int. Workshop on sulphur metabolism in higher plants. Newcastle. April) (publ in Proceedings)
69. Cuin TA, Ashenden TW & Tomos AD (1996) Ozone alters the intercellular distribution of Ca2+ in cereal leaf epidermis. (SEB Lancaster. March) (not in abs)
70. Korolev AV (1996) New Experimental model for drought stress investigation in plant roots. (SEB Lancaster. March) (Abs in J. Exp. Bot. 47 supl. pp 44-45)
71. Lawrence RA & Tomos AD (1996) Osmotic adjustment of the extracellular matrix is the major turgor regulatory process in sugar beet and other organs.
i. (Keystone meeting on the Extracellular Matrix. Tamarron, Colorado. April)
ii (SEB, Lancaster. March) (Abs in J. Exp. Bot. 47 supl. p 44)
72. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF & Pollock CJ (1996) Carbohydrate accumulation in individual cells of barley leaves: An enzymatic micro-fluorometric assay. International Conference of Spectroscopy and Optical Techniques in Animal and Plant Biology (Münster, October)
73. Korolev A, Tomos AD & Farrar J.F. (1996) Water relations in carrot taproot using pressure probe and single-cell sampling International Conference of Spectroscopy and Optical Techniques in Animal and Plant Biology (Münster, October)
74. Tomos D (1996) What do we know about inter-cellular solute compartmentation of cereals and other leaves. Plant Science Wales (Bangor) (December).
- Koroleva OA, Farrar JF & Tomos AD (1996) Cellular compartmentation of primary carbohydrate metabolism in barley leaves. Plant Science Wales (Bangor) (December).
76. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF & Pollock CJ (1996) The pathway of photoassymilate from the mesophyll to vein and the interaction of solute and water relations (abs in J. Exp. Bot. 47 supl. p 75)
77. Richardson P & Tomos AD (1996) Does epidermal heterogeneity affect the growth of a fungal parasite ? (Abs J Exp Bot 47 sup, p37)
78. Koroleva OA, Tomos AD, Farrar JF and Pollock CJ (1997) The pathway of photoassimilate from mesophyll to vein. The distribution of enzymes and solutes. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 48 supl p25)
79. Lawrence RA, Tomos AD (1997) Turgor regulation in higher plants: does the cell wall play a role ? (abs J Exp Bot 48 supl p35)
80. Bates NJ, Tomos AD & Cram WJ (1997) Sulphur and nitrogen supply to wheat effect water and solute relations in the epidermis. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 48 supl p36)
81. Santa Cruz A & Tomos AD (1997) Tomato species with differing salt tolerance (L. esculentum and L. pennellii) have a very different water relations response at the single cell level. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 48 supl p40)
82. Richardson P, Tomos AD & Carver T (1997) Effects of Erysiphe graminis on the water and solute relations of host leaf epidermal cells. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 48 supl p40)
83. Korolev AV, Tomos AD & Farrar JF (1997) The distribution of organic and inorganic solutes in developing carrot tap root. Single cell sampling and analysis. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 48 supl p66)
84. Koroleva OA, Farrar JF Tomos AD and Pollock CJ (1997) Cellular compartmentation of primary carbohydrate metabolism in barley leaves. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 48 supl p83)
85. Korolev A., Tomos A.D., Farrar AD., Koeckenberger W, Hudson A., Bowtell, R., (1998) Distribution of water and solutes in carrot taproot at single cell resolution . (abs in J. Exp. Bot. 49 supl p8)
86. Tomos A.D. Bazzanella A., Lochmann. H., Baechmann K, Schurr U. (1998) Use of capillary electrophoresis to identify and quantify osmotically-significant solutes in individual wheat epidermal cells. (abs in J. Exp. Bot. 49 supl p8)
87. Bates NJ., Cram J.C., Tomos A.D. (1998) The interaction of osmotically-significant anions in wheat leaf epidermis. (abs in J. Exp. Bot. 49 supl p8)
88. Santa Cruz A. & Tomos A.D. (1998) A comparison of the water relatiosn of salt tolerance of Lycopersicon esculentum and L. pennellii. (abs in J. Exp. Bot. 49 supl p9)
89. Richardson P, Tomos AD, Carver TLW (1998) Effects of powdery mildew on barley leaf cells. (Abs J Exp Bot 49 supl p37)
90. Koroleva O.A., Tomos A.D., Farrar, J.F., Pollock, C.J. (1999) Metabolite partitioning at single-cell level in barley leaves. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 50 suppl p55)
91. Goddard H., Brownlee C., Tomos A.D (1999) Inter-relationships between calcium and turgor pressure in osmotic regulatory processes of the intertidal alga, Fucus serratus. (abs in J. Exp. Bot 50 suppl p76)
92. J.E. Shaff, A.D. Tomos, D.L. Jones, P. Darrah & L.V. Kochian (2000). Do Roots of Aluminum Tolerant Plants Release Enough Organic Acids to Account for the Observed Al Tolerance?. (ASPP. Abs # 398: url:
93. C. Brownlee, H.G. Goddard, Helen G., A.D. Tomos & N.F.H. Manison (2000a). Fine spatial control of calcium signalling in Fucus rhizoids. (ASPP. Abs # 74: url:
94. C. Brownlee, H.G. Goddard, Helen G., A.D. Tomos & N.F.H. Manison (2000b) Fine spatial control of calcium signalling in Fucus rhizoids. (ASPP. Abs # 16003:url:
95. Darwent M., McDonald J, Peterson E & Tomos A.D (2001) Effect of nitrate on the efflux of organic solutes from barley roots. (SEB Canterbury, April)
96. Koroleva O, Lu C., Tomos A.D., Farrar J.F., Gallagher J & Pollock CJ (2001) Expression of sucrose:fructan 6-fructosyltransferase in individual cells of barley leaves depends on sugar status. (SEB Canterbury, April)
97. Lu C, Koroleva OA, Farrar JF, Pollock CJ, Tomos AD (2001) The expression of light-regulated genes at single cell level in barley leaf. i. (SEB Canterbury) ii.(BBSRC-JIC Metabolomics Workshop, Norwich)
- Lu C, Koroleva O, Farrar JF, Tomos AD, Gallagher J, Pollock CJ (2001)The compartmentalisation and control of 6-Sft, Sps, Cab, RbcS and actin gene expression in individual cells of barley leaf. 12th Int Plant Memb Biol W’shop, Madison
- Laval V., Koroleva O., Murphy E., Lu C., Milner J., Hooks M.A., Tomos A.D. (2001) Quantitating expression of individual actin gene family members in single Arabidopsis cells. Arabidopsis Meeting. Madison.
100. Lu C, Tomos AD, Farrar JF, Gallagher J & Pollock CJ (2002) The quantitative relationship between gene expression and partitioning and metabolism at the single cell level. I Altering leaf sugar levels using light and sink cooling. (SEB, Swansea)
101. Lu C, Tomos AD, Farrar JF, Gallagher J & Pollock CJ (2002) The quantitative relationship between gene expression and partitioning and metabolism at the single cell level. II Altering leaf sugar levels and gene expression using inhibitors. (SEB, Swansea)
102. Darwent M., Lu C., Tomos A.D. Garzon T., McDonald J, Patterson E (2002) Measuring single cell sugar concentrations with custom built capillary zone electrophoresis. (SEB, Swansea)
103. Giron, D, Garzón-Lopez T, Casas J & Tomos A.D. (2002) Measuring single cell solute concentrations with custom built capillary zone electrophoresis. (P2.35) (SEB, Swansea)
104. Laval V., Milner J., Lu C., Koroleva O., Murphy E., Hooks M.A., Tomos A.D. (2002) The quantification of viral-induced gene expression in individual leaf cells of Arabidopsis. (C2.12) (SEB, Swansea)
105. C. Pollock, J. Gallagher, A. D. Tomos, J Farrar and C.Lu, O Koroleva (2002) Spatial and temporal control of assimilate partitioning in grass and cereal leaves at the level of gene expression (P2.9) (SEB, Swansea)
106. Jeremy Pritchard, Deri Tomos, John Farrar, Peter Minchin, Nick Gould and Mike Thorpe (2002) Using the carbon 11 isotope tracer to study translocation to growing root tips (P2.30) (SEB, Swansea)
107. AD Farrell, AD Tomos, JC Clifton-Brown and MB Jones. (2002) Biophysical limitation of cell expansion at lowered temperatures. (SEB, Swansea)
108. Tinklin D., Giron D., Brandt S.P., Casas J & Tomos A.D. (2002) Measuring single cell solute concentrations with custom built capillary zone electrophoresis. SEB Plant Transport Group (York, September)
109. Chungui Lu, Peter Buchner, Hideki Takahashi, A.Deri Tomos, Malcolm J Hawkesford (2002) The expression of a sulphate transporter gene and specific carbon metabolic genes at the single cell level. SEB Plant Transport Group (York, September)
110. Chungui Lu & A.Deri Tomos (2002) Am Soc Plant Physiol (Madison)
111. Tomos AD (2002) BBSRC BIRE grant-holders meeting. (Chipping Norton)
112. Stephan Brandt, Valerie Laval, Elaine Murphy, Deri Tomos, Mark Hooks & Joel Milner (2003) First steps in correlating the transcriptome, proteome and metabolome of individual Arabidopsis leaf cells. SEB Plant Transport Group (Cambridge, September)
113. Tomos AD (2004) Small Volumes – High Pressure – 20 years of IGER-UWB Collaboration. (Royal Institution Faraday Lecture demonstration)
114. Olga V. Voitsekhovskaja, Olga A. Koroleva, Denis R. Batashev, Christian Knop, A. Deri Tomos, Yuri V. Gamalei, Hans-Walter Heldt and Gertrud Lohaus (2005) Phloem loading in two Scrophulariaceae species: what can drive symplastic flow via plasmodesmata? (Botanical Congress, Vienna)
115. Andrey Pototsky, Tiina Roose, Guy Kirk, Davey Jones & Deri Tomos (2006) Citrate Mediated Uptake of Phosphate by Plant Roots. Royal Society Soil Meeting (March)
116. Brittain SR, Tomos AD, McLeod CW (2006) Fine Scale Spatial Measurement of DU in Soil. (Plant Sci Wales, Bangor)
117. Allen E, Moing A, Greville K, Tomos AD, Rolin D & Hooks MA (2006) The consequences of glyoxysomal acetyl-CoA synthase activity deficiency on metabolite levels and gene expression profiles in Arabidopsis seedlings. (SEB, Canterbury)
- 118. Susan R. Brittain, A. Deri Tomos and Cameron W. McLeod. (2006) Fine Scale Spatial Measurement of Depleted Uranium in Soil Plant Science Wales (Cylch Gwydion) (Bangor, January)
- 119. Kai Cai, Deri Tomos & Mike Hale (2007) The polysaccharides of Ganoderma lucidum – a Chinese herbal medicine. Plant Science Wales (Cylch Gwydion) (Cardiff, January)
120. Natalia Ivashikina and Deri Tomos (2007) Dadl Bwyd o Bell: Dadansoddi gwerth maethlon llysiau gyda Sbectromedr Mas Cytseiniant Seiclotron (modd Fourier) – Pwyswr molecylau. / The Food-Miles Debate: Testing the quality of vegetables using Fourier-Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry. Sioe Amaethyddol Frenhinol Cymru / Royal Welsh Agricultural Show (Llanelwedd)
121. Susan Tandy, Deri Tomos, Eric Paterson, Susan Brittain & Cameron McLeod (2008) Fine Scale Measurement and mapping of plant-soil microcosms (especially for Depleted Uranium). Co-ordinating Group for Environmental Radioactivity (COGER, Loughborough)
122. Susan Tandy, Susan Brittain, Cameron McLeod, Eric Paterson & Deri Tomos (2009) An interaction between root acidic exudates and DU shrapnel in contaminated soil measured at mm resolution. (COGER, Manchester)
123. Susan Tandy, Susan Brittain, Barry Grail, Cameron McLeod, Eric Paterson & Deri Tomos (2010) Mapping rhizosphere solutions using glass microcapillaries. (SEB, Prague)
124. Khalifa ElTayef & Deri Tomos (2010) The search for salt tolerant crops for Libya. Plant Science Wales (Cylch Gwydion) (Aberystwyth)
125. Karen Harper & Deri Tomos (2010) How to Keep an Orange Fresh and Healthy. Plant Science Wales (Cylch Gwydion) (Aberystwyth)
126. Karen Harper, Deri Tomos, Mike Hale, Radek Bragança & Owen Jones (2011) A facility to study the potency of post-harvest treatments of fruit and vegetables to reduce biotic and abiotic spoilage. (SEB, Glasgow)
127. Khalifa Mohamed Eltayef & A. Deri Tomos (2011) Biophysical salt tolerance mechanisms at the level of the individual cell. (SEB, Glasgow)
128. Deri Tomos (2011) Quantitative analysis of fine chemicals in plants at single cell resolution. Plants & Fine Chemicals Meeting (Bangor, September)
129. Deri Tomos (2012) Probing in the Dark ? Using microcapillaries to analyse soil and roots at "single cell" resolution. (T2.31) SEB/BiochemSoc/BES Aboveground-belowground interactions: technologies and new approaches (London)
130. Taghreed Alnusaire & A Deri Tomos (2014) Ultra-fine spatial scale soil sampling to investigate phytoremediation of phenols. (SEB, Manchester).
131. Anthony N. Anisiobi & Deri Tomos (2015) Whole-leaf background to the function of the individual stomatal complex. (SEB Prague)
D. Conference Organisation
Phytochemical Society of Europe. Joint symposium organiser with Prof. R.G. Wyn Jones:
"The higher plant cell wall: Biophysics, biochemistry and biology." Bangor (1985)
SEB. Plant Transport Group. Gregynog (1988),
International Botanical Congress, Yokohama (1993) Joint Session Organiser with Prof. H. Okomoto .
Montpellier 2004 . 13th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology. (Session Organiser)
Society of Welsh Translators and Interpreters (Gregynog 2005) Co-organiser.
Plant Science Wales (Bangor) Jan 2006. Significant involvement with organising and running.
Society of Experimental Biology. Annual Meeting Session Organiser: York (1998). “Water Transport” Canterbury (2006)
E. Public Lectures
(1984) Etifeddiaeth ‑ rhai sylwadau ar y fywydeg fodern (Inheritance - some comments on modern biology). Welsh Summer School, U.C. Aberystwyth Extra-mural Studies.
(1988) Gwella ar Natur ‑ Y fioleg newydd (Improving on nature - The New Biology). Annual Conf. y Gymdeithas Wyddonol, Gregynog.
( ) Dŵr ‑ molyn pwysicaf bywyd (Water - Life's most important molecule). Annual Conf. Gymdeithas Wyddonol, Bangor
( ) Gwyddoniaeth ym Mangor (Science in Bangor). 6th form Teacher Conference. (Dyffryn, Mid. Glam.)
(1997) Bioleg Moleciwlar a’r Amaethyddiaeth Newydd (Molecular Biology and the New Agriculture) Annual Conf. Y Gymdeithas Wyddonol, Stackpole.
(1998) Why is a plant like a steam engine ? Inaugural Lecture. U.W. Bangor. (May)
(1999) Beth yw Bywyd ? Cyflwyniad i'r Fioleg Newydd. Annual Welsh Lectures (series of 2) (March)
(1999) Dŵr, dŵr, dŵr i bob sychedig un. Ann. Lect. Guild of Graduates, University of Wales. (August)
(1999) Beth yw Bywyd ? (What is Life ?) Undeb Athrofa'r Bala. (Llandudno)
(2000) Y Milflwydd Nesaf. (The Next Millenium). Cynhadledd Cymraeg Blynyddol Tan y Bwlch.
(2000) Beth yw dŵr ? SET Week Bangor.
(2001) Peirianneg Genynnau. Gwyddoniaeth anghymwys ? (Genetic engineering. Inappropriate science?) Annual Conference y Gymdeithas Feddygol, Harlech.
(2002) Pam fod planhigyn yn debyg i injan stêm ? (Why is a plant like a steam engine?) Walter Idris Jones Lecture UW Aberystwyth
(2002) Pysgod Rhew a straeon eraill. (Ice Fish and other stories). Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd (Natural Science Society) Annual Conference, Llangollen
(2002) Address. Annual (North Wales) Conference of the Presbyterian Church of Wales
(2004) Moleculau Mêl (Honey’s molecules). Annual Conference of the Welsh Association of Beekeepers
(2004) From ome to ome: revolutions in current biology. Association of Science Education, Annual Lecture (Bangor, 2004)
(2006) Goleuedigaeth Wyddonol yn y Gymraeg ? (A Welsh Scientific Enlightenment?) Café Scientifique, Aberytwyth
(2007) “Hysbys y dengys dyn ..” (DNA and History) National Eisteddfod Annual Science Lecture (Flint) 2007
( )“Dŵr, dŵr, dŵr” (A history of water) Annual Lecture of Old Aberystwyth Students Association (Natnl.Eisteddfod)
(2011) Newid Hinsawdd. Problem wyddonol neu problem gymdeithasol? (Climate change) Inter-denominational Conference on Climate Change. (Bangor, April 2011)
(2011) A oes bywyd ? (A talk on the nature of life in the universe). Gwyl Arall (Caernarfon, Gorffennaf 2011).
(2011) “Cafodd Owain Melyr Grëyr Glas i Frecwast” (A talk on colour in nature.) Annual Lecture of Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd. (National Eisteddfod, Wrexham, August 2011)
(2012) Is there life in the Universe ? Bangor Science Café
(2015) Opening life’s door. What exactly did Robert Hooke discover by identifying the cell? (Welsh with translation). National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth
Research Activity at Previous HEIs
Visits and visitors.
(stays of several weeks or more or that produced significant results)
A. Away
1982 KFA Jülich (DFG/ Prof. U. Zimmermann)
1985 Utah State Univ (USDA/ Prof. R.E. Wyse)
1985 AFRC, Rothamsted Experimental Station (Dr. R.A. Leigh)
1997 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Darmstadt. (Prof. K. Bäckmann)
1997 Departrment of Botany, Heidelberg (Dr. U. Schurr)
2008 School of Agri, Food & Wine, Adelaide (Prof.R.A.Leigh)
B. Home
1984 Prof Chanan Itai. (Beth Sheva, Israel)
Dr. Christian Wiencke (Bremen)
1986 Dr. L. Bonner. (Reading)
1987 Dr. PW.Barlow (Long Ashton) (and 1988)
Dr. J. Adam (Long Ashton) (and 1988)
1990 Prof. J. Oertli. (ETH. Lindau,).
Mr. Rui‑Guang Zhen (Rothamsted)
1991 Dr. Joachim Rygol (U. Würzburg)
(Prof Hugh Frick, (Delaware))
Dr. Alberto Pardossi (Pisa)
Dr. Hans-Werner Koyro (TH, Hannover).
Mr. Stefan Marienfeld (TH, Hannover).
Mr. Osborne Jones, Euro DPC
(periodically 1991-2001)
1992 Dr. Peter Neumann (Technion, Israel)
Mr. Daniel Bryson (York)
Dr. Lawrence Clarke (Rothamsted)
1993 Miss Beatrice Triboulot, (external PhD)
Prof. John Webster (Exeter)
Dr. Alexander Sponner (Hohenheim)
Dr. Bruce Osborne (Dublin)
Miss Sigalit Ritter (Hebrew U. Jerusalem)
Prof. Dov. Koller (Hebrew U. Jerusalem)
1994 Mr. Javier Perez de Juan (Pamplona)
Dr. Nirit Bernstein (Volcani) (and 1995)
Miss Jutta Verscht (Bayreuth) (and 1995)
1996 Dr. Mary Bisson (Buffalo)
Dr. Ed. Kiegel (Buffalo)
Prof. T. Hirasawa (Tokyo)
Dr. Walter Schroeder (Jülich)
1998 Dr. Rana Munns (Canberra)
Dr. Kathy Burrows (Unilever)
Dr. Sarah Brooks (Unilever)
1999 Dr. Jon Schaff (Cornell)
Dr. Peter Roberts (Lower Hutt)
Miss Charissa Nutall (Cambridge)
Miss Janice Proud (Rothamsted)
2000 Miss Ulrike Geisler (Würzburg)
Mr. Sean Grundy (SAFS, Bangor)
(Mr Stephen Whipp, SCOPE)
2001 Dr. Sara Palmqvist (Umea)
Miss Teresa Garzon (Barcelona)
Dr. Danuta Solecka (Warsawa)
Miss Annette Maier (U Mainz)
Mr. Aidan Farrell (TC Dublin) (2004-5)
2002 Prof. Mike Burrell
Dr. David Giron (Tours) (and 2004-5)
Dr Dermot Morris (Galway)
Dr Sasha Hugentobler (Galway)
2003 Dr. Sebastian Jäger (Potsdam)
Dr Dirk Wesenberg (Halle)
Dr Sieglinde Mengel (Halle)
2004 Dr Karim Al-Zubaidi (Baghdad)
Miss Catrin Jones (Nuffield award)
2005 Corinna Bleuel (Halle)
Anja Moller (Halle)
Dr. Olga Voitsekhovskaja (St Petersburg)
2006 Simon Thain / Janet Taylor (IGER)
2011 Rosani Kadir (PhD Mike Hale)
Sufian Mishran (PhD Mike Hale)
Samia Samad (MSc Katherine Steele)
Dr. Hana al Salih (Mosul, Iraq)
Dr. Rob Lind (Syngenta at Jealott’s Hill)
C. Long-term collaborations
since 1980 Prof. U. Zimmermann (Würzburg)
since 1980 Prof. E. Steudle (Bayreuth)
since 1981 Prof. R.A. Leigh (Rothamsted/ Cambridge/ Adelaide)
since 1985 Prof C.J. Pollock (WPBS/IGER)
1985‑87 Dr. Jairo Palta‑Paz (Bangor).
1985-(90) (Prof. J.L. Stoddart),
1988‑89 Dr. R. Sharpe (Missouri)
1988-92 Prof. H.Jones (Wellesbourne)
1991-96 STRESSNET (AIR programme).
1991-94 Dr. S. Fry (Edinburgh)
1991-92 Dr. Roger Horgan (Aberystwyth).
1993-98 Dr. T. Ashenden (ITE, Bangor)
1993-97 EU Programme: INRA, Nancy; HRI, Wellesbourne; Universities of Freiburg, Lisbon, Florence, Budapest
1995-01 Dr. Olga Koroleva (Bangor)
1999-01 Dr. Sarah Brooks et al (Unilever)
1999- Dr Helen Ougham (IGER)
1999- Dr. Eric Paterson (MacAulay, Aberdeen)
2000- Dr . Joel Milner (Glasgow)
2002 - Prof. Mike Burrell (Sheffield)
2002- Dr. David Giron.(Tours)
2005- Prof. Guy Kirk (Cranfield)
2005- Dr. Tiina Roose (Oxford)
2005- Prof. Cameron McLeod (Sheffield)
D. Bangor Collaborators
Prof Gareth Wyn Jones
Dr Cliff Rankin
Prof Mark Baird
Dr John Gorham
Dr Anil Shirsat
Dr Mark Hooks
Dr Anna Croft
Prof Davey Jones
Dr Iestyn Pierce
Dr Mike Hale
Dr. Vera Thoss
Prof Bela Paizs Prof Ray Marriott
Grant Awards and Projects
- Major Grants
SERC Biophysics and biochemistry of root growth.
(with Prof. R.G. Wyn Jones) Dr. J. Pritchard £49,300 1987-90
AFRC Single-cell plant water and solutes (technique development).
(Linked with Prof. R.A. Leigh, Rothamsted)
Dr. Mike Malone/Dr. Hans‑Werner Koyro. £67,400 1987-91
AFRC Single-cell plant water and solutes.
(Linked Prof. R.A. Leigh, Rothamsted) Additional equipment grant. £32,605 1987
AFRC Single-cell plant water and solutes (fructan/sucrose).
(with Prof. J.F. Farrar and Linked with
Prof. C.J. Pollock, WPBS) Dr. J.H.H. Williams £68,000 1988‑91
AFRC Single-cell plant water and solutes (potassium nutrition).
(Linked with Prof. R.A. Leigh, Rothamsted) Mr. P.S. Hinde. £81,200 1989-92
ODA. RFLP analysis of rice drought tolerance.
(with Dr. J. Pritchard) Dr. A.H. Price. £126,300 1990‑93
AFRC Biophysics and biochemistry of root extension.
(with Dr. S. Fry, Edinburgh) Dr. J. Pritchard. £84,500 1991-94
AFRC Single-cell plant water and solutes (NaCl effects).
(Linked with Prof. R.A. Leigh, Rothamsted) Dr. W. Fricke £73,400 1992-95
AFRC Single-cell plant water and solutes (epidermis/mesophyll).
(Linked with Prof. R.A. Leigh, Rothamsted) Dr. P.S. Hinde £111,400 1993-95
NATO Tissue biophysics.
(Fellowship to Dr. W. Peters) Dr. W. Peters DM 53,000 1993-94
ODA. RFLP analysis of rice drought tolerance.
(with Dr. A.H. Price) Dr. A.H. Price. £182,400 1993-96
EU (Environment Programme) Water stress/high CO2 and tree growth.
(co-ordinated by Prof. J.-M. Guehl, INRA, Nancy)
Dr. J. Pritchard/Dr. P. Richardson ecu 70,000 1993-96
EU (Environment Programme) Ecophysiology of Spanish xerophytes.
(co-ordinated by Dr. L. Incoll, Leeds) Mr. Rhys Bevan approx £25,000 1994
AFRC Single-cell plant water and solutes (Mildew interface).
Dr. P. Richardson. £141,900 1995-98
AFRC Single-cell plant water and solutes (Carbohydrate compartmentation).
(with Prof. J.F. Farrar and Linked with Prof. C.J. Pollock, WPBS).
Dr. O Koroleva. £116,700 1995-98
BBSRC Magnetic resonance imaging and single cell sampling.
(with Prof. J.F. Farrar and Dr. Richard Bowtell, Nottingham)
Dr. A. Korolev £ 310,200 1996-99
Spanish Govt. Salt tolerance in wild tomato species.
(Dr. A Santa-Cruz) approx £50,000 1996-98
BBSRC Effects of leaf nitrate on mineralisation and uptake of N from organic
Patches. (with J. McDonald, Aberdeen). Dr. M. Darwent. £150,000 1999-01
BBSRC Using Single Cell sampling to localise transcriptional control of primary
Carbohydrate metabolism in temperate graminae. (with J.F Farrar &
CJ. Pollock (IGER). Dr. C. Lu, Dr S Brandt £210,200 1999-02
BBSRC Virus-induced patterns of gene expression at single cell resolution
in Arabidopsis. (with J. Milner (Glasgow) & M.A. Hooks)
Dr. V. Laval, K Brown & Miss E. Murphy approx £400,000 2000-04
BBSRC (JREI) Multiphoton con-focal laser miscroscope. (with R, McFarlane
& Jane Wakeman) £203,600 2000
BBSRC Do N and P limit rhizophere mircrobial growth ? (with J Farrar, D. Jones and
several others) Dr. N. Dilkes £255,000 2001-04
BBSRC/ESRC (RELU) Comparative assessment of health, community and environmental
impacts of consuming fruit and vegetables produced locally and overseas.
(Institute of Food and Nutrition Cymru project – Prof. Gareth Edwards Jones
and others). Dr. N. Ivashikina Total approx £800,000. 2004-07
NERC Uptake and Behaviour of Depleted Uranium in the Environment.
(with C. McLeod (Sheffield) and E. Paterson (MLURI)) (PhD) approx £90,000 2005-08
BBSRC Modelling integrative behaviour of soil-plant systems: plant uptake of
strongly-sorbed solutes. (PI: G Kirk (Cranfield) with Prof. D. Jones
SAFS, and Oxford) Dr. N. Morizuka Total: £306,000 2005-08
KESS (maxi studentship) Improved procedures for the post-harvest transport
and storage of fruit (with Agrisense; Mike Hale, Radek Bragança) £96,914 2009-12
BBSRC-Link Agronomic processes to optimise galanthamine content of daffodil
biomass (AGROGAL) (Alzeim; Velcourt; New Generation Daffodils;
Sustranum; Agrisense. NIAB) Dr. Leon Civale Bangor: £246,284 2011-15
B. Small Grants (< £ 10,000)
DAAD/British Council Water and solute relations of cereals and sugarbeet.
(with Dr. H.-W. Koyro, TH, Hannover) £ 2,000 1991-2
EHE Welsh Communication of Science and Technology Course.
Mr. P. Morgan £ 3,000 1991
Royal Society. Single-cell analysis (microscope) £ 3,913 1993
Royal Society. Single-cell analysis (EM cold stage)
(Jointly with John Gorham) £ 9,100 1994
ODA. Additional funding for technician. £ 4,400 1994
DAAD/British Council (with W. Schroeder, Jülich) 1997
Acciones Integradas/British Council (with M.C. Bolarin, CSIC, Murcia) 1996-97
Subcontract to H. Leese (DTI Smart Award) (Dr. J. Gorham) £ 2,000 2000-1
EU- Bangor Halle (Surema) approx £ 1,000 2004-5
C. Studentships
1986‑89 Hamayun Arif. British Council studentship. Water relations and salt tolerance in wheat.
1987‑90 Alan Thomas. University of Wales studentship. Water relations and cold tolerance in grasses and cereals.
1987‑91 Egidio Bezerra‑Neto. Brazilian Government studentship. Salt tolerance in tomatoes.
1988‑91 Allen Griffiths. SERC‑CASE Award (with IHR Wellesbourne). Water stress and ABA synthesis.
1989‑92 Paul Richardson. SERC‑CASE Award (with AFRC Rothamsted). High resolution analysis of nitrogen compound distribution in cereals
1992-95 Michael Irving. AFRC studentship. Water and solute relations of motor tissues.
1992-95 Kulsoom Samo. British Council. Salt tolerance in chickpeas.
1993-96 Tracey Cuin. NERC-CASE Award (with ITE Bangor). Water and solute relations and O3.
1993-94 Clare Croser. External studentship - Scottish Crop Research Inst. Transferred with Dr. J. Pritchard). Biophysics of root soil penetration.
1994-97 Nicholas Bates. AFRC studentship. Water and solute relations of nitrate/sulphate.
1995-98 Ruth Lawrence. BBSRC studentship. The plant apoplast and stress.
1997-00 Helen Goddard. Sir William Roberts. (CASE with Dr. Colin Brownlee MRA, Plymouth)
1999-02 Karen Brown (with Anil Shirsat). Sir William Roberts
2000-02 Ross Davies; Dean Tinklin (both withdrew). BBSRC-CASE Award (with Unilever).
2003-06 Liz Allen (with Mark Hooks) Sir William Roberts
2005-06 Aziz Mohammed Aziz (with John Gorham) (withdrew)
2005-08 Sue Brittain NERC grant. Fine scale mapping of the rhizosphere (depleted Uranium)
(2005-10 Heledd Dafydd [for R. McFarlane, Iestyn Pierce] (WAG – HEFCW Welsh Development Studentship))
2006-07 Cai Kai. (with Mike Hale) (Self-funding) The anti-tumour behaviour of extracts of Ganoderma (a traditional Chinese medicine) (withdrew)
2007-10 Shereen Naz Rind Baloch, Pakistan Government Studentship. Salt Tolerance in Cotton.
2009-14 Khalifa Mohamed Khalifa Eltayef, Libyan Government Studentship. Water and solute relations of salt stressed wheat and Suaeda maritima
2009-14 Karen Elizabeth Harper (KESS) Post Harvest treatments of Fruit and Vegetables
2011-15 Gee-Sian Leung (KESS) (with Ray Marriott) Sea Buckthorn processing for multiple products.
(2012-16 Jason Saunders Williams [for Jane Wakeman] Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Studentship)
2012-15 Taghreed Stum Alnusaire. Saudi Arabia Government Studentship. Phytoremediation of soil
2013-18 Anthony Nnaemeka Anisiobi. (Self-funding) Fine scale mapping of stomatal function.
2011-12 Ms Lorena Larrion (KESS. Sarvari Research Trust. Joint supervision with Prof. Tom de Luca). Effect of morfa soils on late blight in potatoes.
Erasmus (involved at research standard)
1991-92 Michael Hansen (Aarhus); Anne Kruse. (Göttingen).
1992-93 Michael Hansen (Aarhus); Guido Lützenkirchen (Bremerhaven).
1993-94 Maria Gustavsson (Lund).
Contact Info
Sychnant, Llanllechid, Bethesda, Gwynedd. LL57 3YF
Interests (May 2015)
A. "Popularisation of Science"
i. Radio broadcasts
Scientific contributions to "popular" Radio Cymru (regular) and Radio Wales (recently Something Else, Science Café) programmes (since 1977).
Regular contributions to news and discussion programmes (eg Manylu, Lluniau Sul, Blewyn o Drwyn, Galwad Cynnar, Dylan Iorwerth, Post Cyntaf, Post Prynhawn))
Contributions to popular scientific documentary and magazine programmes (eg Be' nesa'; Lluniau Lliw, Welsh Wonders)
Occasional book reviews for Silff Llyfrau
Regular News Reviews (Rhaglen Dewi Llwyd)
1981 Presented "Gwyddonwyr wrth ei gwaith" a series of interviews with Welsh Scientists.
1990 Presented "Profi a Stilio" a Science quiz series for high schools (Radio Cymru)
ii. Television broadcasts
1990 Presented "Letric, Lastic a Lwc" a series for S4C (cf. Great Egg Race). (Uned Hel Straeon)
Occasional science contributions to children's programmes (eg Uned Pump).
Occasional contributions to News and Documentary programmes (eg Byd ar Bedwar, Newyddion Naw)
Contributions to Science documentary programmes (eg Dibendraw). Recently:
Lliwiau (Colours) (S4C, 2009)
Climate change and denial. (Pethe Hwyrach, S4C 2011)
Religion and science. (Pethe Hwyrach, S4C 2011)
Chernobyl Anniversary (Ffermio, S4C, 2011)
Consultant on pilot for “The Wild Things” (Cwmni Da) (S4C, 2013).
“Darwin, y Cymro a’r Cynllwyn” (Telescop, S4C. Dibendraw 2014 – BAFTA Wales nomination)
Galanthamine and Daffodils (Telescop, S4C. Dibendraw 2015)
“Acwaponeg” (Ffermio, S4C, 2014)
Welsh voiceover for “How the Universe Works” (Discovery Science Channel, S4C, 2015)
(Planned contribution to Cymru DNA Wales, S4C, 2015).
iii. Talks to Societies, Schools etc. (see recents above)
eg. Merched y Wawr: Penrhosgarnedd, Caernarfon, Llanllechid, Bangor, Bethel, Eigiau. Cymdeithas Wyddonol: Aberystwyth; Gwynedd; Clwyd; Cardiff (several). Young Farmers Club: Dyffryn Ogwen. Chapel Societies: Talybont; Cardiff; Rachub; Bangor; Bethel, Caerhun. Cultural Societies; Bethesda (several); Y Pethe, Bala; Bodffordd; BAYS; Denbigh; Llanrug. Llanberis, Tregarth,; Friends of Bangor Oriel; Yr Wyddgrug; Biwmares; Porthaethwy; Bryncir, Bleunau Ffestiniog; Junior Schools: Llanddaniel, Brynsiencyn, Llanllechid (several),
iv. Public Lectures
(see above)
v. Adjudicator (Science and Technology) in Eisteddfodau etc
National Eisteddfod
Porthmadog 1987; Bro Delyn 1991; Aberystwyth 1992; Llanelwedd 1993; Neath 1994; Bala 1997; Meifod 2003
Urdd National Eisteddfod
Competition assessment committee (science).
Science Committee Vice Chairman, Dyffryn Ogwen 1986
Newtown 1988; Dyffryn Nantlle 1990
Inter-Collegiate Eisteddfod (occasional)
Cystadleuaeth Gwyddonwyr Ifainc y Flwyddyn ( Welsh Scientist of the Year) 1983
Gwynedd Book Competition 1985
vi. Other recent National Eisteddfod Activities
i. Chair of Science and Technology Committee 2012-
Member of Council. 2012-
ii. National Eisteddfod (Bangor and Region) 2005
Chair of Science Committee 2003-5
- (Co-applicant for £50,000 Wellcome Grant)
- Presented “Gene Show” (60 min. one man performance in the “Pagoda”)
- DNA exhibition – supported by BBSRC
- Constructing and manning exhibit (including hands on DNA extraction)
- Translation of DNA in the Garden (BBSRC poster/booklet)
- Prepare a series of (6) posters on DNA – several subsequently used in schools etc
- Introduced UWB Scientific Research profile to invited audience in University Pavilion.
- Participated in Poetry Reading in Babell Lên (Literary Pavilion)
iii. Lectures
“Hysbys y dengys dyn ..” (DNA and History) National Eisteddfod Annual Science Lecture (Flint) 2007
“Dŵr, dŵr, dŵr” (A history of water) Annual Lecture of Old Aberystwyth Students Association
“Cafodd Owain Melyr Grëyr Glas i Frecwast” (A talk on colour in nature.) Annual Lecture of Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd. (National Eisteddfod, Wrexham, August 2011)
vii. President of Association of Science Education (ASE Cymru) 2004-5 (Presented Annual Lecture.)
viii. Contributions to Wicipedia. (I have two Twitter feeds. One general, in Welsh (@Deri_Tomos); another for
teaching (@DeriTomos)).
"Popular" Publications
1-8. Speculum
(1976) Y Gwyddonydd, 14, 140‑143
(1977) Y Gwyddonydd, 15, 91‑92
(1977) Y Gwyddonydd, 15, 134‑136
(1977) Y Gwyddonydd, 15, 178‑180
(1978) Y Gwyddonydd, 16, 23‑25
(1978) Y Gwyddonydd, 16, 221‑223
(1979) Y Gwyddonydd, 17, 45‑47
(1981) Y Gwyddonydd, 19, 70‑73
9. Gwyddoniaeth a'r Gymru Newydd (1978) Y Llef 5, 5
10. Ateb Gwyddonydd (1978) Y Llef (Hâf), 14
11. Diffyg swyddi gwyddonol yng Nghymru (1978), Y Faner (Mawrth 17), 17
12. Y dynion bach gwyrdd (1979) Y Faner (Ionawr 12), 12
13. Y frech wen a gweithio mewn labordy ymchwil (1979) Y Faner (Chwef 9),15
14. Amau pob Estron (1979) Pais (Mawrth/Ebrill) 4‑5
15. 'Sgodyn a Sglodion Silicon? (1979) Y Faner (Ebrill 6), 15
16. Dylifiad Pilennau'r Gell ‑ eu hanes a' u achau (1979 Trafodion y Gymdeithas Wydd. Genedl 2, 58‑61.
17. Gwybdaith hâf 1,600,000,000 milltir? (1979) Y Faner (Mai 18) 15
18. Argyfwng Ynni ‑ Ystrydeb (1979) Y Fanner (Gorffennaf 13) 10
19. Egni "Arall" (1979) Y Faner (Awst 31) 17
20. Arfau niwclear "derbyniol" (1982) Y Faner (mai 14) 10,
21. Yr Enfys, (1982) Cynefin (Rhagfyr) 20
22. Agweddau ar fioleg‑Rhai datblygiadau cyfoes. 5 Biol Molecylau a Pheirianneg Genynnau (1982) Y Gwydd. 20, 107‑125
23. Rhagolygon Gwyddonol 1983 (1983) Y Faner (Ionawr 14) 10
24. Carl Linnaeus (1985) in Gwyddonwyr Enwog y Byd. W.J. Jones (ed) Gwasg Cambria. pp 31‑35
25. Johann Gregor Mendel (1985) ibid pp 69‑73
26. Francis Harry Compton Crick a James Dewey Watson (1985) ibid. pp 150‑154
27. Wernher Magnus Maximilian von Braun (1985) ibid. pp 146‑149
28. Neilon, Neitrogen, Neon, Nwy, Olew (1986) (6 articles) Chwilota 5, D. Gwyn Jones (ed) U. of Wales Press.
29. Gwella ar natur ‑ Y fioleg newydd. (1988). Tafodion y Gymdeithas Wyddonol Genedlaethol. 10, 33‑35
30. Nodiadau Gwyddonol (1989) Llais Ogwan (Rhagfyr)
31. Un gell ar y tro. (Sori Trebor). (1990). Atom (Rhifyn Hâf).
32. Manion o'r byd gwyddonol.(1991) Atom 4 (Rhifyn gaeaf)
33. Pa mor boeth yw poeth ? (1991) Llais Ogwan (Mawrth)
34. Rhagolygon bioleg y dyfodol. (1991) Golwg (Ionawr)
35. Bioleg molycylau a pheirianneg gennynau. (1991) Ymchwil 1, 41‑49
- Manion o'r byd gwyddonol. (1995) Delta 3
- Adroddiad Cynhadledd Tan y Bwlch (1997) Delta 5
- Does dim modd troi’n ol. (2000) Y Naturiaethwr Cyfres 2 (6) 19-20
- Pigion Wyddonol (2007) Barn March (in press) – first of a monthly series (86 by June 2015)
Gorff/ Awst Pethau Bach
Medi Cwmni i’r bedd, a’r Terminator
Hydref Tywydd Eithafol a’r Gwyddelod Gwahanol
Tachwedd Nwyon Tŷ Gwydr, Polio a’r Pas
Rhagfyr/ Ionawr Rhyfedd o fyd, ond pwy sy’n od ?
Chwefror Losin rhithiol a chŵn clyfar
Mawrth Llwynogod, tanciau a dagrau
Ebrill Hapusrwydd, hirhoedledd a lleuad laith
Mai Dyfodol ein bydysawd, cyflymder esblygiad
Mehefin Dolffiniaid, slefrod a phobl orfywiog
Gorff/Awst Mynach hapus ond mwrdwr yn y môr
Medi. Dysgu hwyliog ac yslymod astud.
Hydref. ---
Tachwedd. Bwyd da a dawns y cyfandiroedd.
Rhagfyr/Ionawr. Mwnciod llamsachus a merched gofalus.
Chwefror. Gweld llais a chlywed llun.
Mawrth. Bwjis bord a chyfathrebu chwim.
Ebrill. Hadau hapus a manylion mawr.
Mai. Ffosil glaw a barbeciw cynhanes.
Mehefin. Gwallau genynnol a chreigiau coll
Medi. Morgrug ffrwydrol a llyffaint dihangol.
Hydref. Pan Holltodd Afallon.
Tachwedd. DNA Ddadlennol.
Rhagfyr/Ionawr. Yr Ap, Y Genyn a'r Morfil Siaradus
Chwfror. Yr Android Anghynnes, Transistor Atomau a Barry Welsh (o Berkeley).
Mawrth. Y Llwybr Llaethog, lliw bywyd a huddyg y botes.
Ebrill. Yn ol i'r dyfodol, gwefr y bili bwmpen a'r arloeswr Obediah.
Mai. Gwenoliaid chwim, gwythiennau aur a'r rhwyg derfynol.
- (2010) Cristion
- (2010) Llais Bach
- Ars Longa, Vita Brevis ? (2012) Taliesin 145, 92-99 (A special issue on Time.)
- Y Gwyddonydd: 50 mlynedd yn ddiweddarach. BBC Blog (1/3/2013)
General Interests
Hill walking, gardening, choral singing, bee keeping.
Celtic culture and history, especially that of Wales.
General reading. Travel
Welsh, English, German (good), French (basic) and Spanish (rudimentary)
Teaching and Supervision
(45 years of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Physiology)
Research outputs (24)
- Published
Detection of Uranium Contamination in Acacia Cell Sap by Capillary Zone Electrophoresis (CZE) Technique
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Fine scale measurement and mapping of uranium in soil solution in soil and plant-soil microcosms, with special reference to depleted uranium
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Chemical speciation studies on DU contaminated soils using flow field flow fractionation linked to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (FlFFF-ICP-MS)
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Accolades (3)
Cymrawd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru
Prize: National/international honour
Medal Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg yr Eisteddfod Genedlaethol
Prize: National/international honour
Aelod (Derwydd) o Orsedd y Beirdd
Prize: National/international honour
Projects (4)
BioStimulant Platform
Project: Research