Mr Deyan Mitev

Teaching Assistant

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Psychology PhD Candidate 

Primary Supervisor: Prof Paul Downing

Secondary Supervisor: Prof Kami Koldewyn


LinkedIn: Deyan Mitev

Contact Info

Psychology PhD Candidate 

Primary Supervisor: Prof Paul Downing

Secondary Supervisor: Prof Kami Koldewyn


LinkedIn: Deyan Mitev


My main interests lay in social vision and social cognition. I am exploring how different mental concepts are represented cognitively and neurally. Specifically, I want to examine the overlap between different mental spaces and how they affect social vision. To achieve this, I am utilising behavioural, computational and neuroscience methods.

Education / academic qualifications

  • 2023 - MSc , Is There a Topographic Motor Map in The Human Lateral Occipitotemporal Cortex? , Bangor University (2022 - 2023)
  • 2022 - BSc , Do Stereotypes Shape How We View People? - Semantic Priming Effects on a Social Categorisation Task , Bangor University (2019 - 2022)

Research outputs (1)

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Prof. activities and awards (2)

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Accolades (1)

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