Dr Georgina Smith

Lecturer in Marketing

Contact info

E-mail: Georgina.Smith@Bangor.ac.uk

Contact Info

E-mail: Georgina.Smith@Bangor.ac.uk


I am a Lecturer in Marketing at Bangor Business School having previously worked in the school as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. I obtained my PhD in Marketing in May 2020. My current research interests are focused on consumer decision-making and the influence of emotion on behavioural choice.



Roles within Bangor Business School:

Director of Student Engagement

Director of Marketing & Recruitment

Open Day Coordinator

Personal Tutor

Undergraduate dissertation supervisor

Postgraduate dissertation supervisor

PhD supervisor




Teaching and Supervision

In the 2021/2022 academic year I teach on the following modules:



ASB-3530 Brand Management

ASB-1105 Principles of Business Management (semester 2 only)



ASB-4530 Global Brand Management

ASB-4521 International Marketing Communication


Other roles:

PGT dissertation supervision


Conference Presentations:

Smith, G. (2019). “Exploring the action-inaction asymmetry in the theory of planned behaviour framework.” Welsh PGR Conference, Cardiff Business School.


Working Papers

“A systematic review of factors impacting student academic engagement in online learning at higher education institutions and the issue of evaluation.”


“Why do people not do? A systematic review of the theory of planned behaviour applied to inaction behaviours.”


“Exploring the determinants of eating and not eating high-calorie snack consumption and the role of action and inaction regret.”


“Understanding the determinants of using and not using sunscreen: An application of the theory of planned behaviour.”

Education / academic qualifications

  • Other , Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Authority (SFHEA)
  • Professional , Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCertTHE)
  • MA , Business & Marketing
  • BA , History
  • PhD , Marketing
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