Mr Glory Ogbonda


Education / academic qualifications

  • 2023 - MSc , Master of Science Advanced Computer Science (Computer Science) , Bangor University (2022 - 2023)
  • 2018 - BSc , Bachelor's degree Information Technology and Business Informative Systems (Computer Science) (2014 - 2018)
  • 2017 - Professional , Professional Diploma in Information Technology ( Software Engineering ) (Computer Science) (2015 - 2017)
  • PhD , Doctor of Philosophy - PhD Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning and Advanced Computing CDT) (Computer Science) , Bangor University (2023 - 2027)
  • Other , Non Degree (Visiting) (Physics (Quantum Computing) (2024)
  • Non Degree (Visiting) PGR (2PHYS028R) (School of Physics (Machine Learning) (2023)
  • Other , Non Degree (Occasional Studies) (Cardiff School of Physics & Astronomy (Astrophysics Data Analysis) (2023)
  • Other , Non Degree (Visiting) (Computer Science (Research Methods) (2023)
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