Mr Gregg Ashcroft

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Doctoral School Profile
Contact info
- 4th Floor Brambell Building, Bangor University
- +44 (0) 1248 382065
- @greggegg1
Contact Info
- 4th Floor Brambell Building, Bangor University
- +44 (0) 1248 382065
- @greggegg1
I am a KESS 2 funded Post Graduate Researcher (PGR) in the writing up stage of my Ph.D. specialising in Treatment Wetland (TW) science.
My background is in Environmental Sceinces, specialising in Wetlands and Treatment Wetlands. Through my M.Sc., Ph.D. and non-academic work I have built up expertise in wetland biogeochemistry, soil and water science, wastewater treatment and constructed wetland design, and has led to a strong background in laboratory and field work skills.
Whilst following a predominantly environmental science based path, I have also built my career with people, languages and the community at the centre. This has led me to working on several projects and taking on a number of roles prior to and during my Ph.D. These include being Post Graduate Rep for the school of Biological Sciences, language teaching, environmental education, language rights campaigning, promoting the importance of languages learning in science and school outreach programmes.
My present research is to investigate the effects of extracellular enzyme additions on wastewater removal in Treatment Wetlands (TW) receiving dairy cattle soiled wastewater at differing concentrations.
Through this study, we aimed to investigate whether commercially produced extracellular enzyme solutions could be used as an affordable and reliable method for enhancing TW technology, either by increasing the rate of treatment or by enhancing their ability to treat more concentrated wastewaters, such as those associated with the modern intensified UK livestock industry.
Research areas and keywords
- QH301 Biology - Wetland Science, Treatment Wetlands, Wastewater Treatment, Soil, Water, Enzymes, Nutrient Cycling
- S Agriculture (General) - Dairy Farm Waste, Agricultural Runoff, Wastewater Treatment
- PE English - English as a Second Language, Language teaching
Education / academic qualifications
- 2015 - MSc , Wetland Science and Conservation , Bangor University (2014 - 2015)
- 2011 - Professional , CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) (2011)
- 2008 - BSc , Zoology and Conservation (2005 - 2008)
- PhD , Extracellular Enzyme Supplements on dairy farm wastewater in Treatment Wetlands: Treatment efficiency, microbial growth and enzyme activity , Bangor University (2015 - 2020)
Research outputs (1)
- Published
Isolation and characterization of 28 new microsatellite markers for European flounder (Platichthys flesus L.)
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review