Dr Hafiz Ahmed

Senior Lecturer in Nuclear Control and Instrumentation

Contact info

E-mail: hafiz.ahmed@bangor.ac.uk

Contact Info

E-mail: hafiz.ahmed@bangor.ac.uk


Hafiz Ahmed (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in automatic control from the University of Lille 1, Villeneuve-d’Ascq, France, in 2016. From 2016 to 2020, he was with Clemson University (SC, USA), Asia Pacific University (Dhaka, Bangladesh), North South University (Dhaka, Bangladesh), Coventry University (Coventry, UK), and Birmingham City University (Birmingham, UK). Since April 2021, he has been with the Nuclear Futures Institute, Bangor University, Wales, UK. His current research interests include applied control engineering with special focus in energy and environment.

Dr. Ahmed was the recipient of the European Embedded Control Institute (EECI) Ph.D. Award in 2017 and Best Ph.D. Theses Award from the Research Cluster on Modelling, Analysis, and Management of Dynamic Systems (GDR-MACS) of the National Council of Scientific Research (CNRS) in France, in 2017. He is an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education.

Education / academic qualifications

  • 2016 - PhD , Automatic Control
  • 2013 - MSc , Systems, Control and Information Technology
  • 2011 - BEng , Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Research outputs (37)

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