Dr Harriet Ibbett

Postdoctoral Research Officer

Contact info

Email: harriet.ibbett@bangor.ac.uk

Twitter: @harrietibbett

Contact Info

Email: harriet.ibbett@bangor.ac.uk

Twitter: @harrietibbett


I have been working in conservation for the last 12 years, in various volunteer, fundraising and project coordination positions. I have extensive fieldwork experience and have conducted both social and ecological research in countries such as South Africa, Madagascar, Uganda, Poland and Cambodia. I completed a PhD in Conservation Science at Bangor University in 2022.




My research is primarily focussed on understanding rule-breaking and compliance in conservation, with a specific interest in research ethics and law enforcement around protected areas.

During my PhD I investigated the most appropriate methods to elicit robust information about the prevalence of sensitive behaviour in different conservation contexts. I worked as part of a wider project, and undertook fieldwork in and around Protected Areas in Indonesia and Tanzania.


Education / academic qualifications

  • 2022 - PhD , Understanding rule-breaking in conservation , Bangor University (2019 - 2022)
  • MSc , Conservation Science (2014 - 2015)
  • BSc , Environmental Geography and International Development (2008 - 2011)

Research outputs (19)

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Prof. activities and awards (6)

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