Dr James Hicks
Lecturer in Zoology

Contact info
Room 013: Wheldon Building
Email: j.hicks@bangor.ac.uk
Contact Info
Room 013: Wheldon Building
Email: j.hicks@bangor.ac.uk
I graduated with a Masters in Zoology with Herpetology from Bangor University in 2014 before being awarded one of the first round of 12 NERC Envision DTP studentships to study a PhD at the University of Nottingham. My doctoral project focused on the effects oil palm expansion in Southeast Asia has on reptile and amphibian assemblages both in the present, and looking to the future under further plantation expansion and predicted climatic change. A key theme I want to build on from this is how plantations can be managed sympathetically to support these less charismatic animals. After my PhD I branched out into zookeeping at a BIAZA teaching institution before returning to academia.
My research revolves broadly around reptile biology but I have particular interests in how reptiles adapt to changing environments globally, and in the natural history of SE Asian taxa.
Teaching and Supervision
I am module organiser for:
SNS-0001: Foundation Project
BSX-2028: Introduction to Herpetology
And contribute to:
BSX-2031: Arizona fieldcourse
BSX-3150: Life in a Changing Climate
BSX-3158: Advances in Herpetology
Research areas and keywords
- QL Zoology - Herpetology
Education / academic qualifications
- 2019 - PhD , The adaptation of tropical lizards to a changing climate
- 2014 - MSc , MZoology with Herpetology , Bangor University