Dr Jenny Shepperson

Senior Lecturer, Senior Fisheries Researcher

Contact info

Room: 324 Westbury Mount     Phone: 01248 382476

E-mail: j.shepperson@bangor.ac.uk

Web:  Google Scholar  ResearchGate

I graduated in Ecology from Cardiff University in 2011, and completed a Masters in Geographic Information Systems from the University of Ulster in 2013. I studied for a PhD at Bangor University between 2013 and 2017, and have since been working as a PostDoctoral Fisheries Research Officer at Bangor University. My research is focussed on fisheries management, in particular, developing models to predict both the environmental impacts of fishing and the behavioural response of fishers to management.

My current research involves translating the most up-to-date research on the benthic impacts of trawling into a quantiative tool to assess fisheries against the Marine Stewardship Council's eco-certification Fishery Standards. I am particularly interested in the trade-offs between model complexity and accessibility (i.e. data requirements), as well as the incentives (both positive and negative) that such a tool can create for fisheries.

For my PhD I developed an individual based model to predict the behavioural response of fishermen to management (e.g. spatial displacement followin area closures). I am interested in understanding more about how fishermen make decisions, and how we can better model these decisions to reduce unexpected or unintended consequences of management

Research Areas

Marine Conservation and Resource Management

Marine Ecology

Contact Info

Room: 324 Westbury Mount     Phone: 01248 382476

E-mail: j.shepperson@bangor.ac.uk

Web:  Google Scholar  ResearchGate

I graduated in Ecology from Cardiff University in 2011, and completed a Masters in Geographic Information Systems from the University of Ulster in 2013. I studied for a PhD at Bangor University between 2013 and 2017, and have since been working as a PostDoctoral Fisheries Research Officer at Bangor University. My research is focussed on fisheries management, in particular, developing models to predict both the environmental impacts of fishing and the behavioural response of fishers to management.

My current research involves translating the most up-to-date research on the benthic impacts of trawling into a quantiative tool to assess fisheries against the Marine Stewardship Council's eco-certification Fishery Standards. I am particularly interested in the trade-offs between model complexity and accessibility (i.e. data requirements), as well as the incentives (both positive and negative) that such a tool can create for fisheries.

For my PhD I developed an individual based model to predict the behavioural response of fishermen to management (e.g. spatial displacement followin area closures). I am interested in understanding more about how fishermen make decisions, and how we can better model these decisions to reduce unexpected or unintended consequences of management

Research Areas

Marine Conservation and Resource Management

Marine Ecology

Teaching and Supervision

I have taught on several undergraduate and postgraduate modules, mainly on the topic of data analysis in R statistical software.


Education / academic qualifications

  • 2017 - PhD , Developing a Spatially Dynamic Model to Predict Displacement of Fishing Effort , Bangor University
  • 2013 - MSc , Geographic Information Systems
  • 2011 - BSc , Ecology

Research outputs (6)

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