Professor Marco Tamburelli
Professor of Linguistics

Contact info
Position: Professor of Linguistics (Bilingualism)
Phone: ++44 (0)1248 382078
Location: Room 205b, 37-41 College Road
My Research focuses on bi- and multi-lingualism, both from a mentalist/representational perspective as well as from a sociolinguistic and comparative perspective.
Within a representational perspective, I have worked on Bilingual First Language Acquisition, particularly in relation to syntactic and phonological transfer effects in simultaneous bilinguals, but also on the acquisition and organisation of lexical properties, the nature of paradigms and of the mechanisms underlying lexical organisation (including the mapping of cross-modular information in the lexicon) and on lexical and phonological development in typically developing children and in children with SLI.
I also work on the more social and comparative aspects of bilingual development, particularly on regional and minority languages (language policy and maintenance), on issues of language diversity (the measurement of linguistic attitudes), and the diglossic/bilingual communities of Italy, but also on measuring phonetic distance in linguistic continua, and on the measurement and application of intelligibility rates as a criterion of demarcation between 'regional languages' and 'regional dialects'.
I am currently director of the International Research Network on Contested Languages and head of the Language Attitudes Research Team.
Contact Info
Position: Professor of Linguistics (Bilingualism)
Phone: ++44 (0)1248 382078
Location: Room 205b, 37-41 College Road
Selected presentations and invited talks
- (2022) Tamburelli, M. “Attitudes reversed: how Ausbau-centric approaches hinder the maintenance of linguistic diversity”. Keynote talk at LABiC 2022: International conference on bilingualism with local languages, Language Attitudes and Bi(dia)lectal Competence, University of Venice, Italy.
- (2022) Tamburelli, M. “Language Contestation as a Route to Endangerment”. Talk invited by the Laz Institute and delivered at the Endangered Languages Colloquium, Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey.
- (2021) Tamburelli, M. “Myth busters: Online platforms and emerging ideological shift among Lombard speakers.” Plenary talk at the conference New Contexts for the Use of Minoritized Languages, University of Zadar, Croatia.
- (2020) Tamburelli, M. “Regional Language Maintenance and the Importance of Digital Domains.” Invited talk at the conference Minority Languages in the Digital Age, The Alfried Krupp Institute for Advanced Study, University of Greifswald, Germany.
- (2019) Tamburelli, M. “Bilingual advantage and home language use: the case of minority languages” Invited talk at the 2019 Multilingual Learning Conference, European Council of International Schools (ECIS), London, UK.
- (2019) Tamburelli, M. “Bilingualism and local communities.” Invited talk at CILVE2 (Second International Conference on the Venetan Language), Vicenza, Italy.
- (2018) Tamburelli, M. and Tosco, M. “Contested Languages FAQs”. Oral presentation at the 3rd International Conference on Contested Languages in the Old World (CLOW-3), University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- Tamburelli, M. (2017) “Finding languages: from an old problem to a modern challenge.” Plenary address at UPCEL Language in Society, 20-22 September 2017, University of Madrid, Spain.
- Tamburelli, M. (2017) ‘The hidden multilingualism of Italy: issues and challenges’ Invited talk at ‘Endangered and Minority Languages of Italy’, Cambridge Group for Endangered Languages and Cultures (CELC), University of Cambridge, UK (January 2017).
- Tamburelli, M. (2017) “Issues in Romance classification: the case of Gallo-Italic” Invited talk at the Cambridge Romance Linguistics Seminars, University of Cambridge, UK (January 2017).
Teaching and Supervision
PhD supervision
- Conor Glackin: Intelligibility and communication in stressful social contexts. 2017-2023.
- Judit Vari: Monitoring language vitality in autochthonous diglossic communities. 2017-2021.
- Mara Leonardi: Trilingualism and Diglossia among the Germanic-speaking group in South Tyrol (Italy). 2012-2016.
- Abigail Ruth Price: “Is ‘reversed diglossia’ coming to Wales? Investigating the linguistic habits of adolescents in Wales and beyond.” Fully funded studentship in bilingualism, Bangor University Anniversary Scholarship. 2013-2019.
- Lissander Brasca: Classification of Romance linguistic varieties. 2013-2023 (P/T).
- Athanasia Papastergiou: the role of educational settings in bilingual acquisition. ESRC funded PhD. 2014-2016 (co-supervisor).
Teaching at Bangor
I teach courses on introductory linguistics, phonology, and bilingualism (from a social as well as a psycholinguistic perspective). For details, please consult the current timetable or send me a message.
- QXL1110 - Introduction to Language
- QXL2201 - Sounds and Sound Systems
- QXL33/4470 - Language Policy & Planning
- QXL 1115 Intro to Phonetics and Phonology
- QXL 4432 Research Methods
- QXL33/4436 – Phonology in Bilingual Acquisition
Postgraduate Project Opportunities
Bilingual first language acquisition: crosslinguistic interference in the acquisition of syntactic and phonological structures; bilingual acquisition in diglossic contexts.
Education / academic qualifications
- PhD , Linguistics (Bilingualism)
- BA , Linguistics
Research outputs (37)
- Accepted/In press
Modelling language attitudes: Attitudinal measurements and linguistic behaviour in two bilingual communities
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Accepted/In press
Double standards in speakers’ minds? An evaluation of standard varieties in Luxembourg and Belgium
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
- Published
Investigating the relationship between language exposure and explicit and implicit language attitudes towards Welsh and English
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (63)
More than (a) dialect: a look into the future of Eifeler Platt
Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar
Linguistic and societal factors that affect the bilingual experience: two key dimensions
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Hearings for regional bill on cultural heritage (PDL 52) in Lombardy, Italy
Activity: Other › Types of Business and Community - Membership of public/government advisory/policy group or panel
Projects (2)
Santander Scholarship donation
Project: Research
Media coverage (8)
Agweddau ymhlyg tuag at y Gymraeg [Implicit attitudes towards Welsh].
Press/Media: Expert Comment
The Welsh Government must focus more on language attitudes
Press/Media: Expert Comment
Studie in Ostbelgien: Was sich bei Plattdeutsch im Kopf abspielt
Press/Media: Research