Dr Marley Willegers

Research Officer

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My research interest centre on personality, emotion dysregulation, and risk-taking in relation to health. Throughout my Ph.D., I have explored the agentic emotion regulation benefits of engaging in high-risk sports, such as mountaineering, and the regulatory role our sporting activities play in buffering against social insecurity. I am currently involved in several collaborative projects with organisations such as Healthwise Wales and the Natural Environment Research Council. I am also a lecturer in advanced research methods and statistics, teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students the principles and methodologies underlying qualitative and quantitative research.  

Teaching and Supervision

Teaching and supervision: In recent years, I have taught research methods and statistics modules to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. In previous years, I have co-supervised undergraduate and postgraduate students toward the successful completion of their research projects. I continue to supervise students throughout their research endeavors today. 


The psychological benefits of engaging in high-risk sporting activities were evident to me from a young age. However, it was not until I attended Bangor University that I aspired to understand the underlying processes that derive such benefits. When I am not at my desk, I can be found paragliding, downhill mountain biking, and riding motocross.  

Education / academic qualifications

Research outputs (1)

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Prof. activities and awards (4)

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