Dr Matthew Lewis
Honorary Senior Research Fellow

Contact info
Email: m.j.lewis@bangor.ac.uk
Tel: 01248 388114
Office: School of Ocean Sciences. Room 324. Nautilus Suite, Westbury Mount. Menai Bridge
Further information here:
Contact Info
Email: m.j.lewis@bangor.ac.uk
Tel: 01248 388114
Office: School of Ocean Sciences. Room 324. Nautilus Suite, Westbury Mount. Menai Bridge
Further information here:
I am a Research Fellow at Bangor University in physical oceanography, with applications to blue economy industries and coastal flood risk. My research uses computer models to numerically simulate marine processes, including how these processes interact and how they may change in the future. For example, how to downscale climate model information to impact, future changes to hazard in estuaries, or ocean-atmosphere exchange processes (e.g. wave-tide interaction).
Topics: Ocean science; modelling; waves; tides; renewables; flooding; environmental sciences.
Current Research projects:
- NERC UK Climate Resilience: Sensitivity of Estuaries to Climate Hazards (SEARCH).
- NERC. The UK contribution to validating SWOT in the Bristol Channel and River Severn.
- EPSRC. Research Fellowship in Marine Renewable Energy: METRIC
- EPSRC. Supergen ORE flexfund: V-SCORES
- NERC SEAMAP (plastic mapping from source to sink in Philippines)
- ERDF SEEC project: http://seec.bangor.ac.uk/
- EPSRC Supergen cross-hub flexfund: Marine renewable powered hydrogen for Net Zero Futures (with Strathclyde & Cardiff)
- NERC Digital Environment
I have an interest in combining computer models of biological and physical processes to better understand the marine system. I am actively working in a number of research areas: future flood risk, estuaries, bio-geo-chemical modelling including bio-engineering of marine renewables and offshore aquaculture, wave-tide interaction modelling, baroclinlic modelling and larval transport modelling.
I am a member of the EPSRC Associate Peer Review College. I am also part of the Digital Environment Expert Network https://digitalenvironment.org/home/digital-environment-expert-network/#MattLewis and the UKRI ECR network & Researcher Forum.
I have worked with many research partners and hold visiting researcher status through a number of collaborative projects: e.g. UK Met Office, Deltares – Delft, CSIRO Australia, NIWA New Zealand. I am a STEM ambassador and have collaborated with historians (oral history/traditions to inform environmental science), local artists and wild swimming enthusiasts (predicting the movement of water); outreach examples include the CwmniDaTv and BBC 2 "Harnessing the Tide" and school STEM activity https://youtu.be/UaxXupfZSSk
Associate Editor for Frontiers in Marine Science, and Guest editor in VSI for Elsevier's Renewable Energy. Reviewer for Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership (MCCIP) and IPCC. Session convenor at the EGU conference for 4 years, Chair of PRIMaRE2021 conference.
Teaching and Supervision
I supervise undergraduate and masters level research projects. Please contact me to discuss - particular interest in transdisciplinary research, e.g. http://plocc.bangor.ac.uk/
I teach the ocean modelling module at Bangor Unviersity (OSX3016/OSX4012) and am a visiting lecturer at the University of Reading and guest lecturer at University of Rhode Island USA. Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA), with both stages of the PGCertHE completed. I am happy to be an external PhD examiner, and have been on the subject of wave-tide interaction at The University of Strathclyde and The University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), and the Indonesian tidal energy resource at Edinburgh University.
PhD students:
Mike Ridgil - KESS funded. Renewable energy resource assessment using remote sensing.
Nia Jones - NERC Envision funded DTP. Dispersal of microplastics in the marine environment
Mirko Barada - Cemlyn Jones trust funded. Coastal flooding: using historical records to mitigate future risk
Thomas Clough - KESS-EAST funded. Future of estuaries PhD studentship with Welsh Water
Aaron Furnish: NERC Envision funded DTP (and Met Office CASE): Pathways to Realistic Impact Modelling in Estuarine Areas (PRIMEA)
Sophie Crouch INSITE funded "Changes in the distribution and abundance of marine top-predators in the North Sea associated with present and future wind farm developments"
Mike Kennington: Ocean surface currents and novel micro marine renewable energy resources
Eleanor Falch: Spatio-temporal seabird interactions with tidal flow features
Rhys Gadd - IBM modeling of animal behaviour around ORE structures with HR Wallingford
Particle Track Modelling (PTM) - developing a tool with CGG for the prediction of animal, plastic and pollution dispersal. One year, fully funded MRes through KESS2 - https://kess2.ac.uk/category/scholarship-vacancies/ (~£11819 p.a.)
Grant Awards and Projects
Principle Investigator (PI):
2018-2021. KESS2 PhD studentship ~£54k. Remote Sensing of renewable energy resource. Lewis (PI), Neill and Robins (Co-I)
2019-2020. KESS2 MRes studentship £17,974. Ocean surface currents and novel micro-hydrokinetic resource applications. Lewis (PI), Neill and Robins (Co-I)
2018-2021. EPSRC Postdoctoral fellowship £364,293. Improving Methods of Characterising Resource, Interactions and Conditions for Marine Renewable Energy (METRIC). Lewis (PI)
2016 NRN-LCEE RDF “Future of Estuaries” (£4500)
2016 Met Office Bursary for collaborative research with UKCP18 and flood risk (£1450)
2015 NERC student Research Experience Placement (REP) (£1200)
Co-Investigator (Co-I):
NERC Digital Environment Network (£10,000 to Bangor)
EPSRC (Supergen ORE) Marine renewable powered hydrogen (£19329.46 @ 80% FEC)
Bangor-GCRF Award internal fund. A relocatable method to resolve and mitigate marine plastic waste Indonesia. Robins, Hiddink, Neill, Skov, Lewis, Spear. (£39,500)
EPSRC PRIMaRE ECR network and travel grants to Bangor ECRs (£6102)
NERC-ENVISION DTP PhD. Pathways to Realistic Impact Modelling in Estuarine Areas (PRIMEA). Oct 2020 – Oct. 2023.
NERC UK Climate Resilience Programme. Sensitivity of Estuaries to Climate Hazards (SEARCH). NE/V004239/1. £195,737. Aug 2020 – Oct. 2022.
EPSRC (Supergen ORE) Flexible Funding. V-SCORES (Validating Surface Currents at Offshore Renewable Energy Sites). Williamson B (UHI), et al. £15,696 (to Bangor) Oct. 2020 - Spt. 2021.
NERC. SWOT-UK (NE/V009109/1:NE/V009168/1): The UK contribution to validating SWOT in the Bristol Channel and River Severn, with application to coastal and river management. Gommenginger C (NOC) and Bates P (Bristol), et al. £283,026@FeC (£47,921 to Bangor) Aug. 20 - Jul. 22.
2017 NERC “Envirnmental Risk to Infrastructure Program (ERIP). CHEST: Combination Hazard of Extreme rainfall, Storm surge and high Tide. NE/R009007/1 (£110,967)
2016 Welsh Government/ Welsh Crucible consortia “Redesigning Resilience” (£10,000)
Research areas and keywords
- QC Physics - Oceanography, ocean modelling, waves, tides, renewable energy
Research outputs (67)
- Published
Engaging Communities in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia: A Collaborative Approach to Modelling Marine Plastic Debris through Open Science and Online Visualization
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Intercomparison of surface velocimetry techniques for drone-based marine current characterization
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Comparison of dense optical flow and PIV techniques for mapping surface current flow in tidal stream energy sites
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (1)
BU-IIA Funded Project: Mapping Social Inequality in Flooding
Activity: Other
Projects (5)
ORE storage vectors
Project: Research