Ms Meinir Williams

Lecturer in phonetics and second language acquisition.
Researcher in sociophonetics studying the experiences of adult New Speakers of Welsh regarding acetedness, developing speakerhood and the links between them.
Education / academic qualifications
- BA , BA Welsh and French , Bangor University (2018)
Research outputs (4)
- Published
Iaith a Thechnoleg yng Nghymru: Cyfrol II
Research output: Book/Report › Book
- Published
Language and Technology in Wales: Volume II
Research output: Book/Report › Book
- Accepted/In press
Niwroamrywiaeth a dwyieithrwydd
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (3)
Dwyieithrwydd a Chyfathrebu Estynedig ac Amgen (AAC) yng Ngogledd Cymru/Bilingualism and Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) in North Wales
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Perception and production of Welsh vowel sounds by adult learners
Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Astudiaeth o ynganiad llafariad unsain Cymraeg gogleddol gan oedolion sy’n dysgu Cymraeg
Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation