Professor Michael Beckett
Emeritus Professor

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Contact info
telephone: 01248 382378
Professor Mike Beckett is Emeritus Professor of Inorganic Chemistry within the School of Environmental and Natural Sciences and he is a specialist in the chemistry of boron. He has published more than 150 articles (h = 28) and has co-written a text book ('Periodic Table at a Glance', Wiley, 2006). His research papers on Lewis acidity measurement are internationally recognised and often cited as the 'Gutmann-Beckett method'. Mike Beckett is a Chartered Chemist and Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (CChem FRSC), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and is an elected UK representative of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
My research interests are centred on the synthesis, structure, and applications of Lewis acidity of organoborates/organosilicates and the syntheis of new polyborate salts. Several novel and unique isolated polyborate species have been discovered as a result of crystal engineering by cation templated self-assembly from aqueous solution. An internationally accepted method for measuring Lewis acidity by nuclear magnetic resonanance (NMR) spectroscopy has been established.
Top Cited Publications
A convenient NMR method for the measurement of Lewis acidity at boron centres: correlation of reaction rates of Lewis acid initiated epoxide polymerizations with Lewis acidity, M.A. Beckett, G.C. Strickland, J.R. Holland, and K.S. Varma, Polymer, 1996, 37, 4629-4631. [451 citations].
Lewis acidity of tris(pentafluorophenyl)borane: crystal and molecular structure of B(C6F5)3.OPEt3, M.A. Beckett, D.S. Brassington, S.J. Coles, and M.B. Hursthouse, Inorg. Chem. Commun., 2000, 3, 530-533. [209 citations].
Recent advances in crystalline hydrated borates with non-metal or transition-metal cations, M.A. Beckett, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2016, 323, 2-14. [99 citations].
Contact Info
telephone: 01248 382378
Professor Mike Beckett is Emeritus Professor of Inorganic Chemistry within the School of Environmental and Natural Sciences and he is a specialist in the chemistry of boron. He has published more than 150 articles (h = 28) and has co-written a text book ('Periodic Table at a Glance', Wiley, 2006). His research papers on Lewis acidity measurement are internationally recognised and often cited as the 'Gutmann-Beckett method'. Mike Beckett is a Chartered Chemist and Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (CChem FRSC), a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and is an elected UK representative of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).
Research outputs (126)
- Published
Tetrahydroxidohexaoxidopentaborate(1-) salts of C6- linked substituted diimidazolium and dipyrrolidinium cations: syn-thesis, characterization and XRD studies
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- E-pub ahead of print
Co(II)-doped hybrid Zn(II) tetraborate complexes, [ZnxCo(1-x)(1,3-dap)B4O7] (1,3-dap = 1,3-diaminopropane): BET analysis and N2/H2O/D2O adsorption studies
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Synthesis and thermal studies of two phosphonium tetrahy-droxidohexaoxidopentaborate(1-) salts: single-crystal XRD characterization of [iPrPPh3][B5O6(OH)4].3.5H2O and [MePPh3][B5O6(OH)4].B(OH)3.0.5H2O
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (22)
Polyborates and transition metal chemistry
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Malaysia
Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution
Molecules (Journal)
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity
Projects (2)
KESS II PhD project with Emerald Crop Science Ltd BUK274
Project: Research
Structural Chemistry Of Soluble Silicate
Project: Research