Dr Myfanwy Davies

Senior Lecturer in Social Policy

Contact info

Myfanwy Davies is interested in the interaction of language, gender and power in the accounts of women and minorities as users of welfare services and in illness and disability narratives. She read English Language and Literature at Oriel College, Oxford and went on to read Social Anthropology at Girton College, Cambridge. She pursued an interest in information exchange by studying for a further MSc in Information Management, in the course of which she produced her first papers on Somali women’s accounts of using maternity services in Sheffield. Her PhD (London) focuses on the accounts of Arab Muslim women as users of maternity services in London in the period immediately following 9/11.

Myfanwy returned to Wales in 2005 as a researcher in health policy and joined Bangor in 2011 as a lecturer with the Coleg Cenedlaethol. Having successfully introduced a range of teaching and learning improvements and QA processes as Moderator for Bangor’s provision in Tashkent and served as Deputy dean (Teaching and learning) for the College of Business, Law, Education and Social Sciences, she was appointed Head of Quality Assurance and Validation at Bangor in late 2018. She is currently involved in introducing a risk-based approach to programme approval. She remains research active. Her current, personal research focuses on mothers’ experiences of being the subject of social policy interventions.


School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences/QAV Unit.

01248 382140


  1. All Wales Project on Curriculum Design and Validation

    Davies, M. (PI)


    Project: Research

  2. Rhieni Ifanc Ni

    Davies, M. (PI)


    Project: Research

  3. Tim o Amgylch y Person Ifanc

    Davies, M. (PI)


    Project: Research