Professor Pauline Horne

Professor in Psychology


Pauline Horne is Professor in Child Development and Learning at the School of Psychology, Bangor University.  She is also Director of the Centre for Activity and Eating Research (CAER) at Bangor. With her late colleague Professor Fergus Lowe, she founded, and from 2012-2015, served as a Director of Food Dudes Health Ltd, a social enterprise established to create and deliver behaviour change interventions developed by the Bangor research team to improve children’s health and wellbeing.  She has also served as advisor to the UK and Irish Governments on changing children’s dietary habits, and to the European Commission in setting up the EU School Fruit Scheme for its 27 Member States.  Pauline’s basic and applied research is guided by the principles of behaviour analysis. In collaboration with Professor Fergus Lowe, she has led the development of the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programmes and Dynamic Dudes Physical Activity Programmes designed to target child obesity and tailored for 3-11 year old children attending primary schools. The Food Dudes programme provided a highly-rated impact case study in the last REF. As a Director of Research for Food Dudes Health, she secured funding, designed and led controlled studies essential for ensuring that the Food Dudes and Dynamic Dudes programmes are underpinned by a strong evidence base.  Throughout her career Pauline has also conducted basic research on children’s food preferences and daily physical activity.  Her other longstanding research interests include the role of naming in children’s psychological development, an interest that led to publication of a target article, which proposed a new behavioural account of the early social determinants of naming (the “Naming Account”; Horne & Lowe, 1996). Predictions of the account were then tested in a series of empirical studies documenting the impacts of naming on young children’s ability to categorise, imitate others, and regulate their own behaviour.  


 1979-1982              Bangor University Research for PhD in Psychology

                                Thesis title: Human Choice and the Matching Law: The Role of Verbal Behaviour


  1976-1979              Bangor University BA Hons, Psychology (First Class)


   1974-1976            University College London MPhil. Biochemistry


   1968-1971              University of Sussex BSc Hons Biochemistry


National and International Awards for Food Dudes Research (with Fergus Lowe)


1998           Caroline Walker Trust Award for our "outstanding contribution to health".  The Trust's awards are made annually for contributions in the domains of Science, Industry, the Media and Consumer Affairs to recognise work that advances public health through good nutritional practices. 

2006           World Health Organisation Best Practice Award for the Food Dudes Programme in Ireland, presented at the European Ministerial Conference on Counteracting Obesity, held in Istanbul.  

2009           The Social Marketing Centre – Showcase Award

2010           The Chief Medical Officer’s (UK) Gold Medal Awards for Combating Obesity for impacts of the implementation of Food Dudes in primary schools throughout Wolverhampton. Won in competition with hundreds of medical/health projects from across the UK.

2012           Society for the Advancement of Behavior Analysis  Scientific Translation Award to recognize the behaviour change research conducted over the past 22 years in the domain of applied children’s food preferences and its successful national and international translation. The award was presented to us before an audience of 4,000 delegates at the Annual International Association for Behavior Analysis conference in Seattle, May 2012.

2013           Local Authorities Research Intelligence Association- Health Research Award


Teaching and Supervision

2.2  Postgraduate Supervision. 

I have supervised 22 PhD students—9 in applied behaviour change and the remainder in basic behaviour analysis/child development; all have been awarded their PhDs, the majority with no revisions, and a few with minor corrections.  I ensure that my postgraduate students develop good research, data analysis, literature search, and time-management skills.  I meet each student weekly to assess progress, set new targets and address any issues that may have arisen.  In the last 5 years, I have also supervised 4 KESS MRes students, all of whom were successful. I have also served as the Chair, or Internal Examiner for numerous PhD Thesis Committees in the School, and have served as External PhD Examiner in other Universities.


KESS MRes supervision:


Catherine Sharp: Development and controlled evaluation of a role modelling and rewards intervention to increase pre-school children’s consumption of fruit and vegetables in a nursery setting.

Awarded 2013

Sophie Mitchell: Development of the exercise DVD aspect of a multi-component behaviour change intervention to increase daily physical activity and finess in primary school children.

Awarded 2015

Shona Whitaker: Dynamic dudes: Developing a multi-component physical activity intervention for primary school aged children.

Awarded: 2015




PhD supervision:

Catherine Sharp: Development and evaluation of a healthy eating and physical activity behaviour change intervention targeting 3-4 year old children.

Awarded 2017

Vera Camoes-CostaThe relation between gestural imitation and naming in young children. 

Awarded 2012.                                                                               BU Studentship

Vicky Lovett: The determinants of imitation in human infants.   

Awarded 2008.                                                                               ESRC studentship

Marleen AdemaSuper-ordinate Naming and Higher Order Category Learning in Young Children

Awarded 2007.                                                                               BU Studentship

Charlotte Hardman:  Increasing physical activity in children.

Awarded2005                                                                                ESRC studentship.

Paula Gurteen:  A behavioural analysis of rapid word learning in infants.

Awarded 2003                                                                                ESRC studentship

Mihela ErjavecDeterminants of gestural imitation in young children.

Awarded 2002                                                                               ESRC studentship

Fay HarrisNaming, gesture, and categorisation in young children.

Awarded2002                                                                                BU studentship

Yvonne Tommis:  Teaching pre-school children to perform from conventional music notation: an exploration of different methods.                                

Awarded 2001                                                                                BU studentship

Janette WoolnerA behavioural analysis of pre-school children’s food preferences.

Awarded2000                                                                                BU studentship

J. Carl HughesNaming and generalisation of behaviour infants.

Awarded2000                                                                                MRC studentship

Valerie RandleNaming and categorisation in preschool infants.

Awarded1999                                                                                ESRC studentship

Margaret Bell:  The determinants of naming in human infants.

Awarded1999                                                                                ESRC studentship

Alan DoweyPsychological determinants of children’s food preferences.

Awarded 1996                                                                                ESRC studentship

Lynne HenryThe assessment and modification of verbal behaviour in people with dementia.

Awarded 1994                                                                                WORD studentship

John GriffithsVerbal regulation of behaviour in children: establishing effective dental care.

Awarded1993                                                                                BU studentship

Nick SofroniouThe development of rule-governed behaviour.

Awarded 1991                                                                                BU studentship

Paul Chadwick:  The measurement and modification of delusional behaviour.

     Awarded 1989                                                                                BU studentship

     Julie HirdStimulus equivalence in mentally handicapped and normal subjects: The role of language.

Awarded 1989:                                                                               BU studentship                 

Neil DugdaleThe role of naming in stimulus equivalence: Differences between animals and humans.

Awarded 1988:                                                                               BU studentship

Alan BeastyThe role of language in the emergence of equivalence relations.

Awarded 1987:                                                                               BU studentship






[NB. For ease of explication, authors who were postdoctoral researchers are identified by an asterisk after their name (*), and postgraduate students by two asterisks (**)].


**Sharp, C.A., Mackintosh, K.A., Erjavec, M., Pascoe, D., & Horne, P.J. (2017). Validity and reliability of the Fitbit Zip as a measure of preschool children’s step count. BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, 2017;3:e000272.doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2017-000272


Erjavec, M., Horne, P.J.; Hughes, J.C.; & Sharp, C. (2015). In memoriam: C. Fergus Lowe 1946–2014. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 104 (2) 93-95.


Erjavec, M.; Viktor, S.; Horne, P. J.; & Lowe, C. F. (2012). Implementing a healthy eating programme: Changing children's eating habits for life. Community Practitioner. 85, (4) 39-40.


Pears*, S. L., Jackson*, M. C., Bertenshaw*, E. J., Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., & Erjavec, M. (2012).  Validation of food diaries as measures of behaviour change. Appetite, doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2012.02.017                    


Camoes-Costa**, V., Erjavec, M., & Horne, P. J. (2011). The impact of body-part naming training on the accuracy of imitative performances in 2- to 3-year-old children.  Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 96, 291-315.


Gurteen**, P. M., Horne, P. J., & Erjavec, M. (2011). Rapid word learning in 13- and 17-month-olds in a naturalistic two-word procedure.  Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 109, 201-217.


Horne, P. J., Greenhalgh*, J., Erjavec, M., Lowe, C.F., Viktor**, S., & Whitaker, C. J. (2011).  Increasing pre-school children’s consumption of fruit and vegetables. A modelling and rewards intervention.  Appetite, 56, 375-385.


              Hardman*, C., Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (2011). Effects of rewards, peer modelling and pedometer targets on children’s physical activity: a school-based intervention study.  Psychology and Health, 26, 3-21.


Camoes-Costa*, V., Erjavec, M., & Horne, P. J. (2010).  Comprehension and production of body-part labels in 2 to 3-year-old children.  British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 29, 552-571.


Greenhalgh*, J., Dowey*, A. J., Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., Griffiths*, J. G., & Whitaker, C. J. (2009).  Positive and negative peer modelling effects on young children's consumption of novel blue foods.  Appetite, 52, 646-653.                                     


              Horne, P. J., Hardman**, C., Lowe, C.F., Tapper**, K., Le Noury**, J., Madden**, P., Patel**, P., & Doody**, M. (2009).  Increasing parental provision and children’s consumption of lunchbox fruit and vegetables in Ireland: the Food Dudes intervention.  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63, 613-618.                                                    


Lowe, C. F., & Horne, P. J. (2009).  “Food Dudes”: Increasing children’s fruit and vegetable consumption.  Cases in Public Health Communication & Marketing, 3, 161-185.                                                  


Horne, P. J., Hardman*, C., Lowe, C.F., & Rowlands, A.V. (2009).  Increasing children’s physical activity: a peer-modelling, rewards, and pedometer-based intervention.  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63, 191-198.


Hardman*, C., Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (2009). A home-based intervention to   increase physical activity in girls: the Fit'n'Fun Dudes program.  Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 7, 1-8.


Hardman*, C., Horne, P. J., & Rowlands, A. (2009).  Children's pedometer determined physical activity during school-time and leisure-time.  Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness, 7, 129-134.


  Erjavec, M., Lovett*, V.E., & Horne, P.J.(2009).  Do infants show generalized imitation of gestures (2):  The effects of skills training and multiple exemplar matching training.  Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 91, 355-376.


            Horne, P. J., Erjavec, M., & Lovett*, V. E. (2009).  The effects of modelling, stimulus enhancement, and affordance demonstration on the production of object-directed actions in 6-month-old infants.  British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27, 269-281.


              Erjavec*, M., & Horne, P. J. (2008).  Determinants of imitation of hand-to-body gestures in 2- and 3-year-old children.  Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 89, 183-207.


Horne, P. J., & Erjavec*, M. (2007).  Do infants show generalized imitation of gestures?   Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 87, 63-87.


              Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., & Harris*, F. D. A. (2007).  Naming and categorization in young children: V. Manual sign training. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 87, 367-381.


Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., Hardman**, C., & Tapper**, K. (2006).  A peer-modeling and rewards-based intervention is effective in increasing fruit and vegetableconsumption in children.   Preventive Medicine, 43, 351.


              Horne, P. J., Hughes*, J. C., & Lowe, C. F. (2006).  Naming and categorization in young children: IV: Listener behavior training and transfer of function. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 85, 247-273.


Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., & Hughes*, J. C. (2005).  Naming and categorization in young children: III : Vocal tact training and transfer of function. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 83, 47-65.


Horne, P. J., Tapper**, K., Lowe, C. F., Hardman, C. A., Jackson**, M. C., & Woolner**, J. (2004).  Increasing children's fruit and vegetable consumption: A peer-modeling and rewards-based intervention.  European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 58, 1649-1660.


Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., & Randle*, V. R. L. (2004).  Naming and categorization in young children: II: Listener behavior training.  Journal of the        Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 81, 267-288.                                                   


              Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., Tapper**, K., & Bowdery**, M., & Egerton, C (2004).  Effects of modelling and rewards based intervention to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in children. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 58, 510-522.


Tapper**, K., Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (2003).  Helping children eat fruit and vegetables.  The Psychologist, 16, 18-21.


Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., Harris*, F. D. A, & Randle*, V. R. L. (2002).  Naming and categorization in young children: I: Vocal tact training.  Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 78, 527-549.


Henry*, L. M., & Horne, P. J. (2000).  Partial remediation of speaker and listener behavior in people with severe dementia.  Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 33, 631-634.                                      


Lowe, C. F., Dowey*, A., & Horne, P. J. (1998).  Changing what children eat.  In A. Murcott (Ed), Food Choice: Modern Social Science Definitions and Discoveries.  London: Longman, 57-80                                                       


Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., Bowdery**, M. A., & Egerton, C. (1998).  The way to healthy eating for children.  British Food Journal, 100, 133-140                                                                  

Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (1997). Toward a theory of verbal behavior.  Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 68, 271-296.


Lowe, C. F., & Horne, P. J. (1996).  Reflections on naming and other symbolic behavior.  Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 65, 315-353.


Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (1996).  On the origins of naming and other symbolic behavior.  Target articleJournal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 65, 185-241.


Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., Fleming*, P. F. J., & Dowey*, A. J. (1995).  An effective procedure for changing food preferences in 5-7 year old children.  Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 54, 441-452.


Chadwick*, P. D. J, Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., & Higson, P. J. (1994).  Modifying Delusions - The role of empirical testing.  Behavior Therapy, 25, 35-49  


Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (1993).  Determinants of human performance on concurrent schedules.  Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 59, 29-60.                                                                                             

Catania, A. C., Lowe, C. F., & Horne, P. J. (1990).  Nonverbal behavior correlated with the shaped verbal behavior of children.  The Analysis of Verbal         Behavior, 8, 43-57.                


Catania, A. C., Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (1989).  Transfer of function across members of an equivalence class.  The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 7, 99-110.


Lowe, C.F., & Horne, P.J. (1988).  On the origins of selves and self-control. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 11, 689-690.


 Horne, P.J. (1988).  Review of G. C. L. Davey & C. Cullen (Eds).  Human operant conditioning and behaviour modification.  British Journal of Psychology, 29, 550-552.


Book chapters:


Lowe, C.F., Horne, P. J., Viktor, S., Kelly, P., Pears**, S., & Anthony, T. (2011). “Franchising” Social Marketing.  In J. French, R. Merritt, and L. Reynolds (Eds), Social Marketing Casebook.   Sage: London, UK, 218-231.

Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (2002).  Il Naming e altri comportamento simbolici.  In P. Moderato & P. N. Chase (Eds), Pensieri, Parole e Comportamento.    Milano: McGraw-Hill, 57-90.

 [This is a translation into Italian of Part 1 of the Horne & Lowe, (1996) target article.]                                


Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C. F. (2002).  Un'analisis critica del fenomeno dell'equivalenza delo stimolo.  In P. Moderato & P.N. Chase (Eds), Pensieri, Parole e Comportamento.  Milano: McGraw-Hill, 119-130.

 [This is a translation into Italian of Part 2 of the Horne & Lowe (1996) target article.]    


Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., Bowdery, M. A., Egerton, C., & Tapper**, K. (2001). Increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables in children.  In J. S. A. Edwards & M. M. Hewedi (Eds), Culinary Arts and Sciences III, Global and National Perspectives.  Poole: Bournemouth University, 363-371.


Horne, P. J., & Lowe, P. J. (2000).  Putting the naming account to the test: Preview of an experimental program.  In J. C. Leslie & D. E. Blackman (Eds), Issues in Experimental and Applied Analyses of Human Behavior.  Reno, Nevada: Context Press, 127-148.


Lowe, C. F., Horne P. J., Woolner*, J., Dowey*, A. J., Fleming*, P. F. J., & Griffiths*, J.(1995).  The psychological determinants of children's food choice.  In E. Feichtinger & B.M. Kohler (Eds), Current Research into Eating Practices: Contributions of Social Sciences.  Proceedings of the European Interdisciplinary meeting-AGEV, Frankfurt AM Mein: Umschau-Zeitschr-Verlag, pp. 228-230.


Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., & Higson, P. J. (1987).  Operant conditioning: The hiatus between theory and practice in clinical psychology.  In H.J. Eysenck     and I. Martin (Eds), Theoretical Foundations of Behavior Therapy.  New York: Plenum, 153-165.


Lowe, C. F., & Horne, P. J. (1985).  On the generality of behavioural principles: Human choice and the matching law.  In C. F. Lowe, M. Richelle, & D. E. Blackman (Eds), Behaviour Analysis and Contemporary Psychology.  London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 97-115.




Sharp C., P. Horne., Erjavec, M., & Lowe, F. (2015). Increasing pre-school children's consumption of fruit and vegetables. A modelling and rewards intervention. Appetite, 87, 389. DOI: 10.1016/J.APPET.2014.12.157


Horne, P.J., & Lowe, C.F. (1994).  The development of naming, equivalence, and other "emergent" behavior.  Infant Behavior and Development, 17, 304.


Dowey, A. J., Griffiths, J. H., Horne, P. J., & Lowe, C.F. (1995).  Children's food choices: Social and psychological determinants.  Appetite, 24, 185.


Fleming, P. F. J., Horne, P. J., Lowe, C. F., & Griffiths, J. H. (1995).  Infants' acquisition of food preferences III. Appetite, 24, 187.


Fleming, P.F.J., Horne, P.J., Lowe, C.F., & Dowey, A.J. (1995).  Changing food preferences in children.  Appetite, 24, 266.


Horne, P.J., & Lowe, C.F. (1982).  Determinants of human performance on multiple concurrent variable-interval schedules.   Behaviour Analysis Letters, 2, 186-7. 



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