Dr Sandy Toogood
Honorary Professor

- 2023
Coaching special education and social enterprise staff to support engagement in meaningful activities and develop vocational skills for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Evans, C. (Author), Hughes, C. (Supervisor) & Toogood, S. (Supervisor), 21 Apr 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2018
A total population study of challenging behaviour and evaluation of Positive Behavioural Support outcomes
Bowring, D. (Author), Totsika, V. (Supervisor), Hastings, R. (Supervisor) & Toogood, S. (Supervisor), Mar 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2008
Challenging behaviours in adults with an intellectual disability, and the active support model
Totsika, V. (Author), Hastings, R. (Supervisor) & Toogood, S. (Supervisor), Feb 2008Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy