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  1. Jones, Steve

    Person: Support

  2. Jones, Suthisa

    Person: Support

  3. Jones, Tanya

    Person: Professional

  4. Jones, Tracy

    Person: Support

  5. Jones, Wayne

    Person: Professional

  6. Jordan, Trudy

    Person: Support

  7. Jorjoran Shushtari, Zahra

    Person: Research

  8. Judd, Natasha

    Person: Research

  9. Karami, Azhdar

    Person: Academic

  10. Karibo, Pretty

    Person: Support, Academic

  11. Karl, Raimund

    Person: Non Staff

  12. Kaunhoven, Rebekah

    Person: Academic

  13. Kawahara, Miku

    Person: Research

  14. Kelly, Charlotte

    Person: Professional

  15. Kelly, Ed

    • School of Education - Lecturer in Education (Teaching & Scholarship, Initial Teacher Education)

    Person: Academic

  16. Kelly, Imogen

    Person: Academic

  17. Kelly, Judith

    • Sport - Bookings & Finance Assistant

    Person: Support

  18. Kennaway, Sion

    Person: Support

  19. Kennedy, Gaynor

    Person: Support

  20. Kennedy, Hilary

    Person: Non Staff, Academic

  21. Kevill, Jessica

    Person: Research

  22. Keys, Jess

    Person: Support