Professor Simon Neill

Professor in Physical Oceanography

Contact info

Room: Room 212, Marine Centre Wales     Phone: 01248 383938


Web: Google ScholarResearchGateAmazon Author PageTwitter; Google Knowledge Panel

I am professor in physical oceanography, specializing in ocean renewable energy: characterizing the wave and tidal energy resource, understanding wave-tide interaction, optimizing grid integration of arrays of marine renewable energy devices, and quantifying the environmental impacts of extracting energy from the oceans. I am founder and course director of an MSc in Marine Renewable Energy, and committee member of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), working on revising IEC Technical Specification 62600-201: Tidal Energy Resource Assessment and Characterization. I am a member of the editorial board of the Elsevier journal Renewable Energy, have written a textbook on marine energy "Fundamentals of Ocean Renewable Energy: Generating Electricity from the Sea", and am lead sediment scientist at FORCE (Fundy Ocean Research Center for Energy). I also have other shelf sea research interests, including palaeoceanography, sediment dynamics, and simulating the dispersal of marine organisms and microplastics.

I currently lead a wide range of research projects at Bangor University, including:

Research Areas

  1. Book › Research › Not peer-reviewed
  2. Published

    Fundamentals of Ocean Renewable Energy: Generating Electricity from the Sea

    Neill, S. & Hashemi, M. R., 12 Jun 2018, London: Academic Press. 336 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  3. Commissioned report › Research › Not peer-reviewed
  4. Published

    Estimates of the extreme meteorological and oceanographic conditions near Amlwch.

    Neill, S. P. & Elliott, A. J., 1 Jan 2005, 2005 ed. Unknown.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  5. Published

    Oceanographic observations in the Savick Brook.

    Elliott, A. J. & Neill, S. P., 1 Jan 2004, 2004 ed. Unknown.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  6. Published

    Science to Policy: The role of marine renewable energy in a low carbon future

    Wiik, E., Neill, S., Lewis, M., Robins, P., O'Doherty, T., Toberman, H., Pan, S., Ebdon, T., Masters, I. & Togneri, M., Mar 2019, Ser Cymru National Research Network for Low Carbon, Energy and Environment. (Science to Policy)

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  7. Review article › Research › Peer-reviewed
  8. Published

    A review of the UK and British Channel Islands practical tidal stream energy resource

    Coles, D., Angeloudis, A., Greaves, D., Hastie, G., Lewis, M., Mackie, L., McNaughton, J., Miles, J., Neill, S., Piggott, M., Risch, D., Scott, B., Sparling, C., Stallard, T., Thies, P., Walker, S., White, D., Willden, R. & Williamson, B. J., 24 Nov 2021, In: Proceedings of the Royal Society A . 477, 2255, 20210469.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  9. Published

    A review of tidal energy - Resource, feedbacks, and environmental interactions

    Neill, S., Haas, K., Thiebot, J. & Yang, Z., Nov 2021, In: Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 13, 6, 17 p., 062702.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

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