Professor Stefan Machura
Professor in Criminology & Criminal Justice

Contact info
Answer phone: 01248-382214
Stefan Machura teaches criminology and criminal justice at Bangor University. The perceived fairness of authorities and of procedures like court trials, lay participation in the administration of justice and the portrayal of the legal system in popular media and its effects form major aspects of his research.
In 2020, Stefan Machura received the International Prize Honorary Mention of the Law and Society Association (USA) in recognition of significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge in the field of law and society.
Since 2000, Stefan Machura is one of the editors of the "Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie. The German Journal of Law and Society", 2010-2014 main editor (info:
The Working Group on Law and Popular Culture of the International Sociological Association's Research Committee on Sociology of Law (RCSL) has elected Stefan Machura as its chair.
Stefan Machura is board member of the Sociology of Law Section in the German Sociological Association since 1998 ( In addition, he is a board member of the (German) Association for Law and Society “Vereinigung für Recht und Gesellschaft” (
Since 2023, Stefan Machura is a member of the Youth Justice Board Academic Liaison Network.
Professor Machura's research interests are related to the areas of sociology of law, political sociology, criminology and criminal justice, popular culture including mass media and music. He is particularly interested in international and transdisciplinary research, and in cooperating with scholars and practitioners from various academic backgrounds and from different countries. In his work, he uses a range of research methods, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods, cross-sectional and case studies, panel studies, randomised telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews, court observation and systematic analyses of media content.
Teaching and Supervision
Teaching and Administration
Undergraduate Teaching
- SXY1005 Introduction to Criminology
- SXY2004/3004 Crime and the Media
- HPS2022/3022 Understanding Criminal Courts.
Postgraduate Teaching
- SXU4016/SXU4017 MA Dissertation (module coordinator)
- SXY4015 Key Issues in Criminology
- SXY4020 Comparative and International Criminal Justice.
- Exams Officer (postgraduate taught degrees, PGT)
- Programme Lead PGT (criminology and related social sciences).
PhD students / postgraduate researchers currently supervised:
- David Ashworth: Driving Offences under the Influence of Drugs
- Alicia Edwards: Agromafia.
PhD students previously supervised:
- Iossif Irhoumah: Satellite Television and Informal Social Control Institutions. Libyan Society in the Era of Globalization
- Yusuf Usman: The Renewal of Hostilities in the Nigerian Delta Region in 2016 and the Failure of the Presidential Amnesty
- Marc Lewis: Making Connections: The Socio-Economic Impacts of an All-Wales Integrated Transport System.
Modules previously taught:
Undergraduate modules
- Actors in the Legislation Process
- Administrative Courts in Action
- Administrative Policy
- Americana film genre
- BA Dissertation module
- Contemporary Social Debates
- Courts and Lawyers in the Media – Media Content, Media Strategies, Media Effects
- Crime and Law in Film
- Emile Durkheim
- Interest Groups, Parties, Elections – Political Sociology
- Introduction to Political Science
- Introductory Criminology
- Law in Film
- Law, State and Social Development as Seen by Weber and Luhmann
- LLM Dissertation (module coordinator)
- Max Weber
- Media and Politics
- Prison Films 1930-2000
- Procedural and Distributive Justice
- Public Management
- Social Science Perspectives
- Sociology of Law
- Sociology of Organization and Public Administration
- The Criminal Procedure as Seen by the Defendant
- The German Courtroom Film
Postgraduate Modules
- Applied Research in Criminology
- Applied Social Research
- Comparative and International Criminal Justice
- Comparative Criminological Research
- International Case Studies in Criminology
- Key Issues in Crime and Justice
- Procedures and the Construction of Collective Action
- Social Science in Action
- The Research Process
Contact Info
Answer phone: 01248-382214
Grant Awards and Projects
At Bangor University, Stefan Machura has conducted a series of empirical studies on the public perception of police and courts. The studies focus on citizen’s direct and indirect sources of information ranging from contacting police and appearing in court to the effects of popular TV series and of having family and friends in the police or the legal profession.
2015 and 2016, in collaboration with Penny Darbyshire (Kingston University), trials at youth courts were systematically observed and interviews with judges, lawyers, social workers and prosecutors, as well as experts, conducted. Stefan Machura continued these studies in the following years.
In 2016, Stefan Machura investigated the inclination of students to drive while under the influence of alcohol or of a prescription drug which comes with a warning that it impairs the ability to control a car.
In collaboration with Fay Short (School of Psychology) and North Wales Police, Stefan Machura studied how police officers and members of the public react to cases constituting a breach of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Data were sampled in the first half of 2017, resulting in more than 800 returned questionnaires.
In 2023, in cooperation with North Wales Police, Gwent Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales Police and partners from four universities, Stefan Machura has investigated the effects of national media coverage on local trust and confidence. The project was funded by the All-Wales Policing Academic Collaboration.
Research areas and keywords
- H Social Sciences (General) - Sociology of law, Socio-legal studies, Criminology, Criminal justice, Political sociology, Popular legal culture
- JF Political institutions (General) - Politics and courts, Ministerial bureaucracy, Political administration
Education / academic qualifications
- 2009 - Other , Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education
- 2005 - Professional , Umhabilitation
- 2000 - PhD , Habilitation, dissertation "Fairneß und Legitimität"
- 1992 - PhD , The control of state-owned enterprises
- 1987 - Other , Diplom-Sozialwissenschaftler, dissertation on the political control of ministerial bureaucracy
Research outputs (159)
- Accepted/In press
Systems Theory and Procedure
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
- Accepted/In press
The Youth Court in England and Wales: Learnings from European Contexts and Local Developments
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
- Accepted/In press
Character Development and Legal Message in Popular Culture
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (53)
The process is the punishment “Anatomie of a Fall” in the context of the courtroom drama genre
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
The Influence of Social Media on Trust in the Police
Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Law and War in Opera
Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Accolades (1)
International Prize Honorable Mention 2020
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)
Projects (3)
Effects of national media coverage on local trust and confidence
Project: Research