Dr Tim Pagella
Senior Lecturer in Forestry

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Contact info
Room F15b
School of Natural Sciences,
Thoday Building
Deiniol Road
Bangor University
Tel: +44 (0)1248 382286
Email: t.pagella@bangor.ac.uk
Contact Info
Room F15b
School of Natural Sciences,
Thoday Building
Deiniol Road
Bangor University
Tel: +44 (0)1248 382286
Email: t.pagella@bangor.ac.uk
I am a system scientist primarily interested in agroforestry systems. In particular my research focuses on the capacity of trees outside woodland to deliver ecosystem services, resilience and secure livelihood systems. I am interested in how livelihood and wellbeing benefits from these systems are distributed across scales (in both tropical and temperate systems). Much of my recent research has been in partnership with World Agroforestry (ICRAF) including recent work on gender transformation in land restoration in the Sahel.
I have experience of using local knowledge for natural resource management and understanding socio-ecological systems. My PhD focused on the development of negotiation support tools (specifically Polyscape) for exploring trade-offs and synergies amongst impacts of land use change on ecosystem services (see Pagella and Sinclair, 2014; Jackson et al., 2013). Other recent research has included:
- RHoMIS (Rural Household Multiple Indicator Survey) - which is a climate smart agricultural characterisation tool - with James Hammond .
- MULTILAND project - which examines the role of shelterbelt systems for building resilience in temperate upland systems.
- The West Africa Forest-Farm Interface Project (WAFFI): Strengthening smallholder food security, income and gender equity within West Africa’s forest-farm interface
- Darwin Project - Landscape approach to enhance biodiversity and livelihoods in the Comoros
- Natural Resources Wales - working in partnership with Environment systems on 'GIS for area statements'
- Gender transformative pathways with Gloria Adeyiga
Aspirations of rural households and development efforts with ICRAF
Teaching and Supervision
Bangor, School of Natural Sciences
I am the programme lead for Bangor University's three undergraduate forestry programmes (Forestry, Conservation with Forestry and Woodland Management and Conservation)
I am the Module leader for
DXX-1003 Forestry in the 21st Century
DXX 4505 Matural Resource Management (MSc)
I contribute teaching to a range of modules within SNS including
DDL-4004, DDL4201, DXX1001, DXX3707, DXX2001 and DXX3016
Bangor Collage China
I am the programme lead for Bangor University's undergraduate forestry programme at the join Bangor-Central South University of Forestry and Technology University Campus, Changsha, China
Current PhD Supervision:
- Swati Renduchintala (agroecological expansion in Andhra Pradesh, India)
- Endri Martini (the roles of farmers in agroforestry extension services that complement with the public extension services, through a farmer-to-farmer extension models
- Aulia Soebandhi (agricultural change management; processes and path trajectories of farmer producers in environmentally-challenged areas
- Yawo Tenou (intergrating behaviour change metrics in food security)
- Gloria Adeyiga (Gender transformative pathways in land restoration)
Recent Completed PhD Students
Ashley Hardaker (2018-2021)
Mary Crossland (2018-2021) ICRAF
Mai Phuong Nguyen (2015-2019) ICRAF
Research outputs (41)
- Published
Relational values in locally adaptive farmer-to-farmer extension: how important?
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Variation in root morphology amongst tree species influences soil hydraulic conductivity and macroporosity
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Ten people-centered rules for socially sustainable ecosystem restoration
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (2)
Scenarios for expanding Climate Smart Woodlands in Wales
Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
GEF-IAP-FS Programme annual meeting workshop
Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course
Projects (6)
ICRAF research 2022
Project: Research