Dr Vicky Gottwald

Senior Lecturer Sport and Exercise Sciences (Skill Acquisition)

Contact info

School of Psychology and Sport Science, Institute for the Psychology of Elite Performance (IPEP)

Location: George Building (Room 302)

Email: v.m.gottwald@bangor.ac.uk

Tel: +44(0)1248 382824

Twitter: @GottwaldVicky

Research Group: http://ipep.bangor.ac.uk/ 

Vicky is a researcher in skill acquisition with particular interest in coaching instruction. She is a UKCC Level 4 Coach and the Talent Identification and Transfer Lead for the Welsh Institute of Performance Science (WIPS). She has experience working with a number of high performance sporting organisations, including UK Sport, Weigthlifting Wales, Welsh Rowing, England Athletics and UK Deaf Sport.

Contact Info

School of Psychology and Sport Science, Institute for the Psychology of Elite Performance (IPEP)

Location: George Building (Room 302)

Email: v.m.gottwald@bangor.ac.uk

Tel: +44(0)1248 382824

Twitter: @GottwaldVicky

Research Group: http://ipep.bangor.ac.uk/ 

Vicky is a researcher in skill acquisition with particular interest in coaching instruction. She is a UKCC Level 4 Coach and the Talent Identification and Transfer Lead for the Welsh Institute of Performance Science (WIPS). She has experience working with a number of high performance sporting organisations, including UK Sport, Weigthlifting Wales, Welsh Rowing, England Athletics and UK Deaf Sport.


Vicky Gottwald BSc. PGCE. PGDip. PhD. SFHEA is a skill acquisition researcher and member of the Institute of Psychology for Elite Performance (IPEP) at Bangor University. Her research interests are well aligned with her passion for sports coaching, and she is particularly interested in coaching instruction. More specifically, the way in which verbal instruction can direct an athlete's attention and consequently, either enhance or impede motor learning and performance. Similarly, Vicky has an interest in talent identification and development; specifically, with regards to enhancing the practice environment for optimal performance.

Vicky is the Talent Identification and Transfer lead for the Welsh Institute for Performance Science (WIPS: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/sports-science/astem/wips/); a three-way partnership between Sport Wales, Wales’ leading academic sport scientists and relevant industry partners to support multi-disciplinary, world-leading, applied performance science projects that enhance the performance of Welsh athletes and businesses.

As a UKCC Level 4 basketball coach, Vicky has extensive experience applying skill acquisition related theoretical concepts in practice and has coached across various stages of the Basketball Wales National Team Programmes. 


Teaching and Supervision

I currently teach on the following modules:

  • Level 5 Skill Acquisition
  • Level 5 Sport Psychology: Theory and Application

Postgraduate Project Opportunities

I am willing to supervise PhD candidates on projects within areas of expertise e.g. coaching instruction (attentional focus), practice structure and talent identification and development.

Self-funded (inc.agency-funded) projects: I welcome informal enquiries from prospective PhD students interested in projects related to the above topic areas. Please submit a draft research proposal to v.m.gottwald@bangor.ac.uk. 

Funded projects: Studentship opportunities within the School can be found at: https://www.bangor.ac.uk/studentfinance/postgraduate/funding#psychology


Basketball, Coaching, Sea Swimming, Meditation

Education / academic qualifications

  • 2019 - Postgraduate Diploma in Elite Coaching Practice
  • 2016 - Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
  • 2011 - PhD Skill Acquisition
  • 2007 - M-Level Postgraduate Certificate of Education (Secondary Physical Education)
  • 2006 - BSc Sports Science

Research outputs (38)

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Prof. activities and awards (25)

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