Dr Wei Shi
Reader in International IP Law and Commercial Arbitration

Contact info
Email: w.shi@bangor.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)1248 382518
Location: New Arts 402
Contact Info
Email: w.shi@bangor.ac.uk
Phone: +44 (0)1248 382518
Location: New Arts 402
Dr Wei Shi is Reader in Law in Bangor University. Having spent five years working as a judge in a court in Shandong Provence in the late 1980s following the completion of his undergraduate studies, he returned to academia and obtained his Masters degree in law in Renmin University of China, Beijing. He then took up a lectureship at the Law School of Shandong University, and taught there until 2000. Under the auspices of the EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme, he worked as a Visiting Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law from 2000 to 2001 before embarking on his PhD in International Law at St John’s College, University of Cambridge. His PhD addresses the multifaceted issues of intellectual property rights enforcement in the global trading system from EU-China perspective.
Administrative Roles and Responsibilities:
Wei has carried out varieties of administrative roles:
- Overseas Recruitment (mainly China)
- Director of Postgraduate Studies (PGR Lead)
- Law School Ethics Officer
- Founding Director of Bangor Confucius Institute
Wei has heavily been involved in, and significantly contributed to, the establishment of the Confucius Institute in Bangor University, the first of this kind in the world with legal focus. Our partnership university regarding the Confucius Institute is the China University of Political Science and Law, one of the leading universities in China.
He has established himself as a leading scholar at the forefront of the field of international intellectual property law, which lies in the intersection of intellectual property and the global trading system. He has published widely within the above areas and has a number of other works in progress. His work has appeared in the leading international peer reviewed journals, such as American Business Law Journal, University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law, Wisconsin International Law Journal, North Carolina Journal of International Law & Commercial Regulation, and Connecticut Journal of International Law.
Wei’s work has been cited by some world leading law journals, for example:
- New Political Economy (2018)
- Stanford Journal of International Law (2017)
- Chicago Kent Journal of International & Comparative Law (2016)
- Harvard International Law Journal (2015)
- New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (2014)
- American Business Law Journal (2013)
- American Journal of Comparative Law (2012)
- New York International Law Review (2011)
- Chicago Journal of International Law (2010)
- European Intellectual Property Review (2009)
- Columbia Journal of Asian Law (2008)
Wei's publication profile can be viewed here:
Teaching and Supervision
Wei teaches varieties of modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels:
- SXL1112 Law of Contract (2007-2010)
- SXL2131/SXL3131 Private International Law (2008-2013)
- SXL2136/SXL3136 Intellectual Property Law
- SXL1507/SXL2507 Contemporary Chinese Studies
- SXL2506 Chinese Legal System
- SXL4010/SXL4410 Global Trade Law
- SXL4006/SXL4406 International Commercial Arbitration
- SXL4004/SXL4404 Intellectual Property Law
- SXL4001/SXL4401 Competition Law
- SXL4109/SXL4119 Legal Research Methods
- SXL4009/SXL4409 Legal Research Methods
Wei also supervises research students. He has supervised 14 PhD students for completion (10 as primary supervisor) and is currently supervising 4 PhD students (as primary supervisor).
Postgraduate Project Opportunities
Dr Shi welcomes proposals from potential research students in the following areas:
- Intellectual Property Law in a Global Context
- Intellectual Property in the Global Trading System
- Intellectual Property and Development
- Transnational Dispute Settlement involving Intellectual Property
- International Transfer of Technology
- Intellectual Property and International Investment
Professional Membership
- Member, Society of Legal Scholars (SLS) (since 2007)
- Member, International Law Association (ILA, British Branch) (from 2005)
- Fellow, Cambridge Overseas Society (since 2002)
Reviewers and Referees
- Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property (Since 2014)
- Asian Journal of Communications (since 2011)
- Routledg (since 2009)
- Cambridge University Press (2015)
PhD External Examiner
- SOAS, University of London
- Kings University London
- Northumbria University
- Cardiff University
- Aberystwyth University
- Swansea University
Visiting Positions
- Renmin University of China
- China University of Political Science and Law
- Nankai University
- Shandong University
Research Activity at Previous HEIs
Earlier Publications
- Shi, W, “The Principle of Imputation in Product Liability: A Comparative Analysis between China and the US,” 2 Journal of Shandong University [Social Science Edition] (ISSN 1001-9839), 99-108 (2000)
- Shi, W, “Towards Applicable Law of Intellectual Property,” 1 Journal of Shandong University [Social Science Edition],33-36 (2000)
- Shi, W, “Some Reflections on the Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property,” 5 Modern Law Review [Xiandai Faxue](ISSN 1001-2397), 74-78 (1999)
- Shi, W, “The Impact of TRIPs on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China,” Chinese Yearbook of Private International Law & Comparative Law (ISBN 7-5036-2483-3/D), 53-64 (1998)
- Shi, W, “The Conflict of Civil & Commercial Laws Applicable to Hong Kong before and after 1997,” Central South University of Political Science & Law (ISBN 7-5006-3435-8/C), 1011-1015 (1998)
- Shi, W, “The Impact of TRIPs on China and the Countermeasures,” 3 Journal of Shandong University [Social Science Edition], 18-23 (1998)
- Shi, W, “Conflict of laws between Mainland China and Hong Kong: Some Reflections,” 5 Studies in Law and Economics [Fa Shang Yanjiu], 1-8 (1997)
- Zhang, S & Shi, W, “Private International Law in China since the Implementation of the ‘Open Door’ Policy,” Modern Private International Law (ISBN 7-307-02350-4/D), Wuhan University Press 25-36 (1997)
- Zhang, S & Shi, W, “An Overview of Private International Law in China in 1995,” 34 (1) Jurists [Fa Xue Jia] 83-85(1996)
Grant Awards and Projects
- National Scholarship for Distinguished Overseas Doctorate Researchers ($5,000) awarded by China Scholarship Council (2004)
- Research Award for Humanities & Social science, University of Cambridge (2003)
- Cambridge Overseas Scholarship (2002)
- Fellowship of EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme (funded by European Commission) (2000)
Research outputs (12)
- Published
Trade Wars: A Prism of the US, EU and China
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Entry for encyclopedia/dictionary › peer-review
- Published
The Cat and Mouse Saga Continues: Understanding the US-China Trade War
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Retrieving the Missing Ladder: Excavating Flexibility of the TRIPs Mechanism
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review