Contact Info


Yener Altunbaş is a Professor in Banking at Bangor Business School. He holds a BSc (Economics) degree from the University of Hacettepe, Ankara and a PhD from the Unversity of Wales, Bangor. He worked first as an analyst with Ziraat and then as an economist in Etibank Banking Inc. in Turkey and as a Research Officer within the Institute of European Finance in the UK. Yener Altunbaş was employed as a Research Fellow with the Business School at South Bank University, London and as a Research Associate at the Centre of Business Research in Cambridge University. He also held a Visiting Researcher post at the European Central Bank (ECB), Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and a guest lectureship at the University of Yildirim Bayazit, Anakara, Turkey. Professor Altunbaş is currently a consultant for ECB, BIS and he is collaborating on research projects with other colleagues at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Central Bank of Turkey. Author of many articles on the structure and efficiency of banking markets, his main fields of research interest include: the study of European banks, efficiency, stock market analysis, corporate governance, electoral studies, regional economics and climate change. Recent research has also been concerned with marine biology.



PhD (Economics), University of Wales (Bangor).

BSc (Economics), University of Hacettepe, Ankara.

Teaching and Supervision


Postgraduate Teaching

  • Bank Financial Management (ASB-4402)
  • Mergers and Acquisitions (ASB-4437)
  • Supervision of PhD students

Research outputs (54)

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Prof. activities and awards (1)

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