Professor Zhen Jing
Emeritus Professor

Contact info
Phone: 01248 383695
Location: Room 105, Athrolys
Professor Zhen Jing was Chair in Commercial Law, Comparative Law and Chinese Law. She is a graduate of the Central University of Finance and Economics of China, Beijing (BA); University of Wales, Swansea (MPhil); and Queen Mary, University of London (PhD). Zhen joined Bangor Law School as a Law Lecturer in 2007 and was promoted to Senior Lecturer and to Professor in later years. She is now Emeritus Professor.
Zhen teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate modules. She has been doing research in Insurance Law, Maritime Law and International Trade Law for years, and has published extensively in internationally significant refereed journals, such as Company Lawyer, Connecticut Insurance Law Journal, Hong Kong Law Journal, Insurance Law Journal, International Company and Commercial Law Review, Journal of Business Law, Journal of British Insurance Law Association, Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, Journal of International Maritime Law and other journals.
Zhen is the author of the book: Chinese Insurance Contracts: Law and Practice, published by Informa Law from Routledge in December 2016. This book won the British Insurance Law Association Book Prize 2017. This book is the first systematic text written in English on Chinese Insurance Law. It offers a critical analysis of the major principles, doctrines and concepts of insurance contract law in China. With a comparative analysis of relevant rules from another 16 jurisdictions such as Australia, Germany, UK, and the USA, it provides a broad perspective on Chinese Insurance Law, facilitating a better understanding and evaluation of the complex principles of the Insurance Law.
Zhen is the author of the book: The Regulation of Insurance in China, published by Routledge in June 2021. This book consists of 24 chapters and 1472 pages. It provides a comprehensive and systematic analysis of rules of law and administrative regulations on China’s insurance industry and insurance market, covering four level of regulatory hierarchy − the statutory law, the regulations enacted by the central government, the regulations developed by the insurance supervision and regulation authority of the State Council, and self-regulations by the insurance industry. This book discusses most aspects of the regulatory structure in China, including formation of an insurance company, its internal controls and risk management, corporate governance, operation of insurance business, solvency, insurance fund investment, the role of intermediaries in the market, the regulation of some important types of insurance, regulation of mutual insurance institutions, protection of policyholders, and the industrial self-regulation.
Zhen has served several administrative roles at Bangor Law School for years, such as the Director of Taught Postgraduate Programmes, Postgraduate Examination Officer, Postgraduate Admission Officer, and Chair of Unfair Practice Committee. She is currently serving as the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning, the Senior Tutor for postgraduate students, and the Director of the LLM programme in International Commercial and Business Law at Bangor Law School.
Research Interests:
Zhen's main research interests are in the areas of Commercial Law and Maritime Law, with particular interest in
- Insurance Law and Marine Insurance
- International Trade Law
- Maritime Law
- International Sales Law
- Chinese Law
- Comparative Law
Teaching and Supervision
Zhen has taught a variety of undergraduate modules:
- Contract Law
- Tort Law
- English Legal System
- Commercial Law
- International Trade Law
Zhen is teaching four LLM modules and two LLB modules:
- LLM International Sales Law (Module leader)
- LLM Insurance Law (Module leader)
- LLM Carriage of Goods by Sea (Module leader)
- LLM Legal Research Methods
- LLB Chinese Legal System (Module leader)
- LLB Contemporary Chinese Studies
PhD supervision:
Zhen has supervised 11 PhD students to completion and is currently supervising 4 other PhD students and one MRes student in the areas of Marine Insurance, Insurance Law, International Sales Law, and Maritime Law. Zhen welcomes applications from candidates who wish to study for PhD in these research areas.
Contact Info
Phone: 01248 383695
Location: Room 105, Athrolys
Conference Presentations:
- The 35th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime (Held in Cambridge University, 3 - 10 Sept 2017). Zhen was invited to give a presentation on "The Role of Insurance Regulator in Preventing and Controlling Insurers' Misconduct and Financial Crime".
- The International Conference of the 5th Annual World Congress of Ocean & Investment and Trade Fair (Held in China, 4-6 Nov 2016). Zhen was invited to give a presentation as a distinguished speaker on "Insurance Law Reform in the United Kingdom" and was invited to chair the Session on Marine Insurance.
- The 34th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime (Held in Cambridge University, 4 - 11 Sept 2016). Zhen was invited to give a presentation on "Regulation on Corporate Governance and Risk Management of Insurance Companies in China" in the Session "Re-enforcing Governance within Business and in Developing Effective Risk Management Systems".
- The 34th Cambridge International Symposium on Economic Crime (Held in Cambridge University, 4 - 11 Sept 2016). Zhen was invited to give a presentation on "Fraudulent Insurance Claims" in the Session of "Insurance Frauds and Crime in China".
- International Conference of the 4th Annual World Congress of Ocean & Investment and Trade Fair (Held in Qingdao, China, 6 - 8 Nov 2015). Zhen was invited to give a presentation as a distinguished speaker on "Reform on Utmost Good Faith in Marine Insurance Law - A Case Study on Chinese Law" and was invited to chair the Session on Marine Insurance.
- Sino-German International Maritime Law Conference (Held in Qingdao, China, 25-27 Oct 2014). Zhen was invited to give a presentation on "Utmost Good Faith in Marine Insurance - Chinese and English Perspective".
- International Conference of the 3rd Annual World Congress of Ocean & Investment and Trade Fair (Held in Dalian, China, 15-17 Oct 2014). Zhen was invited to give a presentation on "Warranties in Marine Insurance - A Comparative Study between English, Chinese and American Laws".
- In the Conference of Marine Insurance Law organized by the School of Law of Ocean University of China and the Intermediate People's Court of Qingdao (Held in the Intermediate People's Court of Qingdao), Zhen was invited to give the presentation on "Utmost Good Faith in English Insurance Law".
- International Conference, China-Europe Law Forum (Held in Bangor University, 11 Oct 2013). Zhen gave a presentation on "Warranty and Alteration of Risk during Insurance Period - A Critical Evaluation on Law Commissions' Proposals for Reform of Warranties".
- Chinese-English Insurance Law Conference (Held in London and Southampton, 23-24 April 2013), Zhen gave a presentation on "The Insured's Post-contract Duty of Notification of Increase of Risk: A Comparative Perspective".
- Welsh Law Schools' Conference (Held in 2008). Zhen gave a presentation on "A Potential Trap for the Insureds: The Application of the "'Basis of the Contract' Clauses in China's Insurance Market".
External Examiner for LLM Programmes:
LLM Programmes, School of Law, Manchester University
LLM Programmes, School of Law, Leicester University
External and Internal examiner for PhD candidates
Membership of Professional Learned Societies
Zhen is a member of British Insurance Law Association, and a member of Society of Legal Scholars.
Research outputs (33)
- Accepted/In press
Regulatory and Statutory Requirements on the Insurer’s Pre-Contractual Duty of Utmost Good Faith
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Accepted/In press
The Insurer’s Pre-Contractual Duty of Utmost Good Faith: A Critical Analysis of the Common Law Rules
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Accepted/In press
Reformulating the Criminal Offence of Insurance Claims Fraud: A Critical Analysis of English, German, and Chinese Laws
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review