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  • Lakshmi Ramana
    Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI)
  • Santosh S. Mathapati
    Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI)
  • Nitin Salvi
    Premium Serums and Vaccines Pvt. Ltd, Maharashtra
  • M.V. Khadilkar
    Premium Serums and Vaccines Pvt. Ltd, Maharashtra
  • Anita Malhotra
  • Vishal Santra
    Society for Nature Conservation and Community Engagement
  • Tarun Kumar Sharma
    Translational Health Science and Technology Institute (THSTI)
Snake bites are a neglected tropical disease, causing mortality and severe damage to various vital organs like the nervous system, kidneys and heart. There is increasing interest in designing new antivenom treatments that are more specific to particular groups (either taxonomic or regional) of species, given the increasing evidence that current polyvalent Indian antivenom is ineffective in many situations. Under these circumstances, being able to detect the species, or a group of species, responsible for the envenomation becomes important. Unfortunately, no such diagnostic tool is available in the Indian market. Such a tool will need to be rapid, sensitive and affordable. To address this need, we have combined the power of nanotechnology and paper microfluidics and herein report a device that has the ability to detect and differentiate viper venom from elapid and scorpion venom. In principle, this assay is based on the release of the dye from the stimuli-responsive glutaraldehyde cross-linked methylene blue-loaded gelatin (GMG) nanoparticles in the presence of snake venom metalloproteases and serine proteases. The developed equipment-free assay can detect and discriminate viper venom from that of elapids and scorpions. The low-end detection limit of the sensor is ∼3.0 ng for the saw-scaled viper Echis carinatus, while the same for Russell's viper Daboia russelii is ∼6.0 ng. The performance of the sensor remains unaltered for different batches of GMG nanoparticles. Altogether, this finding establishes the role of nanotechnology and paper microfluidics in the rapid and accurate detection of viper venom.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)685-694
Issue number4
Early online date20 Dec 2021
Publication statusPublished - 21 Feb 2022
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