A simple method to determine the settling velocity distribution from settling velocity tubes

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  • J. Malarkey
  • C.F. Jago
  • R. Hubner
  • Sarah Jones
Settling velocity tubes (SVTs), as originally proposed by Owen (1976), remain important instruments to determine in-situ sediment settling velocity distributions, particularly in estuaries. Because there is still a need for SVTs in the field, this note provides the theoretical basis for the analysis of the samples taken from SVTs; together with a MATLAB script to execute this analysis and detailed documentation on its use. The script, which is based on Jones and Jago's (1996) original procedure, includes two additional constraints on the slopes of the curve fitted to the percentage of sediment in suspension with time, which help to control the fit
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)82-89
JournalContinental Shelf Research
Publication statusPublished - 8 Feb 2013
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