Abraham Kuyper (b.1837, d.1920) is described in a recent publication “as one of those rare intellectuals who actually led a popular movement. He thought it not enough just to articulate a worldview but built the organisations needed to implement it.” He is variously described as a theologian, philosopher, minister, politician, newspaper editor, educational innovator, reformer and statesman. He founded a university, founded two newspapers (in which he authored thousands of articles on politics, literature, science and art), founded a political party and broke from the State religion in forming a religious denomination. He lectured famously in the United States and served notably as prime minister of the Netherlands from 1901 to 1905.


  • Neocalvinism
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2020
EventGraduate Historical Studies - Michigan State University, United States
Duration: 17 Apr 202018 Apr 2020


ConferenceGraduate Historical Studies
Country/TerritoryUnited States
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