An Exterior/Interior-point Approach to Infeasibility in Model Predictive Control

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  • A.G. Wills
    The University of Newcastle
  • W.P. Heath
    The University of Newcastle
In this paper we address the issue of infeasibility in model predictive control. One popular way of dealing with infeasibility is to categorise constraints as being either hard or soft and include a penalty for soft constraint violations in the cost function. This penalty term can be made exact in the sense that all constraints will be satisfied if indeed possible. The exact penalty property is typically ensured by further including a linear term in the cost. If this term is not large enough, then the exact penalty property may be lost. We illustrate, by way of example, that choosing this term to be large may be detrimental to system dynamics. We propose a two stage process where feasibility is detected and then a model predictive control problem is solved using this new information. Our development is based on the classical exterior/interior-point framework which allows for an intuitive tuning procedure
Original languageUnknown
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 15 Mar 2004
Externally publishedYes
Event42nd IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37475) - Maui, United States
Duration: 9 Dec 200312 Dec 2003


Conference42nd IEEE International Conference on Decision and Control (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37475)
Country/TerritoryUnited States
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