Efficacy and Acceptability of Telehealth Training and Coaching Across Caregivers and Professionals

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

Efficient and effective training on evidence-based practices including applied behavior analysis (ABA) based interventions may not be accessible to caregivers and professionals implementing interventions. In order for caregivers and professionals to effectively implement ABA-based interventions, training and ongoing coaching are critical. However, numerous training barriers associated with traditional didactic models exist (e.g., time, costs, scheduling, shortage of qualified individuals). Telehealth is a model that can address these barriers and support individuals as they learn to implement ABA-based interventions. Telehealth is the use of online and communication technologies to deliver explicit training and ongoing coaching from a distance. This presentation aims to address the need for efficient and effective training on ABA-based interventions through the use of telehealth. The results of four single-case design studies in which caregivers and professionals (e.g., teachers, early intervention providers, and parents) were taught and coached via telehealth to implement ABA-based interventions are presented. Data regarding implementation fidelity, child outcomes, and social validity are shared.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2020
EventAssociation for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) 46th Annual Convention - Walter E. Washington Convention Center and the Marriott Marquis Washington, Washington, DC, United States -
Duration: 23 May 202025 May 2020


ConferenceAssociation for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) 46th Annual Convention - Walter E. Washington Convention Center and the Marriott Marquis Washington, Washington, DC, United States
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