This study evaluates the effectiveness of a brief functional analysis (FA) and functional communication training (FCT) conducted via telehealth. Three interventionist-child dyads took part in the study including one speech and language pathologist and two school teaching assistants, each working with one child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Interventionists were trained to fidelity using didactic training to implement a brief FA through support via live coaching from a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst® (BCBA®). A multiple baseline across participants design was utilised to evaluate if interventionists could implement functional communication training to decrease of problem behaviours that included aggression, elopement and disruption in children with ASD. The brief functional analysis identified a behaviour function for each participant indicating that brief FAs can be conducted successfully when provide support remotely. Sessions concluded earlier than planned due to school closures mandated by the COVID-19 outbreak for two of the three participants, with collected data providing evidence that telehealth is a valid model for enabling clinicians to effectively deliver assessment and intervention procedures remotely via telehealth.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2022
Event11th Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference 2022 - Dublin, Ireland - Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 1 Sept 20223 Sept 2022


Conference11th Association for Behavior Analysis International Conference 2022 - Dublin, Ireland
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