The research study was commissioned in June 2020 towards the end of the initial period of national lockdown caused by the increasing spread of the Covid-19 virus. At the time, there was little, if any, indication that there would be further period(s) of national lockdown as a result of the pandemic. The study collected data that pertains to the experiences of learning during the initial lockdown period (lockdown 1, March 2020 – June 2020) and the phased re-opening of schools (June - July 2020). To a lesser extent, data also pertains to the period of schools being open (September – December 2020 during which time schools isolated classes, year groups and individuals as a result of a positive covid-19 case), and the second period of national lockdown (from January 2021). The period of data collection was one involving fast-moving changes in provision for learning across our education system. The data provide snapshots from stakeholders in schools (learners, parents, teachers, and leaders) that exemplify a wide variety of experiences of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.


  • Covid 19, learners, Wales, lockdown effects
Original languageEnglish
PublisherWelsh Government
Commissioning bodyWelsh Government
Number of pages165
ISBN (electronic)9781803917955
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2022
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