Feeling Good About Truth

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

There is not a subject in philosophy that has such a noble and contentious history than that of the subject of truth and how to reconcile reality (or nature) and our perception of it. When Plato (c.427 BCE) through the mouth of Socrates challenged Euthyphro as to whether something was true because the gods said it or was there an external standard of truth by which we (mortals) should judge what the gods say is true, we have the first recorded salvo in Western philosophy as to what was the proper conception of truth (Jowett, 2019). What Plato was shining a light on was whether he should be bound to the self-justifying ethical subjectivity of the gods or whether he was to seek ethical objectivity and ultimate authority in a realm he would call “Truth”.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 16 Apr 2019
EventPost Graduate Philosophy Conference - Dublin University, Ireland
Duration: 15 Apr 201916 Apr 2019


ConferencePost Graduate Philosophy Conference
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