• S. Gola (Editor)
  • L. Rorato (Editor)
The chapter by the author focuses on a form of theatre which originated in Italy (teatro narrazione, or narrative theatre) but which has spread internationally, notably through the work of the radical writer, Dario Fo. It takes the acclaimed theoretical work of scholars such as Nora and Annette Kuhn on memory and applies it to the work of a key figure in the narrative theatre movement, the writer Marco Paolini. The chapter is contextualised in the introduction, written by the acclaimed scholar Alberto Casadei (University of Pisa), which describes and demonstrates the influence of cultural memory as an analytical concept. More specifically, the article provides an analysis of I-Tigi Canto per Ustica by Polini and Del Giudice by focusing on their concept of memory as a form of ‘political engagement'. At the same time, however, it offers a reflection on one of the most scandalous events in recent Italian history, the 1980 Ustica disaster.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherPeter Lang
ISBN (print)9789052013183
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2007
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