Model correction for a class of spatio-temporal systems

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  • S.O.R. Moheimani
    The University of Newcastle
  • W.P. Heath
    The University of Newcastle
Modal analysis has been used in modeling of a large number of physical systems such as beams, plates, acoustic enclosures, strings, etc. These models are often simplified by truncating higher frequency terms that lie out of the bandwidth of interest. Truncation can introduce a large error. This paper suggests a method of minimizing the effect of truncated modes on spatial low-frequency dynamics of the system by adding a spatial zero frequency term to the truncated model. The feed-through term is found such that the spatial norm of the error system is minimized.
Original languageUnknown
Pages (from-to)147-155
Number of pages9
Issue number1
Early online date31 Oct 2001
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2002
Externally publishedYes
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